The Republican Break from Trump

Way too late. Ain’t gonna work. But it helps to expose their cravenness.

Ben Sasse started off with his “leaked” call that was never a private call in the first place. Now Alexander:

We should stop calling Trump a Republican. Mitch McConnell is a Republican. Mitt Romney is a Republican. Comey is a Republican. The Bush brothers are Republicans. The governor of Georgia is a Republican. Chris Christie is a Republican. Pence is a Republican.

They all say Trump lost.

They are all lifer bloodsuckers making millions off the people who elect them. They are as threatened by Trump as any libber lifer.

You're confusing "fed up with the childish antics of a failed reality show huckster" as the covid death toll is now over 380,000 and will, most horrifically, hit 400,000 by the time he leaves office, with being "threatened".

At the first impeachment, you fools said "Let the voters decide!", and now that voters have decided, Trump unleashed a mob to stop the certification of the election. Get this lying, criminal out of the White House.

Imagine how many more Americans would be alive today if he hadn't been in charge of the government during this epidemic.

Your virus hoax created the ability for millions of fake mailin ballots to be cast and most not even by the actual person. And 400,000 deaths is not nearly the millions upon millions you liberals claimed we would see.....just over 2% of the US is even infected now, the critical case rate is 1.3%, and the mortality rate at 1.6% all below global averages. Yet you are still whining and proclaiming this the killer endoftheworld zombie virus in your demented minds.

The only thing true that you said was that mail in voting screwed you. And Governors wouldn't have auto mailed everyone ballots if not for the pandemic. But with the pandemic it only made sense to have every registered voter vote by mail.

Why? Millions of real Americans stood in line to vote as usual why couldn't the liberals do that also?? The leftyvirus is the hoax that created the fake mailins.

You righties are super spreaders. You’ve had thanksgiving and Christmas parties. You’re the reason we’re still in a pandemic.

So what? You libbers are afraid of your own shadows. Leftysniffles doesn't bother us.
Way too late. Ain’t gonna work. But it helps to expose their cravenness.

Ben Sasse started off with his “leaked” call that was never a private call in the first place. Now Alexander:

We should stop calling Trump a Republican. Mitch McConnell is a Republican. Mitt Romney is a Republican. Comey is a Republican. The Bush brothers are Republicans. The governor of Georgia is a Republican. Chris Christie is a Republican. Pence is a Republican.

They all say Trump lost.

No one denies that Trump lost. The question is, did the democrats use voter fraud against Trump, the president they hate with a passion, and were desperate to beat with their 78-year old senile candidate. Maybe they didn't like Joe's chances in a fair election? Maybe they got desperate and got caught ballot stuffing? Until there is a real investigation with real results reported, Biden is illegitimate in the eyes of many.

American voters did not reelect Trump and Trump can't cope with his loss.

American voters did vote for Trump....fake leftyvirus mailin ballots elected Biden

Nope. I voted for Biden. And I talked to a lot of independents or swing voters who voted for Biden because Trump was just too much the last 4 years.

Remember, not everyone who voted for Trump in 2016 voted for him this year. Former Republican Governor Rick Snyder for example wrote an op ed on why he was endorsing Biden. Because of trump's lack of civility.

And black people who didn't show up for Hillary showed up for Biden. Trump's anti BLM talk really drove them to the polls.

Oh yea, and mail in voting got a lot of people to vote who won't stand in line. We didn't need fake or illegal votes to beat Trump this year.

Showed up? Hahahahahahaha no they didn't, they filled out a fake mailin or someone else did for them. The virus hoax itself created the illegal mailins. And nobody with any common sense would vote for a demented critter like Sleepy so.........

Very few people voted FOR Biden
A lot did vote for "anybody but Trump"
Not enough to beat him though.

With mail in voting we were able to beat him. Imagine all the detroiters who wouldn’t have voted if they had to stand in line but did fill out their absentee ballots. They made the difference. It’s why trump hated mail in voting and why he slowed down the post office.

He never slowed down the post office.

You're either a liar or uninformed

And I suppose Trump never told rioters to go to the capitol and start a riot/coup either? Liar/idiot. (pick one)

Much More Informed than you.

You widdle bitches whined and they delayed that.
Correct, he clearly said peacefully let your representatives know how you feel.

Listen to the WHOLE speech.

i have
quote the part that you want me to hear
Way too late. Ain’t gonna work. But it helps to expose their cravenness.

Ben Sasse started off with his “leaked” call that was never a private call in the first place. Now Alexander:

We should stop calling Trump a Republican. Mitch McConnell is a Republican. Mitt Romney is a Republican. Comey is a Republican. The Bush brothers are Republicans. The governor of Georgia is a Republican. Chris Christie is a Republican. Pence is a Republican.

They all say Trump lost.

No one denies that Trump lost. The question is, did the democrats use voter fraud against Trump, the president they hate with a passion, and were desperate to beat with their 78-year old senile candidate. Maybe they didn't like Joe's chances in a fair election? Maybe they got desperate and got caught ballot stuffing? Until there is a real investigation with real results reported, Biden is illegitimate in the eyes of many.

Our ballot-stuffing was showing up in massive numbers. How many millions of young people turned 18 in the past 5 years? They showed up and voted against Trump.

