The right continues to underestimate Obama.....


Sep 15, 2008
In the same way the left repeatedly underestimated Bush.
yeah but the media pumps up Obama, yet didnt for it's not quite the same....Using teen sexuality in your campaign commercials is a quintessential liberal thing, but to most people it's repugnant
In the same way the left repeatedly underestimated Bush.

In what way is the right underestimating Obama? You have die hard partisans doing that just as you have die hard partisans from the left underestimating Romney take them out of the mix and the rest see the race as the dead heat it is.
Yea, we had no idea just how low he would stoop. Can't believe I gave him as much credit as I did. Seeing how the Libyan attacks were handled tells me all I need to know about this man and where his loyalty really is. It's not with our military or even our country. He won't love this country until it becomes something unrecognizable to most Americans. It won't be America, the greatest country on earth, anymore. It will be just another country ruled by the U.N. after we will relinquish our sovereignty and shred the constitution and bill of rights.
Underestimation requires a grasp of reality in some way. What they are doing is far worse, they have invented a fictional character that bears little resemblance to our president and whipping themselves into a frenzy of paranoid pants shitting whenever he makes a move.
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Yea, we had no idea just how low he would stoop. Can't believe I gave him as much credit as I did. Seeing how the Libyan attacks were handled tells me all I need to know about this man and where his loyalty really is. It's not with our military or even our country. He won't love this country until it becomes something unrecognizable to most Americans. It won't be America, the greatest country on earth, anymore. It will be just another country ruled by the U.N. after we will relinquish our sovereignty and shred the constitution and bill of rights.

drano isnt a beverage
Overestimation requires a grasp of reality in some way. What they are doing is far worse, they have invented a fictional character that bears little resemblance to our president and whipping themselves into a frenzy of paranoid pants shitting whenever he makes a move.

there were plenty on the left who did the same over bush, iirc.
Yea, we had no idea just how low he would stoop. Can't believe I gave him as much credit as I did. Seeing how the Libyan attacks were handled tells me all I need to know about this man and where his loyalty really is. It's not with our military or even our country. He won't love this country until it becomes something unrecognizable to most Americans. It won't be America, the greatest country on earth, anymore. It will be just another country ruled by the U.N. after we will relinquish our sovereignty and shred the constitution and bill of rights.

Here's a clue for you. When it comes to your rights and freedom, you've got one hell of a LOT more to worry about when it comes to corporate power than you've got to worry about regarding the UN or any combination of foreign countries. Corporations are already here, and they are exerting their influence on BOTH political parties every day, not just during campaign season. They give massive campaign contributions because they want legislation favorable to THEM. And when YOUR interests (and by yours, I mean yours, mine, and ALL average Americans) conflict with THEIR interests, who do you think is gonna win...and lose?
Overestimation requires a grasp of reality in some way. What they are doing is far worse, they have invented a fictional character that bears little resemblance to our president and whipping themselves into a frenzy of paranoid pants shitting whenever he makes a move.

there were plenty on the left who did the same over bush, iirc.

Well let's take an inventory.

Patriot act.
Domestic spying.
lying us into a useless war.
An amoral war profiteer VP who declared himself unaccountable.

The left gets upset about real things, not made-up birther type conspiracy theories. Of course this is not absolute, there are loons of all kinds, but nothing the left has ever done compares with widespread certainty of the birther/Marxist crap.
Overestimation requires a grasp of reality in some way. What they are doing is far worse, they have invented a fictional character that bears little resemblance to our president and whipping themselves into a frenzy of paranoid pants shitting whenever he makes a move.

there were plenty on the left who did the same over bush, iirc.

Well let's take an inventory.

Patriot act.
Domestic spying.
lying us into a useless war.
An amoral war profiteer VP who declared himself unaccountable.

The left gets upset about real things, not made-up birther type conspiracy theories. Of course this is not absolute, there are loons of all kinds, but nothing the left has ever done compares with widespread certainty of the birther/Marxist crap.

and yet the renewal of the patriot act, the continuation of dhs, and obama's use of drones domesticaly, signing statements and gitmo don't seem to bother his supporters.

Overestimation requires a grasp of reality in some way. What they are doing is far worse, they have invented a fictional character that bears little resemblance to our president and whipping themselves into a frenzy of paranoid pants shitting whenever he makes a move.

there were plenty on the left who did the same over bush, iirc.

Well let's take an inventory.

Patriot act.
Domestic spying.
lying us into a useless war.
An amoral war profiteer VP who declared himself unaccountable.

The left gets upset about real things, not made-up birther type conspiracy theories. Of course this is not absolute, there are loons of all kinds, but nothing the left has ever done compares with widespread certainty of the birther/Marxist crap.

Ya cause the left did not actually vote FOR all those things and then continue them when they took power. As to the VP care to provide some actual proof of your bogus claim?
there were plenty on the left who did the same over bush, iirc.

Well let's take an inventory.

Patriot act.
Domestic spying.
lying us into a useless war.
An amoral war profiteer VP who declared himself unaccountable.

The left gets upset about real things, not made-up birther type conspiracy theories. Of course this is not absolute, there are loons of all kinds, but nothing the left has ever done compares with widespread certainty of the birther/Marxist crap.

Ya cause the left did not actually vote FOR all those things and then continue them when they took power. As to the VP care to provide some actual proof of your bogus claim?

name one policy that once the government gets more power over people in this sense, they reverse.

I'l wait.......Hack.

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