The REAL Party of the Rich Guys: Top Dem Donors Have Outspent Top GOP Donors by $486


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
yet you sheep still fall for their lie, they are the party OF and FOR the little you like a fiddle:eusa_whistle:
Links and graphs at site

obama dollars

Last week The Gateway Pundit reported the “Evil” Koch Brothers Rank # 59 in political donations behind 18 different Democrat unions.

But, there’s more…
The political left always accuses the Republican Party of being the “party of rich guys.”
It’s a lie.

According to analysis from the political donation website Open Secrets:

A) Since 1989 Top DNC Donors have spent a total of $1,152,389,462.00 (With a B)
B) Since 1989 Top RNC Donors have spent a total or $736,075,110.00 (With an M)
C) Committed Democrat donors have outspent committed Republican donors by nearly $486 million since 1989
D) Overall, the top ten DNC donors outspent the top ten RNC donors by nearly 2 to 1 since 1989
E) The largest committed DNC donor group has outspent the largest committed RNC donor group by 67% since 1989
F) Committed Republican donors tend to cross-donate to Democrats 32% MORE OFTEN THAN committed Democrats cross-donate to Republicans

Here is a look at the donation comparisons from Open Secrets website.

all of it here
The REAL Party of the Rich Guys: Top Dem Donors Have Outspent Top GOP Donors by $486 Million in Last 25 Years | The Gateway Pundit
well, that is one dirty secret which our brainwashed leftards do not want to admit to - their party is the party of 1% ( and always was) and the one for whom e the middle class is both a milking cow and "let them die".
The LIEberals will not care. Cause LIEberals do not stand for anything. Just hypocrites, agreeing with each other on a daily basis.

Fact is the hype that was put out that the IRS is targeting Republican donors was also orchestrated by the commies in the white house.

ONE, they know the media is not going to really pursue anything.

TWO, the most important reason is they want it put out in the public to keep individuals and/or businesses from contributing to the Republican party. Everyone pretty much knows money wins these elections. Lack of money loses them.

This administration is as arrogant as any we have ever seen. I do not think we have ever seen anything like it. The stuff they have gotten away with, is truly unreal.


Nixon spied on handful of Democrats. The liberals (typically) go batshit crazy. They were all like


Obama was just caught spying on everyone.

Those same liberals are like.....

Ouch! I did a search for Koch Bros and this didn't show up so I posted a duplicate thread.

Sorry 'bout that.
The idea that the Republican Party is the party of the rich and the Democratic Party is the party of the working class is nothing more than antiquated myth these days. Most of these Wall Street CEOs and Hollywood actors are Democrats. Most of the wealthiest Congressional districts in the country are Democratic leaning. 75% of Wall Street donations went to Obama in 2008.

The fact of the matter is at the end of the day both parties are in the pockets of whoever has the money. Only the ignorant and perpetually stupid believe there is a difference.
The idea that the Republican Party is the party of the rich and the Democratic Party is the party of the working class is nothing more than antiquated myth these days. Most of these Wall Street CEOs and Hollywood actors are Democrats. Most of the wealthiest Congressional districts in the country are Democratic leaning. 75% of Wall Street donations went to Obama in 2008.

The fact of the matter is at the end of the day both parties are in the pockets of whoever has the money. Only the ignorant and perpetually stupid believe there is a difference.

Very true...but sheep will buy into anything

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