The Right's Calculated Attempt To Turn Liberals Against Hillary

WASHINGTON — A Twitter post recently caught the eye of Bill McKibben, the environmental advocate and godfather of the Keystone XL pipeline protests. It included an image from “The Simpsons” showing Homer and his family basking in mountains of cash in their living room, followed by a report on Hillary Rodham Clinton’s appearing at a fund-raiser with a lobbyist from the Keystone fight.

Mr. McKibben’s environmental organization,, has been trying to raise awareness about the ties it sees between lobbyists for the oil pipeline and former aides to Mrs. Clinton. He promptly shared the post with his 150,000 Twitter followers, and the reaction was immediate.

“You expect different from a Clinton?” one person responded on Twitter. And from another: “Did you need another reason not to vote for Hillary Clinton?” Lost in the response was the source of the offending tweet. It was not another environmental organization or even a liberal challenger to Mrs. Clinton. Instead, it was a conservative group called America Rising PAC, which is trying, with laserlike focus, to weaken the woman who almost everyone believes will be the Democratic Party’s candidate for president in 2016.

Much More: The Right Baits the Left to Turn Against Hillary Clinton - The New York Times

I doubt most Liberals will take the bait. Since the right has no strong candidates - they will rabidly try to weaken Hillary. Their strategy speaks volumes for who they are. I support Hillary because she is far better than anything the right has to offer. She ain't perfect - but she's far better than the opposition.

Oh my, a twitter post. People are exercising their freedom of speech and calling Hillary out on the donations to the Clinton foundation. Of course, the left ignored the donations from foreign countries, so will ignore this one, too.

Doesn't take much to put libs in a state of panic.

While the liberal media continues their campaigning for the left on a daily basis, you are going to call foul on some twitter posts? Un-fucking-real.
yeah, right. And the 50% of America who vote Republican are super rich old white guys.

Try looking at the demographics. And what is this support the middle class crap you are all puffed up with? Do you think that will sell, after you guys sucked the cock of every rich guy in the country who wasn't a Hollywood liberal?
We are not interested in , and did not ask about, your profession.
That's good, because it's none of your fucking business eh?
Right, blow whoever or whatever you want, but not smoke up my ass.
If your ass is on fire it's because I'm spanking it. Start dealing with reality, which includes Party Perception. Your are the party of Old White Rich Men, not defenders of the middle class. You haven't give a shit about them for decades.

That's your perception, but you're obviously on LSD.
What has been "factually" proven against Hillary that should preclude her from being president?

Just the fact that she destroyed he email server, expecting everyone to take her word that she turned over all work related emails. If that were a republican the left would be trying to crucify them. But it's a Clinton and they never lie, according to the left. If it weren't for your hypocrisy you wouldn't have much.
People like HC get paid to lie. Time to grow up now.

Of course your proud of that. Personally I think all politicians should be considered under oath when they speak publicly, and prosecuted if they are caught lying. Expecting our political leaders to be honest, what a concept.
God, you really are a child.

Q; Mr. President, do we have plans to bomb Iran?
A: Yes Jenny, on Tuesday at 10:00 AM.

Grow up please. And BTW, Americans won't elect anyone who tells the truth, they don't want to hear it because they don't want to grow up either.

Of course a simple no comment couldn't possibly be the correct answer. So you're one of them that don't want to grow up, so you tell me to grow up, seriously?
No would be a lie, we always have plans, and you want the Pols to be like six-year-olds, during confession.
Yeah, it really "counts" when you vote for a Nazi.
It really counts because, unlike you, I voted for someone who had a chance to win.

So you admit you would have voted for Hitler?
Nope, I'd have killed him as an infant, but in the case of Hillary it wouldn't matter if she was Hitler, she is the only game in town.

Thanks for admitting once again that you would be perfectly willing to vote for Hitler.
Not what I said but it hardly matters to you in your fantasy-world my little pissing infant. Go read again how life would be a paradise if there were no laws at all. That should comfort you.

That is actually what you said, Nazi.
Why do righties spend so much time bashing Hillary instead of touting their own candidates?
Because it's Fun and Educational?

Fun for them.

Educational for the voting public.

So, you think lies and gossip are good for the "voting public"...? Interesting...
Nope... but I do think a constant hammering on corrupt public figures like the Clintons is extremely healthy for the Republic and its People.
In other words - you're more interested in Hillary gossip than Hillary facts.
Well, we are trying to find out what the facts are. I suppose we were misled about her being "flat broke".

She was at one point. She obviously isn't now. Next?
She was flat broke owning real estate in three cities. Flat broke my ass. Little Bitchy Bitch, the poor little rich girl, eh?

So Miitt was fine with his Billions, much of which was off shore, but Hillary with her Millions is BAD?

Bill and Hillary have more money than Romney.

You have it precisely backwards: your ilk claims Romney was somehow evil simply because he had money, but Bill and Hillary who have more millions are a blessing to humanity!

