The Right's Calculated Attempt To Turn Liberals Against Hillary

My side is the middle class asshole.
Nothing like it. And there's not much middle class still around since that is a creation of government. Capitalism has no middle class, of any size that matters that is.
Sure, we're all Donald Trumps or Freddy Grays these days. Idiot!
The GOP hasn't paid attention to the middle class in 40 years. Why you are hooked on that I have no idea but that dog won't hunt, and doesn't fucking matter anyway. The middle class, what's left of it, is too busy trying like hell to hang onto what they have to pay attention to any partisan spin.

They might not trust HC, but they sure as hell don't trust the party of old whitey and the Koch suckers....
yeah, right. And the 50% of America who vote Republican are super rich old white guys.

You just have to laugh at someone who can talk about old whitey and the Clintons in the same sentence.
What has been "factually" proven against Hillary that should preclude her from being president?

Just the fact that she destroyed he email server, expecting everyone to take her word that she turned over all work related emails. If that were a republican the left would be trying to crucify them. But it's a Clinton and they never lie, according to the left. If it weren't for your hypocrisy you wouldn't have much.

Just think, Nixon could have erased the entire tape instead of the eight minutes and he would have gone down as the second greatest president of the post war era.
Learn the lesson, destroy the tapes. People still haven't taken that to heart. Today that would be, don't tweet your dick-pic to an intern and don't dump the teenage boy you're fucking after teaching him English Lit.
My point is that she's a sleaze, obviously.
She could be the devil in granny panties, as long as she wins.

I'm certain you would vote for Hitler or Stalin as long as they ran as Democrats.
And I'm certain you throw your vote away each time in some childish attempt to elect someone with your same childish view of life. Unlike you little morons, I prefer my vote to count.
Yeah, it really "counts" when you vote for a Nazi.
It really counts because, unlike you, I voted for someone who had a chance to win.

So you admit you would have voted for Hitler?
Nothing like it. And there's not much middle class still around since that is a creation of government. Capitalism has no middle class, of any size that matters that is.
Sure, we're all Donald Trumps or Freddy Grays these days. Idiot!
The GOP hasn't paid attention to the middle class in 40 years. Why you are hooked on that I have no idea but that dog won't hunt, and doesn't fucking matter anyway. The middle class, what's left of it, is too busy trying like hell to hang onto what they have to pay attention to any partisan spin.

They might not trust HC, but they sure as hell don't trust the party of old whitey and the Koch suckers....
yeah, right. And the 50% of America who vote Republican are super rich old white guys.

Try looking at the demographics. And what is this support the middle class crap you are all puffed up with? Do you think that will sell, after you guys sucked the cock of every rich guy in the country who wasn't a Hollywood liberal?
We are not interested in , and did not ask about, your profession.
That's good, because it's none of your fucking business eh?
She could be the devil in granny panties, as long as she wins.

I'm certain you would vote for Hitler or Stalin as long as they ran as Democrats.
And I'm certain you throw your vote away each time in some childish attempt to elect someone with your same childish view of life. Unlike you little morons, I prefer my vote to count.
Yeah, it really "counts" when you vote for a Nazi.
It really counts because, unlike you, I voted for someone who had a chance to win.

So you admit you would have voted for Hitler?
Nope, I'd have killed him as an infant, but in the case of Hillary it wouldn't matter if she was Hitler, she is the only game in town.
Sure, we're all Donald Trumps or Freddy Grays these days. Idiot!
The GOP hasn't paid attention to the middle class in 40 years. Why you are hooked on that I have no idea but that dog won't hunt, and doesn't fucking matter anyway. The middle class, what's left of it, is too busy trying like hell to hang onto what they have to pay attention to any partisan spin.

They might not trust HC, but they sure as hell don't trust the party of old whitey and the Koch suckers....
yeah, right. And the 50% of America who vote Republican are super rich old white guys.