I give democrats credit for out-working and out-thinking Republicans, especially in GA where Stacy Abrams, and her sister kicked the GOP's ass.
That said, there were more than enough questions about voter-fraud to be investigated. I can list a few, but there were many more:
1. In PA the PA SC illegally extended the vote deadline.
2. In PA the Secretary of State illegally allowed city voters to correct their ballots, but not upstate voters.
3. Some states did not allow voter rolls to be cleaned, GA for one.
4. Some states did not allow signature verification
5. Some states used mass mail-outs and vote "harvesting"
6. Many states keep "finding" ballots well after the deadline, that needs to stop.
7. many more sworn affidavits to investigate

The GOP needs to upgrade their election systems like FL did, then we'll have "free and fair elections" again.

If Trump didn't slow up the US Post office they might not have had to extend the deadline
Way too late. Ain’t gonna work. But it helps to expose their cravenness.

Ben Sasse started off with his “leaked” call that was never a private call in the first place. Now Alexander:

We should stop calling Trump a Republican. Mitch McConnell is a Republican. Mitt Romney is a Republican. Comey is a Republican. The Bush brothers are Republicans. The governor of Georgia is a Republican. Chris Christie is a Republican. Pence is a Republican.

They all say Trump lost.

They are all lifer bloodsuckers making millions off the people who elect them. They are as threatened by Trump as any libber lifer.

You're confusing "fed up with the childish antics of a failed reality show huckster" as the covid death toll is now over 380,000 and will, most horrifically, hit 400,000 by the time he leaves office, with being "threatened".

At the first impeachment, you fools said "Let the voters decide!", and now that voters have decided, Trump unleashed a mob to stop the certification of the election. Get this lying, criminal out of the White House.

Imagine how many more Americans would be alive today if he hadn't been in charge of the government during this epidemic.

Your virus hoax created the ability for millions of fake mailin ballots to be cast and most not even by the actual person. And 400,000 deaths is not nearly the millions upon millions you liberals claimed we would see.....just over 2% of the US is even infected now, the critical case rate is 1.3%, and the mortality rate at 1.6% all below global averages. Yet you are still whining and proclaiming this the killer endoftheworld zombie virus in your demented minds.

The only thing true that you said was that mail in voting screwed you. And Governors wouldn't have auto mailed everyone ballots if not for the pandemic. But with the pandemic it only made sense to have every registered voter vote by mail.

Why? Millions of real Americans stood in line to vote as usual why couldn't the liberals do that also?? The leftyvirus is the hoax that created the fake mailins.

You righties are super spreaders. You’ve had thanksgiving and Christmas parties. You’re the reason we’re still in a pandemic.

Then why are all the Blue area spiking?
In Nassau County, the Black areas are unfortunately spiking like crazy.
My co-workers who live in Hempstead and Uniondale say everyone is now wearing masks so they don't understand why.

Because we live among you super spreaders.
Way too late. Ain’t gonna work. But it helps to expose their cravenness.

Ben Sasse started off with his “leaked” call that was never a private call in the first place. Now Alexander:

We should stop calling Trump a Republican. Mitch McConnell is a Republican. Mitt Romney is a Republican. Comey is a Republican. The Bush brothers are Republicans. The governor of Georgia is a Republican. Chris Christie is a Republican. Pence is a Republican.

They all say Trump lost.

They are all lifer bloodsuckers making millions off the people who elect them. They are as threatened by Trump as any libber lifer.

You're confusing "fed up with the childish antics of a failed reality show huckster" as the covid death toll is now over 380,000 and will, most horrifically, hit 400,000 by the time he leaves office, with being "threatened".

At the first impeachment, you fools said "Let the voters decide!", and now that voters have decided, Trump unleashed a mob to stop the certification of the election. Get this lying, criminal out of the White House.

Imagine how many more Americans would be alive today if he hadn't been in charge of the government during this epidemic.

Your virus hoax created the ability for millions of fake mailin ballots to be cast and most not even by the actual person. And 400,000 deaths is not nearly the millions upon millions you liberals claimed we would see.....just over 2% of the US is even infected now, the critical case rate is 1.3%, and the mortality rate at 1.6% all below global averages. Yet you are still whining and proclaiming this the killer endoftheworld zombie virus in your demented minds.

The only thing true that you said was that mail in voting screwed you. And Governors wouldn't have auto mailed everyone ballots if not for the pandemic. But with the pandemic it only made sense to have every registered voter vote by mail.

Why? Millions of real Americans stood in line to vote as usual why couldn't the liberals do that also?? The leftyvirus is the hoax that created the fake mailins.

You righties are super spreaders. You’ve had thanksgiving and Christmas parties. You’re the reason we’re still in a pandemic.

Then why are all the Blue area spiking?
In Nassau County, the Black areas are unfortunately spiking like crazy.
My co-workers who live in Hempstead and Uniondale say everyone is now wearing masks so they don't understand why.

Because we live among you super spreaders.

What a stupid post.
When's the last time you took a stroll through a slum or a hood?
Way too late. Ain’t gonna work. But it helps to expose their cravenness.

