The Right's Calculated Attempt To Turn Liberals Against Hillary

why in the hell would anyone support hillary or jeb.....time to let the office go to another for the rights war on yourself why do they have so much ammo?

Who would you recommend?

Bernie Sanders has the same position as Hillary on everything and a lot less baggage, why not him?

The Clintons and Bush's are both buried in baggage, it's not just the one. You and the Republicans need to make them go away
What baggage does Jeb Bush carry? Be specific.

Being a Bush. I'll concede the theoretical possibility that he's his own man and wouldn't be a bitch to his fathers cabal like his brother, but after 3 bush terms, I would vote against a fourth
He is very different from his brother. His positions as governor were pretty conservative. And if his name were Smith everyone would be voting for him. So I can't say he has baggage. Certainly nothng like Hillary.

How would you know that though? W ran his first campaign as if he were a conservative. I didn't vote for him, I voted for Harry Browne, but I was actually optimistic when he picked Cheney. Then it turned out Cheney didn't mean what he had said all those years either. Immediately in office it was clear his father's DC institutional click were running the show
Many on the Left dont want Hillary and prefer Sanders or somebody else.

but the same whining left-wing idiots that never take responsibility for anything still found a way to blame hillary's low popularity in some corners of the Left on Republicans???

Many on the Left dont want Hillary and prefer Sanders or somebody else.

but the same whining left-wing idiots that never take responsibility for anything still found a way to blame hillary's low popularity in some corners of the Left on Republicans???


Yes, if they shit in their pants, it was the Republicans. These are people who are personal responsibility challenged
Who would you recommend?

Bernie Sanders has the same position as Hillary on everything and a lot less baggage, why not him?

The Clintons and Bush's are both buried in baggage, it's not just the one. You and the Republicans need to make them go away
What baggage does Jeb Bush carry? Be specific.

Being a Bush. I'll concede the theoretical possibility that he's his own man and wouldn't be a bitch to his fathers cabal like his brother, but after 3 bush terms, I would vote against a fourth
He is very different from his brother. His positions as governor were pretty conservative. And if his name were Smith everyone would be voting for him. So I can't say he has baggage. Certainly nothng like Hillary.

How would you know that though? W ran his first campaign as if he were a conservative. I didn't vote for him, I voted for Harry Browne, but I was actually optimistic when he picked Cheney. Then it turned out Cheney didn't mean what he had said all those years either. Immediately in office it was clear his father's DC institutional click were running the show
HE did not run as a conservative. He ran as a "compassionate conservative" because bythat time the conservative label was not so well regarded.
IN any case he governed as a Rockefeller/Nixon Republican not as a Reagan/Goldwater Republican. I think Jeb's record is more conservative and he would govern more as a conservative. As said, he is not my first pick or even my second or third. But he isnt a terrible candidate. Like Trump.
Bernie Sanders has the same position as Hillary on everything and a lot less baggage, why not him?

The Clintons and Bush's are both buried in baggage, it's not just the one. You and the Republicans need to make them go away
What baggage does Jeb Bush carry? Be specific.

Being a Bush. I'll concede the theoretical possibility that he's his own man and wouldn't be a bitch to his fathers cabal like his brother, but after 3 bush terms, I would vote against a fourth
He is very different from his brother. His positions as governor were pretty conservative. And if his name were Smith everyone would be voting for him. So I can't say he has baggage. Certainly nothng like Hillary.

How would you know that though? W ran his first campaign as if he were a conservative. I didn't vote for him, I voted for Harry Browne, but I was actually optimistic when he picked Cheney. Then it turned out Cheney didn't mean what he had said all those years either. Immediately in office it was clear his father's DC institutional click were running the show
HE did not run as a conservative. He ran as a "compassionate conservative" because bythat time the conservative label was not so well regarded.
IN any case he governed as a Rockefeller/Nixon Republican not as a Reagan/Goldwater Republican. I think Jeb's record is more conservative and he would govern more as a conservative. As said, he is not my first pick or even my second or third. But he isnt a terrible candidate. Like Trump.

Fair enough on your view. I am not saying I won't reconsider as more information comes in, just that's my view now
What baggage does Jeb Bush carry? Be specific.

Being a Bush. I'll concede the theoretical possibility that he's his own man and wouldn't be a bitch to his fathers cabal like his brother, but after 3 bush terms, I would vote against a fourth
He is very different from his brother. His positions as governor were pretty conservative. And if his name were Smith everyone would be voting for him. So I can't say he has baggage. Certainly nothng like Hillary.

