Zone1 The reason there is hatred against Jews is about numbers. Judaism is a tiny religion and group compared to their enemies.

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Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
This is what I have concluded after years of learning about Judaism. They are and remain the underdogs, contrary to some beliefs and it makes it easier for people to justify their bias against them as there are too few to debate them, and/or are educated about history.

Yes, they are the dominant military and economic power compared to the Palestinians, it is to their credit, due to their own effort and focus. The reality is that they are a tiny nation, with a tiny population, even worldwide as a religion, they are less than 20M people. Think about that . Islam has over 1 BILLION people, many of them taught to hate the Jews and most of them (outside of Indonesia) are in their neighbourhood. Even Christianity which is far more pro-Jewish than any other religion outside of Judaism has over 1 Billion people (at least in the loose definition of what is defined as a Christian).

The truth is that all that is good in the world, across all of humanity, is due to the Torah. In essence, all of what is good in the world has its origins in Judaism and it's genesis (pardon the pun) is the Jews. We now embraced, through the rabbi Jesus, Judeo-Christian values. A significant improvement.

Someone prove me wrong about the assertions in that last paragraph. Every nation that believes in the respect of human lives, the beauty of the world and within each of our souls is due to Judaism ultimately.

No stronger assertion of this was the poll of Arabs in Jerusalem who stated in polls overwhelmingly that they would prefer Israeli rule over Arab rulers. Why would they, as practicing Muslims prefer this?

Yes, as in Christianity, there are Jews who have lost their faith, that which was important to the light upon the world. However, even those who lose faith and adherence to the bible have at their core the belief in the sanctity of life, the loyalty to fair and equal justice, the belief in morality and forgiveness.

In todays world it's fashionable to blame the Jews for everything, especially in the region. Don't fall for that disinformation spread by enemies of the West, educate yourselves/
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This canadian drank the whole jar of jewish Kool-aid.

He supports the massive immigration of non-whites to Canada destroying the nation's fundamental pillar as part of the western civilization (the anglo-french majority) and at the same time he supports the discrimination of Palestinians in their own homeland.

Just like his jewish masters tell him to do.
This canadian drank the whole jar of jewish Kool-aid.

He supports the massive immigration of non-whites to Canada destroying the nation's fundamental pillar as part of the western civilization (the anglo-french majority) and at the same time he supports the discrimination of Palestinians in their own homeland.

Just like his jewish masters tell him to do.
Go fly a kite during a thunderstorm, you embarrass yourself. You are suggesting I drink the kool-aid of historical fact. You prefer I play a game of political make-believe because it's the path of least resistance? That's not in my DNA. The U.N decided this issue, I didnt. The Jewish state exists and will continue to exist as long as the world supports them. They are not a perfect nation, they are humans but they get ostacized more than other nations. Sometimes people even violate their own laws.and few support that, these violators are in the minority. For the record, I have one master and he isn't walking this earth so you should stick to the facts as I do.
The truth is that all that is good in the world, across all of humanity, is due to the Torah. In essence, all of what is good in the world has its origins in Judaism and it's genesis (pardon the pun) is the Jews. We now embraced, through the rabbi Jesus, Judeo-Christian values. A significant improvement.

Someone prove me wrong about the assertions in that last paragraph. Every nation that believes in the respect of human lives, the beauty of the world and within each of our souls is due to Judaism ultimately.
The Torah, or the Pentateuch, God's laws given to Israel (not just to the Jews), predates Judaism by thousands of years. God's laws underpin the laws of the Christian west, not just the Jews. When Jesus formed the church he inspired the fulfillment, the real intent, of those laws, through the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
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Originally posted by shockedcanadian
Go fly a kite during a thunderstorm, you embarrass yourself. You are suggesting I drink the kool-aid of historical fact. You prefer I play a game of political make-believe because it's the path of least resistance? That's not in my DNA. The U.N decided this issue, I didnt. The Jewish state exists and will continue to exist as long as the world supports them. They are not a perfect nation, they are humans. Sometimes people even violate their own laws. For the record, I have one master and he isn't walking this earth so you should stick to the facts as I do.

It's not a state secret that Jews as a whole support mass non-white immigration into western countries in order to avoid "white supremacism" (not all... you do have conservative Jews who oppose this madness) and the herding of the native arabs into racial enclaves like Gaza, canadian.

Again, this is not top secret... any reasonably informed US or canadian citizen is aware of this fact...
Go fly a kite during a thunderstorm, you embarrass yourself. You are suggesting I drink the kool-aid of historical fact. You prefer I play a game of political make-believe because it's the path of least resistance? That's not in my DNA. The U.N decided this issue, I didnt. The Jewish state exists and will continue to exist as long as the world supports them. They are not a perfect nation, they are humans but they get ostacized more than other nations. Sometimes people even violate their own laws.and few support that, these violators are in the minority. For the record, I have one master and he isn't walking this earth so you should stick to the facts as I do.
The fact is that the Jews are still under God's curse. Many who hate Jews have no idea why.