Ben Sasse started off with his “leaked” call that was never a private call in the first place. Now Alexander:

We should stop calling Trump a Republican. Mitch McConnell is a Republican. Mitt Romney is a Republican. Comey is a Republican. The Bush brothers are Republicans. The governor of Georgia is a Republican. Chris Christie is a Republican. Pence is a Republican.

They all say Trump lost.

They are all lifer bloodsuckers making millions off the people who elect them. They are as threatened by Trump as any libber lifer.

You're confusing "fed up with the childish antics of a failed reality show huckster" as the covid death toll is now over 380,000 and will, most horrifically, hit 400,000 by the time he leaves office, with being "threatened".

At the first impeachment, you fools said "Let the voters decide!", and now that voters have decided, Trump unleashed a mob to stop the certification of the election. Get this lying, criminal out of the White House.

Imagine how many more Americans would be alive today if he hadn't been in charge of the government during this epidemic.

Your virus hoax created the ability for millions of fake mailin ballots to be cast and most not even by the actual person. And 400,000 deaths is not nearly the millions upon millions you liberals claimed we would see.....just over 2% of the US is even infected now, the critical case rate is 1.3%, and the mortality rate at 1.6% all below global averages. Yet you are still whining and proclaiming this the killer endoftheworld zombie virus in your demented minds.

The only thing true that you said was that mail in voting screwed you. And Governors wouldn't have auto mailed everyone ballots if not for the pandemic. But with the pandemic it only made sense to have every registered voter vote by mail.

Why? Millions of real Americans stood in line to vote as usual why couldn't the liberals do that also?? The leftyvirus is the hoax that created the fake mailins.

You righties are super spreaders. You’ve had thanksgiving and Christmas parties. You’re the reason we’re still in a pandemic.

Then why are all the Blue area spiking?
In Nassau County, the Black areas are unfortunately spiking like crazy.
My co-workers who live in Hempstead and Uniondale say everyone is now wearing masks so they don't understand why.

Because we live among you super spreaders.

No you don't you live in your basements.
Way too late. Ain’t gonna work. But it helps to expose their cravenness.

Ben Sasse started off with his “leaked” call that was never a private call in the first place. Now Alexander:

We should stop calling Trump a Republican. Mitch McConnell is a Republican. Mitt Romney is a Republican. Comey is a Republican. The Bush brothers are Republicans. The governor of Georgia is a Republican. Chris Christie is a Republican. Pence is a Republican.

They all say Trump lost.

They are all lifer bloodsuckers making millions off the people who elect them. They are as threatened by Trump as any libber lifer.

You're confusing "fed up with the childish antics of a failed reality show huckster" as the covid death toll is now over 380,000 and will, most horrifically, hit 400,000 by the time he leaves office, with being "threatened".

At the first impeachment, you fools said "Let the voters decide!", and now that voters have decided, Trump unleashed a mob to stop the certification of the election. Get this lying, criminal out of the White House.

Imagine how many more Americans would be alive today if he hadn't been in charge of the government during this epidemic.

Your virus hoax created the ability for millions of fake mailin ballots to be cast and most not even by the actual person. And 400,000 deaths is not nearly the millions upon millions you liberals claimed we would see.....just over 2% of the US is even infected now, the critical case rate is 1.3%, and the mortality rate at 1.6% all below global averages. Yet you are still whining and proclaiming this the killer endoftheworld zombie virus in your demented minds.

The only thing true that you said was that mail in voting screwed you. And Governors wouldn't have auto mailed everyone ballots if not for the pandemic. But with the pandemic it only made sense to have every registered voter vote by mail.

Why? Millions of real Americans stood in line to vote as usual why couldn't the liberals do that also?? The leftyvirus is the hoax that created the fake mailins.

You righties are super spreaders. You’ve had thanksgiving and Christmas parties. You’re the reason we’re still in a pandemic.

Then why are all the Blue area spiking?
In Nassau County, the Black areas are unfortunately spiking like crazy.
My co-workers who live in Hempstead and Uniondale say everyone is now wearing masks so they don't understand why.

Because we live among you super spreaders.

No you don't you live in your basements.

SB is full of shit.
Way too late. Ain’t gonna work. But it helps to expose their cravenness.

Ben Sasse started off with his “leaked” call that was never a private call in the first place. Now Alexander:

We should stop calling Trump a Republican. Mitch McConnell is a Republican. Mitt Romney is a Republican. Comey is a Republican. The Bush brothers are Republicans. The governor of Georgia is a Republican. Chris Christie is a Republican. Pence is a Republican.

They all say Trump lost.

No one denies that Trump lost. The question is, did the democrats use voter fraud against Trump, the president they hate with a passion, and were desperate to beat with their 78-year old senile candidate. Maybe they didn't like Joe's chances in a fair election? Maybe they got desperate and got caught ballot stuffing? Until there is a real investigation with real results reported, Biden is illegitimate in the eyes of many.

Our ballot-stuffing was showing up in massive numbers. How many millions of young people turned 18 in the past 5 years? They showed up and voted against Trump.