How would you know that though? W ran his first campaign as if he were a conservative. I didn't vote for him, I voted for Harry Browne, but I was actually optimistic when he picked Cheney. Then it turned out Cheney didn't mean what he had said all those years either. Immediately in office it was clear his father's DC institutional click were running the show
HE did not run as a conservative. He ran as a "compassionate conservative" because bythat time the conservative label was not so well regarded.
IN any case he governed as a Rockefeller/Nixon Republican not as a Reagan/Goldwater Republican. I think Jeb's record is more conservative and he would govern more as a conservative. As said, he is not my first pick or even my second or third. But he isnt a terrible candidate. Like Trump.

Fair enough on your view. I am not saying I won't reconsider as more information comes in, just that's my view now
OK. We'll see how he does as a candidate and what he says. So far everyone is agreed he wasnt very impressive.
It's the same old Benghazi bullshit. NaziCons are still desperately trying to criminalize Hillary over her State Department emails - even though none of the emails were marked classified at the time she sent and/or received them - nor was the use of her private server violating any laws and rules during her State Department tenure.
WASHINGTON — A Twitter post recently caught the eye of Bill McKibben, the environmental advocate and godfather of the Keystone XL pipeline protests. It included an image from “The Simpsons” showing Homer and his family basking in mountains of cash in their living room, followed by a report on Hillary Rodham Clinton’s appearing at a fund-raiser with a lobbyist from the Keystone fight.

Mr. McKibben’s environmental organization,, has been trying to raise awareness about the ties it sees between lobbyists for the oil pipeline and former aides to Mrs. Clinton. He promptly shared the post with his 150,000 Twitter followers, and the reaction was immediate.

“You expect different from a Clinton?” one person responded on Twitter. And from another: “Did you need another reason not to vote for Hillary Clinton?” Lost in the response was the source of the offending tweet. It was not another environmental organization or even a liberal challenger to Mrs. Clinton. Instead, it was a conservative group called America Rising PAC, which is trying, with laserlike focus, to weaken the woman who almost everyone believes will be the Democratic Party’s candidate for president in 2016.

Much More: The Right Baits the Left to Turn Against Hillary Clinton - The New York Times

I doubt most Liberals will take the bait. Since the right has no strong candidates - they will rabidly try to weaken Hillary. Their strategy speaks volumes for who they are. I support Hillary because she is far better than anything the right has to offer. She ain't perfect - but she's far better than the opposition.
If Hillary can't take the rumble and tumble of Presidential politics, she should go back to the kitchen where she belongs.
WASHINGTON — A Twitter post recently caught the eye of Bill McKibben, the environmental advocate and godfather of the Keystone XL pipeline protests. It included an image from “The Simpsons” showing Homer and his family basking in mountains of cash in their living room, followed by a report on Hillary Rodham Clinton’s appearing at a fund-raiser with a lobbyist from the Keystone fight.

Mr. McKibben’s environmental organization,, has been trying to raise awareness about the ties it sees between lobbyists for the oil pipeline and former aides to Mrs. Clinton. He promptly shared the post with his 150,000 Twitter followers, and the reaction was immediate.

“You expect different from a Clinton?” one person responded on Twitter. And from another: “Did you need another reason not to vote for Hillary Clinton?” Lost in the response was the source of the offending tweet. It was not another environmental organization or even a liberal challenger to Mrs. Clinton. Instead, it was a conservative group called America Rising PAC, which is trying, with laserlike focus, to weaken the woman who almost everyone believes will be the Democratic Party’s candidate for president in 2016.

Much More: The Right Baits the Left to Turn Against Hillary Clinton - The New York Times

I doubt most Liberals will take the bait. Since the right has no strong candidates - they will rabidly try to weaken Hillary. Their strategy speaks volumes for who they are. I support Hillary because she is far better than anything the right has to offer. She ain't perfect - but she's far better than the opposition.
If Hillary can't take the rumble and tumble of Presidential politics, she should go back to the kitchen where she belongs.

Hillary is more than tough enough to weather all the NaziCon lies and smears.
WASHINGTON — A Twitter post recently caught the eye of Bill McKibben, the environmental advocate and godfather of the Keystone XL pipeline protests. It included an image from “The Simpsons” showing Homer and his family basking in mountains of cash in their living room, followed by a report on Hillary Rodham Clinton’s appearing at a fund-raiser with a lobbyist from the Keystone fight.

Mr. McKibben’s environmental organization,, has been trying to raise awareness about the ties it sees between lobbyists for the oil pipeline and former aides to Mrs. Clinton. He promptly shared the post with his 150,000 Twitter followers, and the reaction was immediate.

