The Real Reason the Debt Panel Failed.


AR15 Owner
Jun 23, 2008
It Failed because it was Designed to Fail.

Were talking about an issue that goes to the very Core of the Ideological Beliefs of Both sides.

The Democrats do not want to Touch Entitlements. They View them as their Greatest achievements, and untouchable. They want to protect the Entitlements as is, using Large Tax increases on the Rich and Business, and Cuts to Defense.

The Republicans do not want to Raise Taxes on anyone, Especially the Rich and Business. They believe we can not sustain this spending, and that Entitlements must be reformed. They are also Not Big on Defense cuts in what they see as a very Dangerous time.

A panel of 6 Hand Picked Republicans, and 6 Hand Picked Democrats was never going to be able to come to an agreement on something they are so fundamentally Opposed on. Unless there were real major Consequences if they Failed.

The So called Trigger we were told about fails to be a Major Consequence as it does not take effect until 2013, and then only 68billion out of 1.2 Trillion that Year.

Both Sides always knew that they would have essentially 2 Years before any real Major cuts to their Sacred Cows would actually happen.

It was all a big shame. A Shell Game. It's a Punt, was a Punt, will be a punt.

We just passed 15 Trillion in Debt and these silly fuck stains are talking about cuts that are a Loaded to the end of the next 10 Years and start out tiny.

Rome continues to Burn people, But this time our leaders are not playing a Fucking Fidel, No these miserable Fucks are Pouring Fuel on the fire and Dancing around calling each other names.

Every Single Incumbent in Every Election should have their ass handed to them. I don't care who ends up controlling what. we need to shake this shit up.


Jesus it's maddening.
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I pretty much agree. When the last budget bill was passed that created the Super Committee option, I was pretty sure that it would go nowhere. Overall, I saw it as more of a GOP friendly option. All it really did was delay things and buy a little time. But it was definitely designed to fail, and both parties probably anticipated that and have been posturing since then hoping that they could pin the failure on the other side. But the GOP always stood to gain the most, because the automatic cuts such failure would create are more inclined toward the GOP position anyway.
Who cares that it failed? There were not going to make any real cuts. Even now there are no "real" cuts anyway. A "cut" (according to these morons) is a decrease in the automatic increase in spending. So let's "CUT" away. If our military is going to collapse without and automatic 8% increase in funding, well, so be it. We all know that there is plenty of fraud waste and abuse in every branch, dept, and agency of government....
It Failed because it was Designed to Fail.

Were talking about an issue that goes to the very Core of the Ideological Beliefs of Both sides.

The Democrats do not want to Touch Entitlements. They View them as their Greatest achievements, and untouchable. They want to protect the Entitlements as is, using Large Tax increases on the Rich and Business, and Cuts to Defense.

The Republicans do not want to Raise Taxes on anyone, Especially the Rich and Business. They believe we can not sustain this spending, and that Entitlements must be reformed. They are also Not Big on Defense cuts in what they see as a very Dangerous time.

A panel of 6 Hand Picked Republicans, and 6 Hand Picked Democrats was never going to be able to come to an agreement on something they are so fundamentally Opposed on. Unless there were real major Consequences if they Failed.

The So called Trigger we were told about fails to be a Major Consequence as it does not take effect until 2013, and then only 68billion out of 1.2 Trillion that Year.

Both Sides always knew that they would have essentially 2 Years before any real Major cuts to their Sacred Cows would actually happen.

It was all a big shame. A Shell Game. It's a Punt, was a Punt, will be a punt.

We just passed 15 Trillion in Debt and these silly fuck stains are talking about cuts that are a Loaded to the end of the next 10 Years and start out tiny.

Rome continues to Burn people, But this time our leaders are not playing a Fucking Fidel, No these miserable Fucks are Pouring Fuel on the fire and Dancing around calling each other names.

Every Single Incumbent in Every Election should have their ass handed to them. I don't care who ends up controlling what. we need to shake this shit up.


Jesus it's maddening.


To the point.

That first sentence alone was worth the price of admission.
Newsflash: The Dems put ALL their "sacred cows" on the table.

The Republicans didn't put the Bush Tax Cuts on the table, not ever.

They wouldn't budge.

All the polls have the public blaming Republicans for its failure.
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All the polls have the public blaming Republicans for its failure.