I give democrats credit for out-working and out-thinking Republicans, especially in GA where Stacy Abrams, and her sister kicked the GOP's ass.
That said, there were more than enough questions about voter-fraud to be investigated. I can list a few, but there were many more:
1. In PA the PA SC illegally extended the vote deadline.
2. In PA the Secretary of State illegally allowed city voters to correct their ballots, but not upstate voters.
3. Some states did not allow voter rolls to be cleaned, GA for one.
4. Some states did not allow signature verification
5. Some states used mass mail-outs and vote "harvesting"
6. Many states keep "finding" ballots well after the deadline, that needs to stop.
7. many more sworn affidavits to investigate

The GOP needs to upgrade their election systems like FL did, then we'll have "free and fair elections" again.

If Trump didn't slow up the US Post office they might not have had to extend the deadline

It never happened.
Way too late. Ain’t gonna work. But it helps to expose their cravenness.

Ben Sasse started off with his “leaked” call that was never a private call in the first place. Now Alexander:

We should stop calling Trump a Republican. Mitch McConnell is a Republican. Mitt Romney is a Republican. Comey is a Republican. The Bush brothers are Republicans. The governor of Georgia is a Republican. Chris Christie is a Republican. Pence is a Republican.

They all say Trump lost.

No one denies that Trump lost. The question is, did the democrats use voter fraud against Trump, the president they hate with a passion, and were desperate to beat with their 78-year old senile candidate. Maybe they didn't like Joe's chances in a fair election? Maybe they got desperate and got caught ballot stuffing? Until there is a real investigation with real results reported, Biden is illegitimate in the eyes of many.

Our ballot-stuffing was showing up in massive numbers. How many millions of young people turned 18 in the past 5 years? They showed up and voted against Trump.

I give democrats credit for out-working and out-thinking Republicans, especially in GA where Stacy Abrams, and her sister kicked the GOP's ass.
That said, there were more than enough questions about voter-fraud to be investigated. I can list a few, but there were many more:
1. In PA the PA SC illegally extended the vote deadline.
2. In PA the Secretary of State illegally allowed city voters to correct their ballots, but not upstate voters.
3. Some states did not allow voter rolls to be cleaned, GA for one.
4. Some states did not allow signature verification
5. Some states used mass mail-outs and vote "harvesting"
6. Many states keep "finding" ballots well after the deadline, that needs to stop.
7. many more sworn affidavits to investigate

The GOP needs to upgrade their election systems like FL did, then we'll have "free and fair elections" again.

Usually it's you Republicans who out work us Democrats. Like in 2000 when you sent Republicans to Florida to disrupt the recount. Us Democrats should have sent people down too.

And interesting that just like last week, in 2000 you guys rioted

The Brooks Brothers riot was a demonstration at a meeting of election canvassers in Miami-Dade County, Florida, on November 22, 2000, during a recount of votes made during the 2000 United States presidential election, with the goal of shutting down the recount. After demonstrations and acts of violence, local officials shut down the recount early.

Many of the demonstrators were paid Republican operatives.

Luckily it didn't work this time.
Way too late. Ain’t gonna work. But it helps to expose their cravenness.

Ben Sasse started off with his “leaked” call that was never a private call in the first place. Now Alexander:

We should stop calling Trump a Republican. Mitch McConnell is a Republican. Mitt Romney is a Republican. Comey is a Republican. The Bush brothers are Republicans. The governor of Georgia is a Republican. Chris Christie is a Republican. Pence is a Republican.

They all say Trump lost.

No one denies that Trump lost. The question is, did the democrats use voter fraud against Trump, the president they hate with a passion, and were desperate to beat with their 78-year old senile candidate. Maybe they didn't like Joe's chances in a fair election? Maybe they got desperate and got caught ballot stuffing? Until there is a real investigation with real results reported, Biden is illegitimate in the eyes of many.

American voters did not reelect Trump and Trump can't cope with his loss.

American voters did vote for Trump....fake leftyvirus mailin ballots elected Biden

Nope. I voted for Biden. And I talked to a lot of independents or swing voters who voted for Biden because Trump was just too much the last 4 years.

Remember, not everyone who voted for Trump in 2016 voted for him this year. Former Republican Governor Rick Snyder for example wrote an op ed on why he was endorsing Biden. Because of trump's lack of civility.

And black people who didn't show up for Hillary showed up for Biden. Trump's anti BLM talk really drove them to the polls.

Oh yea, and mail in voting got a lot of people to vote who won't stand in line. We didn't need fake or illegal votes to beat Trump this year.

Showed up? Hahahahahahaha no they didn't, they filled out a fake mailin or someone else did for them. The virus hoax itself created the illegal mailins. And nobody with any common sense would vote for a demented critter like Sleepy so.........

Very few people voted FOR Biden
A lot did vote for "anybody but Trump"
Not enough to beat him though.

With mail in voting we were able to beat him. Imagine all the detroiters who wouldn’t have voted if they had to stand in line but did fill out their absentee ballots. They made the difference. It’s why trump hated mail in voting and why he slowed down the post office.

He never slowed down the post office.

You're either a liar or uninformed

And I suppose Trump never told rioters to go to the capitol and start a riot/coup either? Liar/idiot. (pick one)

I will believe you when you give me a quote from a Trump speech where he told people to go to the capital and start a riot. If you cannot do that shut the fuck up. Your Democrats have issued statement calling for violence for instance:
Last edited:
Way too late. Ain’t gonna work. But it helps to expose their cravenness.