“You expect different from a Clinton?” one person responded on Twitter. And from another: “Did you need another reason not to vote for Hillary Clinton?” Lost in the response was the source of the offending tweet. It was not another environmental organization or even a liberal challenger to Mrs. Clinton. Instead, it was a conservative group called America Rising PAC, which is trying, with laserlike focus, to weaken the woman who almost everyone believes will be the Democratic Party’s candidate for president in 2016.

Much More: The Right Baits the Left to Turn Against Hillary Clinton - The New York Times

I doubt most Liberals will take the bait. Since the right has no strong candidates - they will rabidly try to weaken Hillary. Their strategy speaks volumes for who they are. I support Hillary because she is far better than anything the right has to offer. She ain't perfect - but she's far better than the opposition.
If Hillary can't take the rumble and tumble of Presidential politics, she should go back to the kitchen where she belongs.

Hillary is more than tough enough to weather all the NaziCon lies and smears.
Then stop bitching about it like a little girl.
WASHINGTON — A Twitter post recently caught the eye of Bill McKibben, the environmental advocate and godfather of the Keystone XL pipeline protests. It included an image from “The Simpsons” showing Homer and his family basking in mountains of cash in their living room, followed by a report on Hillary Rodham Clinton’s appearing at a fund-raiser with a lobbyist from the Keystone fight.

Mr. McKibben’s environmental organization,, has been trying to raise awareness about the ties it sees between lobbyists for the oil pipeline and former aides to Mrs. Clinton. He promptly shared the post with his 150,000 Twitter followers, and the reaction was immediate.

“You expect different from a Clinton?” one person responded on Twitter. And from another: “Did you need another reason not to vote for Hillary Clinton?” Lost in the response was the source of the offending tweet. It was not another environmental organization or even a liberal challenger to Mrs. Clinton. Instead, it was a conservative group called America Rising PAC, which is trying, with laserlike focus, to weaken the woman who almost everyone believes will be the Democratic Party’s candidate for president in 2016.

Much More: The Right Baits the Left to Turn Against Hillary Clinton - The New York Times

I doubt most Liberals will take the bait. Since the right has no strong candidates - they will rabidly try to weaken Hillary. Their strategy speaks volumes for who they are. I support Hillary because she is far better than anything the right has to offer. She ain't perfect - but she's far better than the opposition.
If Hillary can't take the rumble and tumble of Presidential politics, she should go back to the kitchen where she belongs.

Hillary is more than tough enough to weather all the NaziCon lies and smears.
Then stop bitching about it like a little girl.

Then you NaziCons stop lying about her without any proof.
WASHINGTON — A Twitter post recently caught the eye of Bill McKibben, the environmental advocate and godfather of the Keystone XL pipeline protests. It included an image from “The Simpsons” showing Homer and his family basking in mountains of cash in their living room, followed by a report on Hillary Rodham Clinton’s appearing at a fund-raiser with a lobbyist from the Keystone fight.

Mr. McKibben’s environmental organization,, has been trying to raise awareness about the ties it sees between lobbyists for the oil pipeline and former aides to Mrs. Clinton. He promptly shared the post with his 150,000 Twitter followers, and the reaction was immediate.

“You expect different from a Clinton?” one person responded on Twitter. And from another: “Did you need another reason not to vote for Hillary Clinton?” Lost in the response was the source of the offending tweet. It was not another environmental organization or even a liberal challenger to Mrs. Clinton. Instead, it was a conservative group called America Rising PAC, which is trying, with laserlike focus, to weaken the woman who almost everyone believes will be the Democratic Party’s candidate for president in 2016.

Much More: The Right Baits the Left to Turn Against Hillary Clinton - The New York Times

I doubt most Liberals will take the bait. Since the right has no strong candidates - they will rabidly try to weaken Hillary. Their strategy speaks volumes for who they are. I support Hillary because she is far better than anything the right has to offer. She ain't perfect - but she's far better than the opposition.
If Hillary can't take the rumble and tumble of Presidential politics, she should go back to the kitchen where she belongs.

Hillary is more than tough enough to weather all the NaziCon lies and smears.
Then stop bitching about it like a little girl.

Then you NaziCons stop lying about her without any proof.
What lies? I haven't heard any lies.

You should stop defending this woman. She doesn't need your help, see is fully capable of taking care of herself.
And all this flap over a person who cannot be The Democrat Party's goat for the 2016 election, she being too white, too old and (arguably) too female.
The Democrats don't have a prayer of winning, just like Republicans didn't have a prayer in 2008.

It is a consistent pattern in U.S. history the voters get tired of one party and vote for the other.

That was why the best Republicans had was McCain and Romney. All the others stayed away.

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