Then it was a success in the Dems eyes..... :clap2:

The Bush Tax Cuts are now GUARANTEED to expire, as was originally planned, wich the Cons were DESPERATELY trying to change and let them continue.

I'd say it was a win for the Dems yes.

Those blasted cuts are GONE!!

YAAAAYYY!!!! :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
Newsflash: The Dems put ALL their "sacred cows" on the table.

The Republicans didn't put the Bush Tax Cuts on the table, not ever.

They wouldn't budge.

All the polls have the public blaming Republicans for its failure.

Why should they be on the table? They weren't even mentioned during the debt limit increase debate. That was simply an arbitrary demand introduced by Democrat scumbags who didn't want a deal under any circumstances.
The Bush Tax Cuts are now GUARANTEED to expire, as was originally planned, wich the Cons were DESPERATELY trying to change and let them continue.

I'd say it was a win for the Dems yes.

Those blasted cuts are GONE!!

They were gauranteed to expire before the super committie was created, so what have the Democrats gained? If anything, they have lost, because now there are some gauranteed cuts on the table.
It Failed because it was Designed to Fail.

Were talking about an issue that goes to the very Core of the Ideological Beliefs of Both sides.

The Democrats do not want to Touch Entitlements. They View them as their Greatest achievements, and untouchable. They want to protect the Entitlements as is, using Large Tax increases on the Rich and Business, and Cuts to Defense.

The Republicans do not want to Raise Taxes on anyone, Especially the Rich and Business. They believe we can not sustain this spending, and that Entitlements must be reformed. They are also Not Big on Defense cuts in what they see as a very Dangerous time.

A panel of 6 Hand Picked Republicans, and 6 Hand Picked Democrats was never going to be able to come to an agreement on something they are so fundamentally Opposed on. Unless there were real major Consequences if they Failed.

The So called Trigger we were told about fails to be a Major Consequence as it does not take effect until 2013, and then only 68billion out of 1.2 Trillion that Year.

Both Sides always knew that they would have essentially 2 Years before any real Major cuts to their Sacred Cows would actually happen.

It was all a big shame. A Shell Game. It's a Punt, was a Punt, will be a punt.

We just passed 15 Trillion in Debt and these silly fuck stains are talking about cuts that are a Loaded to the end of the next 10 Years and start out tiny.

Rome continues to Burn people, But this time our leaders are not playing a Fucking Fidel, No these miserable Fucks are Pouring Fuel on the fire and Dancing around calling each other names.

Every Single Incumbent in Every Election should have their ass handed to them. I don't care who ends up controlling what. we need to shake this shit up.


Jesus it's maddening.

I expect you to be supporting Ron Paul from now on then. Want to know how easy it would be to balance the budget?? Return spending to 04 levels, its that easy. We are being robbed and pillaged people!
[ame=]Ron Paul's Texas Straight Talk 11/21/11: Dr. Paul's Message to the Super Committee - YouTube[/ame]

Even if the SC was successful it would have been pathetically to little of cuts and would not have made a significant dent in the debt bloom.
You cannot care about the value of the dollar or fiscal responsibility without supporting Ron Paul.
Newsflash: The Dems put ALL their "sacred cows" on the table.

The Republicans didn't put the Bush Tax Cuts on the table, not ever.

They wouldn't budge.

All the polls have the public blaming Republicans for its failure.

That was probably the stupidiest move of the Obama Presidency..signing an extension to the Bush tax cuts. He should have told them to pound sand and saddled them with cutting benefits for the unemployed.
Obama has once again FAILED. He seems to be incapable of leading.
It Failed because it was Designed to Fail.

Were talking about an issue that goes to the very Core of the Ideological Beliefs of Both sides.

The Democrats do not want to Touch Entitlements. They View them as their Greatest achievements, and untouchable. They want to protect the Entitlements as is, using Large Tax increases on the Rich and Business, and Cuts to Defense.

The Republicans do not want to Raise Taxes on anyone, Especially the Rich and Business. They believe we can not sustain this spending, and that Entitlements must be reformed. They are also Not Big on Defense cuts in what they see as a very Dangerous time.

A panel of 6 Hand Picked Republicans, and 6 Hand Picked Democrats was never going to be able to come to an agreement on something they are so fundamentally Opposed on. Unless there were real major Consequences if they Failed.