I disagree. I think the hate toward Jews has to do with their ability to overcome horrific antisemitism over the course of 2,000 years - and, as a whole, become more successful and educated than the average.

This especially angers the leftists, who cry “racism” at a drop of a hat and use it to excuse any failure or wrongdoing by blacks. If Jews can overcome, going from losing immediate family members in the Holocaust, and go from children growing up in tenement slums to college-educated professionals owning homes in the suburbs in the soace of 10 years, why can’t blacks?

IOW, it’s jealousy and resentment.
This is what I have concluded after years of learning about Judaism. They are and remain the underdogs, contrary to some beliefs and it makes it easier for people to justify their bias against them as there are too few to debate them, and/or are educated about history.

Yes, they are the dominant military and economic power compared to the Palestinians, it is to their credit, due to their own effort and focus. The reality is that they are a tiny nation, with a tiny population, even worldwide as a religion, they are less than 20M people. Think about that . Islam has over 1 BILLION people, many of them taught to hate the Jews and most of them (outside of Indonesia) are in their neighbourhood. Even Christianity which is far more pro-Jewish than any other religion outside of Judaism has over 1 Billion people (at least in the loose definition of what is defined as a Christian).

The truth is that all that is good in the world, across all of humanity, is due to the Torah. In essence, all of what is good in the world has its origins in Judaism and it's genesis (pardon the pun) is the Jews. We now embraced, through the rabbi Jesus, Judeo-Christian values. A significant improvement.

Someone prove me wrong about the assertions in that last paragraph. Every nation that believes in the respect of human lives, the beauty of the world and within each of our souls is due to Judaism ultimately.

No stronger assertion of this was the poll of Arabs in Jerusalem who stated in polls overwhelmingly that they would prefer Israeli rule over Arab rulers. Why would they, as practicing Muslims prefer this?

Yes, as in Christianity, there are Jews who have lost their faith, that which was important to the light upon the world. However, even those who lose faith and adherence to the bible have at their core the belief in the sanctity of life, the loyalty to fair and equal justice, the belief in morality and forgiveness.

In todays world it's fashionable to blame the Jews for everything, especially in the region. Don't fall for that disinformation spread by enemies of the West, educate yourselves/
There is hatred of people from all corners and walks of life and the Jews are not the only hated group.
Well, I guess a Christian would know better than a Jew when the Jewish people started.

I’ll have to tell my rebettzin.
The ethnic Jewish people are the descendants of Judah. All ethnic Jews are Israelites, but not all Israelites are Jews.
A lot of Jewish 'success' is because of nepotism.
Nope….a myth. Most of Jewish success is due to sacrificing for one’s education, working hard, and strong motivation to do well.

How do you explain how a million poor, illiterate Jews arrived on these shores 100 years ago, and almost all their children became middle class (or wealthy) professionals or business owners?

In fact, there was so much “nepotism” that Jews in NY had to move out of the area to find a place willing to hire Jews.

But leave it to a a antisemitic Christian to downplay good traits of Jews.
The Torah, or the Pentateuch, God's laws given to Israel (not just to the Jews), predates Judaism by thousands of years. God's laws underpin the laws of the Christian west, not just the Jews. When Jesus formed the church he inspired the fulfillment, the real intent, of those laws, through the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
Nope. It was given to the Jews - and I have no idea why you are interjecting “Holy Spirit” (a Christian concept) into a discussion of Gd giving Moses the Jewish Law.

(Two days past Christmas, and the Xhristian here is already back to slapping Jews in the face.)
Nope….a myth. Most of Jewish success is due to sacrificing for one’s education, working hard, and strong motivation to do well.

How do you explain how a million poor, illiterate Jews arrived on these shores 100 years ago, and almost all their children became middle class (or wealthy) professionals or business owners?

In fact, there was so much “nepotism” that Jews in NY had to move out of the area to find a place willing to hire Jews.

But leave it to a a antisemitic Christian to downplay good traits of Jews.
During Prohibition, Jewish gangsters were prominent in the distribution of illegal alcohol and the spread of organized crime in the United States. Some notable Jewish bootleggers include:

  • Meyer Lansky: Known as "The Mob's Accountant", Lansky co-founded the Bugs and Meyer Mob with Bugsy Siegel. He later became part of the National Crime Syndicate with Charlie "Lucky" Luciano.
  • Dutch Schultz: A New York City mobster.
  • Moe Dalitz: A Cleveland mobster.
  • Kid Cann: A Minneapolis mobster.
  • Charles "King" Solomon: A Boston mobster.
  • Abner "Longy" Zwillman: Known as the "Al Capone of New Jersey".
  • Max “Boo Boo” Hoff: A Philadelphia mobster.
  • Solly Weisman: A Kansas mobster.
Historians estimate that 60% of bootleggers during Prohibition were Jewish. Jewish bootleggers operated in major cities, including New York City, Chicago, Detroit, Cleveland, Minneapolis, and Newark.

Prohibition also led to a debate over religious freedom and the pursuit of a dry United States. The debate highlighted divisions within the Jewish community, including between Reform and Orthodox, assimilated and immigrant, and law-abiding and lawbreaking
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