Try looking at the demographics. And what is this support the middle class crap you are all puffed up with? Do you think that will sell, after you guys sucked the cock of every rich guy in the country who wasn't a Hollywood liberal?
We are not interested in , and did not ask about, your profession.
That's good, because it's none of your fucking business eh?
Right, blow whoever or whatever you want, but not smoke up my ass.
Why do righties spend so much time bashing Hillary instead of touting their own candidates?
My side is the middle class asshole.
Nothing like it. And there's not much middle class still around since that is a creation of government. Capitalism has no middle class, of any size that matters that is.
Sure, we're all Donald Trumps or Freddy Grays these days. Idiot!
The GOP hasn't paid attention to the middle class in 40 years. Why you are hooked on that I have no idea but that dog won't hunt, and doesn't fucking matter anyway. The middle class, what's left of it, is too busy trying like hell to hang onto what they have to pay attention to any partisan spin.

They might not trust HC, but they sure as hell don't trust the party of old whitey and the Koch suckers....
yeah, right. And the 50% of America who vote Republican are super rich old white guys.

You just have to laugh at someone who can talk about old whitey and the Clintons in the same sentence.
It's easy when your party is this:
Nothing like it. And there's not much middle class still around since that is a creation of government. Capitalism has no middle class, of any size that matters that is.
Sure, we're all Donald Trumps or Freddy Grays these days. Idiot!
The GOP hasn't paid attention to the middle class in 40 years. Why you are hooked on that I have no idea but that dog won't hunt, and doesn't fucking matter anyway. The middle class, what's left of it, is too busy trying like hell to hang onto what they have to pay attention to any partisan spin.

They might not trust HC, but they sure as hell don't trust the party of old whitey and the Koch suckers....
yeah, right. And the 50% of America who vote Republican are super rich old white guys.

You just have to laugh at someone who can talk about old whitey and the Clintons in the same sentence.
It's easy when your party is this:
Why bother belaboring the obvious?

That's exactly what's about to happen, regardless of which party gets the Win, isn't it?
The GOP hasn't paid attention to the middle class in 40 years. Why you are hooked on that I have no idea but that dog won't hunt, and doesn't fucking matter anyway. The middle class, what's left of it, is too busy trying like hell to hang onto what they have to pay attention to any partisan spin.

They might not trust HC, but they sure as hell don't trust the party of old whitey and the Koch suckers....
yeah, right. And the 50% of America who vote Republican are super rich old white guys.

Try looking at the demographics. And what is this support the middle class crap you are all puffed up with? Do you think that will sell, after you guys sucked the cock of every rich guy in the country who wasn't a Hollywood liberal?
We are not interested in , and did not ask about, your profession.
That's good, because it's none of your fucking business eh?
Right, blow whoever or whatever you want, but not smoke up my ass.
If your ass is on fire it's because I'm spanking it. Start dealing with reality, which includes Party Perception. Your are the party of Old White Rich Men, not defenders of the middle class. You haven't give a shit about them for decades.
Sure, we're all Donald Trumps or Freddy Grays these days. Idiot!
The GOP hasn't paid attention to the middle class in 40 years. Why you are hooked on that I have no idea but that dog won't hunt, and doesn't fucking matter anyway. The middle class, what's left of it, is too busy trying like hell to hang onto what they have to pay attention to any partisan spin.

They might not trust HC, but they sure as hell don't trust the party of old whitey and the Koch suckers....
yeah, right. And the 50% of America who vote Republican are super rich old white guys.

You just have to laugh at someone who can talk about old whitey and the Clintons in the same sentence.
It's easy when your party is this:
Why bother belaboring the obvious?

That's exactly what's about to happen, regardless of which party gets the Win, isn't it?
Yep. They aren't about to elect a wetback after eight years of a ******.
I'm certain you would vote for Hitler or Stalin as long as they ran as Democrats.
And I'm certain you throw your vote away each time in some childish attempt to elect someone with your same childish view of life. Unlike you little morons, I prefer my vote to count.
Yeah, it really "counts" when you vote for a Nazi.
It really counts because, unlike you, I voted for someone who had a chance to win.

