The Right's Calculated Attempt To Turn Liberals Against Hillary

Practice saying Madam President.

I just pray that the dims don't dump her before the general.


If Hillary is nominated and win the general, will you be OK?

We would not have to call suicide watch on you, would we?

I'd rather make the call.
why in the hell would anyone support hillary or jeb.....time to let the office go to another for the rights war on yourself why do they have so much ammo?

Who would you recommend?

Bernie Sanders has the same position as Hillary on everything and a lot less baggage, why not him?

The Clintons and Bush's are both buried in baggage, it's not just the one. You and the Republicans need to make them go away
why in the hell would anyone support hillary or jeb.....time to let the office go to another for the rights war on yourself why do they have so much ammo?

Who would you recommend?

Bernie Sanders has the same position as Hillary on everything and a lot less baggage, why not him?

The Clintons and Bush's are both buried in baggage, it's not just the one. You and the Republicans need to make them go away

I remember back in 2007, some RW was petitioning the Dems not to nominate Hillry because it sets up the precedent of dynasty. You know Bush-Clinton-Bush-Clinton. That encouraged Dem to select Obama--who can claim a dynasty with him? Cheney?

Now here we are and now someone want us to select someone else besides Clinton. All I can say is, If we see someone better, we will select that candidate.
If Hillary is nominated and win the general, will you be OK?

We would not have to call suicide watch on you, would we?

I survived Barry da Fairy.

But Walter Palmer is more likely to be elected president than Hillary is, so your's is just wild speculation.
why in the hell would anyone support hillary or jeb.....time to let the office go to another for the rights war on yourself why do they have so much ammo?

Who would you recommend?

Bernie Sanders has the same position as Hillary on everything and a lot less baggage, why not him?

The Clintons and Bush's are both buried in baggage, it's not just the one. You and the Republicans need to make them go away
What baggage does Jeb Bush carry? Be specific.
Practice saying Madam President.

I just pray that the dims don't dump her before the general.


If Hillary is nominated and win the general, will you be OK?

We would not have to call suicide watch on you, would we?

It wouldn't be a biggie, she's long sold out. I just would like to not see or hear her again

Who would you like to see or hear again?

How bout the Marx brothers?
why in the hell would anyone support hillary or jeb.....time to let the office go to another for the rights war on yourself why do they have so much ammo?

Who would you recommend?

Bernie Sanders has the same position as Hillary on everything and a lot less baggage, why not him?

The Clintons and Bush's are both buried in baggage, it's not just the one. You and the Republicans need to make them go away
What baggage does Jeb Bush carry? Be specific.

Being a Bush. I'll concede the theoretical possibility that he's his own man and wouldn't be a bitch to his fathers cabal like his brother, but after 3 bush terms, I would vote against a fourth
Conservatives don't need to go after Hillary this time. The liberal media is doing it on their own. They forsee a Hillary disaster if she gets nominated, so they are trying to take her down as quickly as possible.
Liberals HATE it when the right uses their tactics against them.
Fuckin' R's reading Alinsky again.
I am about to finish Mr. Alinsky's Rules for Radicals. Have to say I'm a bit disappointed as there is nothing radical about it. Just a guideline for grass roots organizing that is now employed from one end of the political spectrum to the other. Sorry for going off topic.
why in the hell would anyone support hillary or jeb.....time to let the office go to another for the rights war on yourself why do they have so much ammo?

Who would you recommend?

Bernie Sanders has the same position as Hillary on everything and a lot less baggage, why not him?

The Clintons and Bush's are both buried in baggage, it's not just the one. You and the Republicans need to make them go away
What baggage does Jeb Bush carry? Be specific.

Being a Bush. I'll concede the theoretical possibility that he's his own man and wouldn't be a bitch to his fathers cabal like his brother, but after 3 bush terms, I would vote against a fourth
He is very different from his brother. His positions as governor were pretty conservative. And if his name were Smith everyone would be voting for him. So I can't say he has baggage. Certainly nothng like Hillary.
During Monday's editorial meeting -- in which Clinton was seeking the Daily News' endorsement ahead of Pennsylvania's April 22 primary -- she was asked about the apparent discrepancy. The newspaper reported her response:

"Now let me tell you what I can remember, OK -- because what I was told was that we had to land a certain way and move quickly because of the threat of sniper fire. So I misspoke -- I didn't say that in my book or other times but if I said something that made it seem as though there was actual fire -- that's not what I was told," she told the newspaper.

"I was told we had to land a certain way, we had to have our bulletproof stuff on because of the threat of sniper fire. I was also told that the greeting ceremony had been moved away from the tarmac but that there was this 8-year-old girl and, I can't, I can't rush by her, I've got to at least greet her -- so I greeted her, I took her stuff and then I left. Now that's my memory of it."

Clinton says she misspoke about sniper fire -

Well, that makes perfect sense to me. Hillary has my vote!

Except she said she ran with her head down to avoid the sniper fire. Good grief....

She was in a combat zone with Chelsea. They were probably very scared. She probably felt like she was running with her head down. Fear alters perceptions. Seems perfectly reasonable to me. Anyway, she said she misspoke.

Once maybe, but there is a long habit of lying. Like she made a 10,000% profit on cattle futures.

She was named after Sir Hillary Edmunds.

She only used one mobile device for e-mails.

I was never subpoenaed.

I only have one cell phone.

I could keep going but the pattern and her reputation is there.

She lied. You are either naive or dishonest to say otherwise.
Why is this leftard blaming others for the Left's own idiotic inclination to go as far off the Left-wing cliff as possible?

liberals dont like hillary because they feel Bernie Sanders is to the LEFT OF HILLARY; and to these Progressives loons the Democrat Party just cant get far enough Left to their liking.
it's the same reason Hillary was called a "closet Republican" and of course a "racist" by obama's surrogates when she ran against him.

if Hugo Chavez or Fidel Castro was available to run on the Democrat ticket left-wing nutjobs would be screaming for those guys!

libs are losers who lie to themselves

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