Ben Sasse started off with his “leaked” call that was never a private call in the first place. Now Alexander:

We should stop calling Trump a Republican. Mitch McConnell is a Republican. Mitt Romney is a Republican. Comey is a Republican. The Bush brothers are Republicans. The governor of Georgia is a Republican. Chris Christie is a Republican. Pence is a Republican.

They all say Trump lost.

No one denies that Trump lost. The question is, did the democrats use voter fraud against Trump, the president they hate with a passion, and were desperate to beat with their 78-year old senile candidate. Maybe they didn't like Joe's chances in a fair election? Maybe they got desperate and got caught ballot stuffing? Until there is a real investigation with real results reported, Biden is illegitimate in the eyes of many.

Our ballot-stuffing was showing up in massive numbers. How many millions of young people turned 18 in the past 5 years? They showed up and voted against Trump.

I give democrats credit for out-working and out-thinking Republicans, especially in GA where Stacy Abrams, and her sister kicked the GOP's ass.
That said, there were more than enough questions about voter-fraud to be investigated. I can list a few, but there were many more:
1. In PA the PA SC illegally extended the vote deadline.
2. In PA the Secretary of State illegally allowed city voters to correct their ballots, but not upstate voters.
3. Some states did not allow voter rolls to be cleaned, GA for one.
4. Some states did not allow signature verification
5. Some states used mass mail-outs and vote "harvesting"
6. Many states keep "finding" ballots well after the deadline, that needs to stop.
7. many more sworn affidavits to investigate

The GOP needs to upgrade their election systems like FL did, then we'll have "free and fair elections" again.

Usually it's you Republicans who out work us Democrats. Like in 2000 when you sent Republicans to Florida to disrupt the recount. Us Democrats should have sent people down too.

And interesting that just like last week, in 2000 you guys rioted

The Brooks Brothers riot was a demonstration at a meeting of election canvassers in Miami-Dade County, Florida, on November 22, 2000, during a recount of votes made during the 2000 United States presidential election, with the goal of shutting down the recount. After demonstrations and acts of violence, local officials shut down the recount early.

Many of the demonstrators were paid Republican operatives.

Luckily it didn't work this time.

Rs go to court.
Ds destroy and kill.
Way too late. Ain’t gonna work. But it helps to expose their cravenness.

Ben Sasse started off with his “leaked” call that was never a private call in the first place. Now Alexander:

We should stop calling Trump a Republican. Mitch McConnell is a Republican. Mitt Romney is a Republican. Comey is a Republican. The Bush brothers are Republicans. The governor of Georgia is a Republican. Chris Christie is a Republican. Pence is a Republican.

They all say Trump lost.

No one denies that Trump lost. The question is, did the democrats use voter fraud against Trump, the president they hate with a passion, and were desperate to beat with their 78-year old senile candidate. Maybe they didn't like Joe's chances in a fair election? Maybe they got desperate and got caught ballot stuffing? Until there is a real investigation with real results reported, Biden is illegitimate in the eyes of many.

Our ballot-stuffing was showing up in massive numbers. How many millions of young people turned 18 in the past 5 years? They showed up and voted against Trump.

I give democrats credit for out-working and out-thinking Republicans, especially in GA where Stacy Abrams, and her sister kicked the GOP's ass.
That said, there were more than enough questions about voter-fraud to be investigated. I can list a few, but there were many more:
1. In PA the PA SC illegally extended the vote deadline.
2. In PA the Secretary of State illegally allowed city voters to correct their ballots, but not upstate voters.
3. Some states did not allow voter rolls to be cleaned, GA for one.
4. Some states did not allow signature verification
5. Some states used mass mail-outs and vote "harvesting"
6. Many states keep "finding" ballots well after the deadline, that needs to stop.
7. many more sworn affidavits to investigate

The GOP needs to upgrade their election systems like FL did, then we'll have "free and fair elections" again.

Usually it's you Republicans who out work us Democrats. Like in 2000 when you sent Republicans to Florida to disrupt the recount. Us Democrats should have sent people down too.

And interesting that just like last week, in 2000 you guys rioted

The Brooks Brothers riot was a demonstration at a meeting of election canvassers in Miami-Dade County, Florida, on November 22, 2000, during a recount of votes made during the 2000 United States presidential election, with the goal of shutting down the recount. After demonstrations and acts of violence, local officials shut down the recount early.

Many of the demonstrators were paid Republican operatives.

Luckily it didn't work this time.

Rs go to court.
Ds destroy and kill.

That's going to have to evolve.
Way too late. Ain’t gonna work. But it helps to expose their cravenness.

Ben Sasse started off with his “leaked” call that was never a private call in the first place. Now Alexander:

We should stop calling Trump a Republican. Mitch McConnell is a Republican. Mitt Romney is a Republican. Comey is a Republican. The Bush brothers are Republicans. The governor of Georgia is a Republican. Chris Christie is a Republican. Pence is a Republican.

They all say Trump lost.

No one denies that Trump lost. The question is, did the democrats use voter fraud against Trump, the president they hate with a passion, and were desperate to beat with their 78-year old senile candidate. Maybe they didn't like Joe's chances in a fair election? Maybe they got desperate and got caught ballot stuffing? Until there is a real investigation with real results reported, Biden is illegitimate in the eyes of many.

