The Right's Calculated Attempt To Turn Liberals Against Hillary

remember when hillary was gonna bring health care to everyone.....vince foster affair....etc and so forth ....personally hillary is not my idea of a good candidate

When did Republicans try to bring us improved health care? At least Hillary tried. What about Vince Foster?
The GOP had several recommendations to counter the ACA. One for instance was forcing insurance companies to do business across state lines which would have created competition and lowered rates. The democrats would hear none of it.
Clinton's "proposal first off was unauthorized as she held no elected public office. Secondly, her idea was to have the federal government by the stroke of a pen become the main employer of all medical professionals and become the owner of all medical facilities. With no means to fund all of it.
remember when hillary was gonna bring health care to everyone.....vince foster affair....etc and so forth ....personally hillary is not my idea of a good candidate

When did Republicans try to bring us improved health care? At least Hillary tried. What about Vince Foster?
BTW, there is nothing wrong with the health care in the US......The problems lie with insurers, attorneys( very strong lobby and liberal regulations on the ability to sue) and interference from the federal government.
It's hilarious to watch NaziCons desperately trying to sink Hillary. They keep throwing shit like zoo monkeys and hoping something will stick. Nothing so far...
WASHINGTON — A Twitter post recently caught the eye of Bill McKibben, the environmental advocate and godfather of the Keystone XL pipeline protests. It included an image from “The Simpsons” showing Homer and his family basking in mountains of cash in their living room, followed by a report on Hillary Rodham Clinton’s appearing at a fund-raiser with a lobbyist from the Keystone fight.

Mr. McKibben’s environmental organization,, has been trying to raise awareness about the ties it sees between lobbyists for the oil pipeline and former aides to Mrs. Clinton. He promptly shared the post with his 150,000 Twitter followers, and the reaction was immediate.

“You expect different from a Clinton?” one person responded on Twitter. And from another: “Did you need another reason not to vote for Hillary Clinton?” Lost in the response was the source of the offending tweet. It was not another environmental organization or even a liberal challenger to Mrs. Clinton. Instead, it was a conservative group called America Rising PAC, which is trying, with laserlike focus, to weaken the woman who almost everyone believes will be the Democratic Party’s candidate for president in 2016.

Much More: The Right Baits the Left to Turn Against Hillary Clinton - The New York Times

I doubt most Liberals will take the bait. Since the right has no strong candidates - they will rabidly try to weaken Hillary. Their strategy speaks volumes for who they are. I support Hillary because she is far better than anything the right has to offer. She ain't perfect - but she's far better than the opposition.

Obviously you're having second thoughts about Hillary. Trust me....I think we all understand. :D
"The Right's Calculated Attempt To Turn Liberals Against Hillary"

This is one of many mistakes republicans are making concerning Clinton – the attacks are encouraging democrats to close ranks around her.

Other mistakes republican can make would be to underestimate (misunderestimate for GWB fans) Clinton, or to believe she's somehow 'done.'
What does 350 mean anyway? Was that for when 350ppm of CO2 was going to make Guam tip over?

a leftist kook site

"how 1500 people we shut down the Europe biggest source of co2" --LOL

for five minutes


if that

the writer must be unaware that Germany is in the process of building several new lignite power plants

When asked what as president she would do about the keystone XL pipeline she said if its still an issue when she's president we'll find out. When asked if foreign donations to the Clinton foundation got them favors, she didn't say no, she deflected the question.
I have no idea what the right is saying about her and it doesn't matter, I'm not voting for a candidate who won't answer simple questions.
Hillary Clinton's Lawyer Defends Her Use of Personal Email

Hillary Clinton's use of a personal email account for conducting State Department business followed both federal rules in place at the time and the practice of some of her predecessors, her lawyer says.

The explanation, from Washington, D.C. lawyer David Kendall, comes in a letter sent late Friday to the State Department's undersecretary for management, obtained by NBC News.

"Secretary Clinton's use of personal e-mail was consistent with the practice of other Secretaries of State and was permissible under State Department policy in place during her tenure," Kendall writes.

More: Hillary Clinton's Lawyer Defends Her Use of Personal Email

Go Hillary!!!!!
Hillary Clinton's Lawyer Defends Her Use of Personal Email

Hillary Clinton's use of a personal email account for conducting State Department business followed both federal rules in place at the time and the practice of some of her predecessors, her lawyer says.

The explanation, from Washington, D.C. lawyer David Kendall, comes in a letter sent late Friday to the State Department's undersecretary for management, obtained by NBC News.

"Secretary Clinton's use of personal e-mail was consistent with the practice of other Secretaries of State and was permissible under State Department policy in place during her tenure," Kendall writes.

More: Hillary Clinton's Lawyer Defends Her Use of Personal Email

Go Hillary!!!!!

What is truly sad is the fact that you have no clue how bad this makes her look.
Hillary Clinton's Lawyer Defends Her Use of Personal Email

Hillary Clinton's use of a personal email account for conducting State Department business followed both federal rules in place at the time and the practice of some of her predecessors, her lawyer says.

The explanation, from Washington, D.C. lawyer David Kendall, comes in a letter sent late Friday to the State Department's undersecretary for management, obtained by NBC News.

"Secretary Clinton's use of personal e-mail was consistent with the practice of other Secretaries of State and was permissible under State Department policy in place during her tenure," Kendall writes.

More: Hillary Clinton's Lawyer Defends Her Use of Personal Email

Go Hillary!!!!!

What is truly sad is the fact that you have no clue how bad this makes her look.

What is truly sad is exactly what the thread title says. NaziCons are desperately trying to preserve the illusion that there is something criminal to be found. They'll be doing that until November 2016. It's called dirty politics.
NaziCons are sooo dishonest - and hilarious! Now they're trying to say the Clintons have ties to the Muslim Brotherhood. OMG, what will they say next?

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