So you admit you would have voted for Hitler?
Nope, I'd have killed him as an infant, but in the case of Hillary it wouldn't matter if she was Hitler, she is the only game in town.

Thanks for admitting once again that you would be perfectly willing to vote for Hitler.
yeah, right. And the 50% of America who vote Republican are super rich old white guys.

Try looking at the demographics. And what is this support the middle class crap you are all puffed up with? Do you think that will sell, after you guys sucked the cock of every rich guy in the country who wasn't a Hollywood liberal?
We are not interested in , and did not ask about, your profession.
That's good, because it's none of your fucking business eh?
Right, blow whoever or whatever you want, but not smoke up my ass.
If your ass is on fire it's because I'm spanking it. Start dealing with reality, which includes Party Perception. Your are the party of Old White Rick Men, not defenders of the middle class. You haven't give a shit about them for decades.
Every so often, you actually manage to hit one over the infield and actually get on-base.

It's true.

The GOP hasn't been the Party of the Common Man for many decades now.

They're merely the Un-Colo... the "Not the Other Guys" party... lacking imagination and vision and inspirational appeal, and, in the end, standing for very little except itself.

To survive over the long term the GOP is going to have to shake-off the Corporatists and re-purpose themselves, once again, as the Party of the Common Man.

They did it first, and did it better than the Dems, but they lost their way, somewhere during the 20th Century, and have long-since been in thrall to the Corporatists.

Frankly, I doubt whether they have the perceptiveness or courage to either sense or fix the problem, but, who knows, perhaps they'll surprise us someday.

Meanwhile, I'm not holding my breath, waiting.
What has been "factually" proven against Hillary that should preclude her from being president?

Just the fact that she destroyed he email server, expecting everyone to take her word that she turned over all work related emails. If that were a republican the left would be trying to crucify them. But it's a Clinton and they never lie, according to the left. If it weren't for your hypocrisy you wouldn't have much.
People like HC get paid to lie. Time to grow up now.

Of course your proud of that. Personally I think all politicians should be considered under oath when they speak publicly, and prosecuted if they are caught lying. Expecting our political leaders to be honest, what a concept.
God, you really are a child.

Q; Mr. President, do we have plans to bomb Iran?
A: Yes Jenny, on Tuesday at 10:00 AM.

Grow up please. And BTW, Americans won't elect anyone who tells the truth, they don't want to hear it because they don't want to grow up either.

Of course a simple no comment couldn't possibly be the correct answer. So you're one of them that don't want to grow up, so you tell me to grow up, seriously?
Nothing like it. And there's not much middle class still around since that is a creation of government. Capitalism has no middle class, of any size that matters that is.
Sure, we're all Donald Trumps or Freddy Grays these days. Idiot!
The GOP hasn't paid attention to the middle class in 40 years. Why you are hooked on that I have no idea but that dog won't hunt, and doesn't fucking matter anyway. The middle class, what's left of it, is too busy trying like hell to hang onto what they have to pay attention to any partisan spin.

They might not trust HC, but they sure as hell don't trust the party of old whitey and the Koch suckers....
yeah, right. And the 50% of America who vote Republican are super rich old white guys.

You just have to laugh at someone who can talk about old whitey and the Clintons in the same sentence.
It's easy when your party is this:

I marvel at your ability to accuse right-wingers of being racist and then call Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz a couple wetbacks.
And I'm certain you throw your vote away each time in some childish attempt to elect someone with your same childish view of life. Unlike you little morons, I prefer my vote to count.
Yeah, it really "counts" when you vote for a Nazi.
It really counts because, unlike you, I voted for someone who had a chance to win.

So you admit you would have voted for Hitler?
Nope, I'd have killed him as an infant, but in the case of Hillary it wouldn't matter if she was Hitler, she is the only game in town.

Thanks for admitting once again that you would be perfectly willing to vote for Hitler.
Not what I said but it hardly matters to you in your fantasy-world my little pissing infant. Go read again how life would be a paradise if there were no laws at all. That should comfort you.

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