Our ballot-stuffing was showing up in massive numbers. How many millions of young people turned 18 in the past 5 years? They showed up and voted against Trump.

I give democrats credit for out-working and out-thinking Republicans, especially in GA where Stacy Abrams, and her sister kicked the GOP's ass.
That said, there were more than enough questions about voter-fraud to be investigated. I can list a few, but there were many more:
1. In PA the PA SC illegally extended the vote deadline.
2. In PA the Secretary of State illegally allowed city voters to correct their ballots, but not upstate voters.
3. Some states did not allow voter rolls to be cleaned, GA for one.
4. Some states did not allow signature verification
5. Some states used mass mail-outs and vote "harvesting"
6. Many states keep "finding" ballots well after the deadline, that needs to stop.
7. many more sworn affidavits to investigate

The GOP needs to upgrade their election systems like FL did, then we'll have "free and fair elections" again.

Usually it's you Republicans who out work us Democrats. Like in 2000 when you sent Republicans to Florida to disrupt the recount. Us Democrats should have sent people down too.

And interesting that just like last week, in 2000 you guys rioted

The Brooks Brothers riot was a demonstration at a meeting of election canvassers in Miami-Dade County, Florida, on November 22, 2000, during a recount of votes made during the 2000 United States presidential election, with the goal of shutting down the recount. After demonstrations and acts of violence, local officials shut down the recount early.

Many of the demonstrators were paid Republican operatives.

Luckily it didn't work this time.

Rs go to court.
Ds destroy and kill.

That's going to have to evolve.

Way too late. Ain’t gonna work. But it helps to expose their cravenness.

Ben Sasse started off with his “leaked” call that was never a private call in the first place. Now Alexander:

We should stop calling Trump a Republican. Mitch McConnell is a Republican. Mitt Romney is a Republican. Comey is a Republican. The Bush brothers are Republicans. The governor of Georgia is a Republican. Chris Christie is a Republican. Pence is a Republican.

They all say Trump lost.

No one denies that Trump lost. The question is, did the democrats use voter fraud against Trump, the president they hate with a passion, and were desperate to beat with their 78-year old senile candidate. Maybe they didn't like Joe's chances in a fair election? Maybe they got desperate and got caught ballot stuffing? Until there is a real investigation with real results reported, Biden is illegitimate in the eyes of many.

Our ballot-stuffing was showing up in massive numbers. How many millions of young people turned 18 in the past 5 years? They showed up and voted against Trump.

I give democrats credit for out-working and out-thinking Republicans, especially in GA where Stacy Abrams, and her sister kicked the GOP's ass.
That said, there were more than enough questions about voter-fraud to be investigated. I can list a few, but there were many more:
1. In PA the PA SC illegally extended the vote deadline.
2. In PA the Secretary of State illegally allowed city voters to correct their ballots, but not upstate voters.
3. Some states did not allow voter rolls to be cleaned, GA for one.
4. Some states did not allow signature verification
5. Some states used mass mail-outs and vote "harvesting"
6. Many states keep "finding" ballots well after the deadline, that needs to stop.
7. many more sworn affidavits to investigate

The GOP needs to upgrade their election systems like FL did, then we'll have "free and fair elections" again.

If Trump didn't slow up the US Post office they might not have had to extend the deadline

It never happened.

It did happen. Just because you say it didn't doesn't change the fact it did happen.

Revealed: evidence shows huge mail slowdowns after Trump ally took over

The United States Postal Service (USPS) saw a severe decline in the rate of on-time delivery of first-class mail after Louis DeJoy took over as postmaster general, according to new data obtained by the Guardian that provides some of the most detailed insight yet into widespread mail delays this summer.

Shortly after taking the helm, DeJoy – a major Republican donor with no prior USPS experience – implemented operational changes he said were intended to make the financially beleaguered agency more efficient. Those changes included an effort to get USPS trucks to run on time and limiting extra trips to transport late mail, with the result that mail was often left behind.

Many critics have noted that DeJoy chose to make these changes at the worst possible time, in the midst of a pandemic and months ahead of a presidential election in which a record number of people are expected to vote by mail.

A federal judge blocked USPS from implementing them. The changes were clearly aimed at “voter disenfranchisement”, given the increased role USPS will play in this year’s presidential election, the US district judge Stanley Bastian wrote in his ruling.

“It is easy to conclude that the recent Postal Services’ changes is an intentional effort on the part the current Administration to disrupt and challenge the legitimacy of upcoming local, state, and federal elections,” Bastian wrote.

Of note, some areas in key swing states saw significant declines in on-time delivery rates of first-class mail. In the postal district for northern Ohio, on-time delivery rates dropped as low as 63.60% in mid August. In the Detroit postal district, on-time delivery fell to 61.01% the same month.

You must live in an alternate reality. Trump supporters do.
Way too late. Ain’t gonna work. But it helps to expose their cravenness.

Ben Sasse started off with his “leaked” call that was never a private call in the first place. Now Alexander:

We should stop calling Trump a Republican. Mitch McConnell is a Republican. Mitt Romney is a Republican. Comey is a Republican. The Bush brothers are Republicans. The governor of Georgia is a Republican. Chris Christie is a Republican. Pence is a Republican.

They all say Trump lost.