The So called Trigger we were told about fails to be a Major Consequence as it does not take effect until 2013, and then only 68billion out of 1.2 Trillion that Year.

Both Sides always knew that they would have essentially 2 Years before any real Major cuts to their Sacred Cows would actually happen.

It was all a big shame. A Shell Game. It's a Punt, was a Punt, will be a punt.

We just passed 15 Trillion in Debt and these silly fuck stains are talking about cuts that are a Loaded to the end of the next 10 Years and start out tiny.

Rome continues to Burn people, But this time our leaders are not playing a Fucking Fidel, No these miserable Fucks are Pouring Fuel on the fire and Dancing around calling each other names.

Every Single Incumbent in Every Election should have their ass handed to them. I don't care who ends up controlling what. we need to shake this shit up.


Jesus it's maddening.

Yes, it is maddening. Newt called it right at the start. A great start would be the leaders of the congress and the members of the super committee. But I's time to shake it up.
Obama has once again FAILED. He seems to be incapable of leading.

I see this as a 'bipartisan failure'.... except that it was more of a publicity stunt than anything else. They never had any intention of solving it. Both sides recognize that their bases will not tolerate certain decisions, so now they can both 'blame' the other side. And... they get what they really wanted.... massive - and dangerous - cuts. And when those cuts hurt America, they can blame each other for it. And the sheep will buy that. And so it continues.

Meanwhile, they continue with their lies and destruction of the Republic.
Newsflash: The Dems put ALL their "sacred cows" on the table.

The Republicans didn't put the Bush Tax Cuts on the table, not ever.

They wouldn't budge.

All the polls have the public blaming Republicans for its failure.

That was probably the stupidiest move of the Obama Presidency..signing an extension to the Bush tax cuts. He should have told them to pound sand and saddled them with cutting benefits for the unemployed.

I don't blame the President for doing the right thing in that case. The GOP showed themselves more than willing to "shoot the hostages".
Newsflash: The Dems put ALL their "sacred cows" on the table.

The Republicans didn't put the Bush Tax Cuts on the table, not ever.

They wouldn't budge.

All the polls have the public blaming Republicans for its failure.

That was probably the stupidiest move of the Obama Presidency..signing an extension to the Bush tax cuts. He should have told them to pound sand and saddled them with cutting benefits for the unemployed.

I don't blame the President for doing the right thing in that case. The GOP showed themselves more than willing to "shoot the hostages".

Of course you do. But that demonstrates your own partisan stance more than anything else. If you could remove your 'opinions' and review the facts, apply some critical thought... then you would realize that you got played.... just like the right got played. And we all pay the price because people like you (and your counterparts on the right) care more about party loyalty than honesty, integrity, or courage.
Newsflash: The Dems put ALL their "sacred cows" on the table.

The Republicans didn't put the Bush Tax Cuts on the table, not ever.

They wouldn't budge.

All the polls have the public blaming Republicans for its failure.

That was probably the stupidiest move of the Obama Presidency..signing an extension to the Bush tax cuts. He should have told them to pound sand and saddled them with cutting benefits for the unemployed.

I understand and agree with your sentiments, as that would have been politically advantageous for him to do. However, you will note that Obama doesn't do things solely for political reasons. He actually considers the people. Had he done that many people would have been hurt. Whether temporarily or not, people would have been dangerously without money. That was something he was not willing to gamble and/or play with over political points.
Who cares that it failed? There were not going to make any real cuts. Even now there are no "real" cuts anyway. A "cut" (according to these morons) is a decrease in the automatic increase in spending. So let's "CUT" away. If our military is going to collapse without and automatic 8% increase in funding, well, so be it. We all know that there is plenty of fraud waste and abuse in every branch, dept, and agency of government....

Obama has once again FAILED. He seems to be incapable of leading.

Interesting. Here we have the same rabid RW fundamentalist nut-job both diminishing the failure of the committee AND blaming Obama for the failure of the committee, as if to say it was all-important. Two diametrically opposed positioned occurring in the same thread, on the same page and almost at the same time. Uncanny.

So you're just willing to continue to just poop out any filth from your rectum and fling it after Obama to see if it sticks huh? I're the type of nut-job that blames Obama if it rains too long or hard in your town.

Sir, for the record Congress failed. There's a reason why they have the lowest record ever that is well below any other individual or group. People are fed-up with their nonsense.

You need to snap out of your stupor.


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