No one denies that Trump lost. The question is, did the democrats use voter fraud against Trump, the president they hate with a passion, and were desperate to beat with their 78-year old senile candidate. Maybe they didn't like Joe's chances in a fair election? Maybe they got desperate and got caught ballot stuffing? Until there is a real investigation with real results reported, Biden is illegitimate in the eyes of many.

Our ballot-stuffing was showing up in massive numbers. How many millions of young people turned 18 in the past 5 years? They showed up and voted against Trump.

I give democrats credit for out-working and out-thinking Republicans, especially in GA where Stacy Abrams, and her sister kicked the GOP's ass.
That said, there were more than enough questions about voter-fraud to be investigated. I can list a few, but there were many more:
1. In PA the PA SC illegally extended the vote deadline.
2. In PA the Secretary of State illegally allowed city voters to correct their ballots, but not upstate voters.
3. Some states did not allow voter rolls to be cleaned, GA for one.
4. Some states did not allow signature verification
5. Some states used mass mail-outs and vote "harvesting"
6. Many states keep "finding" ballots well after the deadline, that needs to stop.
7. many more sworn affidavits to investigate

The GOP needs to upgrade their election systems like FL did, then we'll have "free and fair elections" again.

Usually it's you Republicans who out work us Democrats. Like in 2000 when you sent Republicans to Florida to disrupt the recount. Us Democrats should have sent people down too.

And interesting that just like last week, in 2000 you guys rioted

The Brooks Brothers riot was a demonstration at a meeting of election canvassers in Miami-Dade County, Florida, on November 22, 2000, during a recount of votes made during the 2000 United States presidential election, with the goal of shutting down the recount. After demonstrations and acts of violence, local officials shut down the recount early.

Many of the demonstrators were paid Republican operatives.

Luckily it didn't work this time.

Rs go to court.
Ds destroy and kill.

And when you lose in court you riot.
The gop's actions read like Sybil, which about as much credibility.


Sybil was a popular book in the 70s about a person with schizophrenia. It sort of popularized multiple personality disorder. And it took liberty with facts.


Multiple personalities. ..and the use of shock therapy at Augusta. I worked for the Dean of Psychiatry for a year. He was one of the shockers. He said the story was basically true and had second thoughts about the treatment and his part in it. Wasn't Thigpen the lead doctor?
Way too late. Ain’t gonna work. But it helps to expose their cravenness.

Ben Sasse started off with his “leaked” call that was never a private call in the first place. Now Alexander:

We should stop calling Trump a Republican. Mitch McConnell is a Republican. Mitt Romney is a Republican. Comey is a Republican. The Bush brothers are Republicans. The governor of Georgia is a Republican. Chris Christie is a Republican. Pence is a Republican.

They all say Trump lost.

No one denies that Trump lost. The question is, did the democrats use voter fraud against Trump, the president they hate with a passion, and were desperate to beat with their 78-year old senile candidate. Maybe they didn't like Joe's chances in a fair election? Maybe they got desperate and got caught ballot stuffing? Until there is a real investigation with real results reported, Biden is illegitimate in the eyes of many.

Our ballot-stuffing was showing up in massive numbers. How many millions of young people turned 18 in the past 5 years? They showed up and voted against Trump.

I give democrats credit for out-working and out-thinking Republicans, especially in GA where Stacy Abrams, and her sister kicked the GOP's ass.
That said, there were more than enough questions about voter-fraud to be investigated. I can list a few, but there were many more:
1. In PA the PA SC illegally extended the vote deadline.
2. In PA the Secretary of State illegally allowed city voters to correct their ballots, but not upstate voters.
3. Some states did not allow voter rolls to be cleaned, GA for one.
4. Some states did not allow signature verification
5. Some states used mass mail-outs and vote "harvesting"
6. Many states keep "finding" ballots well after the deadline, that needs to stop.
7. many more sworn affidavits to investigate

The GOP needs to upgrade their election systems like FL did, then we'll have "free and fair elections" again.

If Trump didn't slow up the US Post office they might not have had to extend the deadline

It never happened.

It did happen. Just because you say it didn't doesn't change the fact it did happen.

Revealed: evidence shows huge mail slowdowns after Trump ally took over

The United States Postal Service (USPS) saw a severe decline in the rate of on-time delivery of first-class mail after Louis DeJoy took over as postmaster general, according to new data obtained by the Guardian that provides some of the most detailed insight yet into widespread mail delays this summer.

Shortly after taking the helm, DeJoy – a major Republican donor with no prior USPS experience – implemented operational changes he said were intended to make the financially beleaguered agency more efficient. Those changes included an effort to get USPS trucks to run on time and limiting extra trips to transport late mail, with the result that mail was often left behind.

Many critics have noted that DeJoy chose to make these changes at the worst possible time, in the midst of a pandemic and months ahead of a presidential election in which a record number of people are expected to vote by mail.

A federal judge blocked USPS from implementing them. The changes were clearly aimed at “voter disenfranchisement”, given the increased role USPS will play in this year’s presidential election, the US district judge Stanley Bastian wrote in his ruling.

“It is easy to conclude that the recent Postal Services’ changes is an intentional effort on the part the current Administration to disrupt and challenge the legitimacy of upcoming local, state, and federal elections,” Bastian wrote.

Of note, some areas in key swing states saw significant declines in on-time delivery rates of first-class mail. In the postal district for northern Ohio, on-time delivery rates dropped as low as 63.60% in mid August. In the Detroit postal district, on-time delivery fell to 61.01% the same month.

You must live in an alternate reality. Trump supporters do.

Did you ask why this happened?
My son did.
Post Offices are a breeding ground as they are the antithesis of private space.
Way too late. Ain’t gonna work. But it helps to expose their cravenness.

Ben Sasse started off with his “leaked” call that was never a private call in the first place. Now Alexander:

We should stop calling Trump a Republican. Mitch McConnell is a Republican. Mitt Romney is a Republican. Comey is a Republican. The Bush brothers are Republicans. The governor of Georgia is a Republican. Chris Christie is a Republican. Pence is a Republican.

They all say Trump lost.

No one denies that Trump lost. The question is, did the democrats use voter fraud against Trump, the president they hate with a passion, and were desperate to beat with their 78-year old senile candidate. Maybe they didn't like Joe's chances in a fair election? Maybe they got desperate and got caught ballot stuffing? Until there is a real investigation with real results reported, Biden is illegitimate in the eyes of many.

Our ballot-stuffing was showing up in massive numbers. How many millions of young people turned 18 in the past 5 years? They showed up and voted against Trump.

I give democrats credit for out-working and out-thinking Republicans, especially in GA where Stacy Abrams, and her sister kicked the GOP's ass.
That said, there were more than enough questions about voter-fraud to be investigated. I can list a few, but there were many more:
1. In PA the PA SC illegally extended the vote deadline.
2. In PA the Secretary of State illegally allowed city voters to correct their ballots, but not upstate voters.
3. Some states did not allow voter rolls to be cleaned, GA for one.
4. Some states did not allow signature verification
5. Some states used mass mail-outs and vote "harvesting"
6. Many states keep "finding" ballots well after the deadline, that needs to stop.
7. many more sworn affidavits to investigate

The GOP needs to upgrade their election systems like FL did, then we'll have "free and fair elections" again.

Usually it's you Republicans who out work us Democrats. Like in 2000 when you sent Republicans to Florida to disrupt the recount. Us Democrats should have sent people down too.

And interesting that just like last week, in 2000 you guys rioted

The Brooks Brothers riot was a demonstration at a meeting of election canvassers in Miami-Dade County, Florida, on November 22, 2000, during a recount of votes made during the 2000 United States presidential election, with the goal of shutting down the recount. After demonstrations and acts of violence, local officials shut down the recount early.

Many of the demonstrators were paid Republican operatives.

Luckily it didn't work this time.

Rs go to court.
Ds destroy and kill.

And when you lose in court you riot.

We need a lot more to catch up with the Libs.
Way too late. Ain’t gonna work. But it helps to expose their cravenness.

Ben Sasse started off with his “leaked” call that was never a private call in the first place. Now Alexander:

We should stop calling Trump a Republican. Mitch McConnell is a Republican. Mitt Romney is a Republican. Comey is a Republican. The Bush brothers are Republicans. The governor of Georgia is a Republican. Chris Christie is a Republican. Pence is a Republican.

They all say Trump lost.

No one denies that Trump lost. The question is, did the democrats use voter fraud against Trump, the president they hate with a passion, and were desperate to beat with their 78-year old senile candidate. Maybe they didn't like Joe's chances in a fair election? Maybe they got desperate and got caught ballot stuffing? Until there is a real investigation with real results reported, Biden is illegitimate in the eyes of many.

Our ballot-stuffing was showing up in massive numbers. How many millions of young people turned 18 in the past 5 years? They showed up and voted against Trump.

I give democrats credit for out-working and out-thinking Republicans, especially in GA where Stacy Abrams, and her sister kicked the GOP's ass.
That said, there were more than enough questions about voter-fraud to be investigated. I can list a few, but there were many more:
1. In PA the PA SC illegally extended the vote deadline.
2. In PA the Secretary of State illegally allowed city voters to correct their ballots, but not upstate voters.
3. Some states did not allow voter rolls to be cleaned, GA for one.
4. Some states did not allow signature verification
5. Some states used mass mail-outs and vote "harvesting"
6. Many states keep "finding" ballots well after the deadline, that needs to stop.
7. many more sworn affidavits to investigate

The GOP needs to upgrade their election systems like FL did, then we'll have "free and fair elections" again.

Usually it's you Republicans who out work us Democrats. Like in 2000 when you sent Republicans to Florida to disrupt the recount. Us Democrats should have sent people down too.

And interesting that just like last week, in 2000 you guys rioted

The Brooks Brothers riot was a demonstration at a meeting of election canvassers in Miami-Dade County, Florida, on November 22, 2000, during a recount of votes made during the 2000 United States presidential election, with the goal of shutting down the recount. After demonstrations and acts of violence, local officials shut down the recount early.

Many of the demonstrators were paid Republican operatives.

Luckily it didn't work this time.

Rs go to court.
Ds destroy and kill.

That's going to have to evolve.

You going to get shot for the cause?

Listen, you will do what you are told just like Republicans in Washington

You don't like wearing masks? You don't like having to go through metal detectors? Tough shit lady




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