Hillary Clinton is rich. She is not Mitt Romney rich. - The Washington Post

"You'll note that Clinton's maximum estimated net worth ($25 million) was about 1/10th that of Romney, with whom Kerry is in the same ballpark. It's important to note that the Clintons likely upped their net worth significantly after Hillary Clinton left as secretary of state -- some have estimated it at $55 million or higher-- but that's a lot of ground to make up."

Just another RW lie. Do you people ever tell the truth. That lie was easy to reveal. Okay, give me a tough lie to disprove.
Try looking at the demographics. And what is this support the middle class crap you are all puffed up with? Do you think that will sell, after you guys sucked the cock of every rich guy in the country who wasn't a Hollywood liberal?
We are not interested in , and did not ask about, your profession.
That's good, because it's none of your fucking business eh?
Right, blow whoever or whatever you want, but not smoke up my ass.
If your ass is on fire it's because I'm spanking it. Start dealing with reality, which includes Party Perception. Your are the party of Old White Rich Men, not defenders of the middle class. You haven't give a shit about them for decades.

That's your perception, but you're obviously on LSD.
Not in the slightest:

Republicans want to end perception as 'stuffy old men'

Posted by
CNN Political Unit
Washington (CNN) – The beleaguered Republican Party put into writing Monday what many of its top strategists and leaders have been saying since last year's election losses: The GOP is too old, too white, and too insular to win national contests.

In a months-in-the-making report - which tops out at 100 pages and includes hundreds of recommended fixes - the Republican National Committee acknowledges its messaging problems, identifies structural setbacks to the primary calendar and spells out how to target specific demographic groups that voted overwhelmingly for Democrats in 2012.
Republicans want to end perception as stuffy old men CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

And what has the GOP done since then? Gotten even worse.
Why do righties spend so much time bashing Hillary instead of touting their own candidates?
Because it's Fun and Educational?

Fun for them.

Educational for the voting public.

So, you think lies and gossip are good for the "voting public"...? Interesting...
Nope... but I do think a constant hammering on corrupt public figures like the Clintons is extremely healthy for the Republic and its People.

Other than gossip and lies - what "corruption" has Hillary been convicted of?
It really counts because, unlike you, I voted for someone who had a chance to win.

So you admit you would have voted for Hitler?
Nope, I'd have killed him as an infant, but in the case of Hillary it wouldn't matter if she was Hitler, she is the only game in town.

Thanks for admitting once again that you would be perfectly willing to vote for Hitler.
Not what I said but it hardly matters to you in your fantasy-world my little pissing infant. Go read again how life would be a paradise if there were no laws at all. That should comfort you.

That is actually what you said, Nazi.
No, Bripiss, it isn't.
Why do righties spend so much time bashing Hillary instead of touting their own candidates?
Because it's Fun and Educational?

Fun for them.

Educational for the voting public.

So, you think lies and gossip are good for the "voting public"...? Interesting...
Nope... but I do think a constant hammering on corrupt public figures like the Clintons is extremely healthy for the Republic and its People.

Other than gossip and lies - what "corruption" has Hillary been convicted of?
Convicted? Really? So anyway anyone who hasn't been convicted is eligible to be the Dem candidate no matter the slime trail?

Good to know.
Well, we are trying to find out what the facts are. I suppose we were misled about her being "flat broke".

She was at one point. She obviously isn't now. Next?
She was flat broke owning real estate in three cities. Flat broke my ass. Little Bitchy Bitch, the poor little rich girl, eh?

So Miitt was fine with his Billions, much of which was off shore, but Hillary with her Millions is BAD?

Bill and Hillary have more money than Romney.

You have it precisely backwards: your ilk claims Romney was somehow evil simply because he had money, but Bill and Hillary who have more millions are a blessing to humanity!

Hillary Clinton is rich. She is not Mitt Romney rich. - The Washington Post

"You'll note that Clinton's maximum estimated net worth ($25 million) was about 1/10th that of Romney, with whom Kerry is in the same ballpark. It's important to note that the Clintons likely upped their net worth significantly after Hillary Clinton left as secretary of state -- some have estimated it at $55 million or higher-- but that's a lot of ground to make up."

Just another RW lie. Do you people ever tell the truth. That lie was easy to reveal. Okay, give me a tough lie to disprove.

That's Hillary's estimated net worth. Bill is estimated to be worth $55 million.
Just the fact that she destroyed he email server, expecting everyone to take her word that she turned over all work related emails. If that were a republican the left would be trying to crucify them. But it's a Clinton and they never lie, according to the left. If it weren't for your hypocrisy you wouldn't have much.
People like HC get paid to lie. Time to grow up now.

Of course your proud of that. Personally I think all politicians should be considered under oath when they speak publicly, and prosecuted if they are caught lying. Expecting our political leaders to be honest, what a concept.
God, you really are a child.

Q; Mr. President, do we have plans to bomb Iran?
A: Yes Jenny, on Tuesday at 10:00 AM.

Grow up please. And BTW, Americans won't elect anyone who tells the truth, they don't want to hear it because they don't want to grow up either.

Of course a simple no comment couldn't possibly be the correct answer. So you're one of them that don't want to grow up, so you tell me to grow up, seriously?
No would be a lie, we always have plans, and you want the Pols to be like six-year-olds, during confession.

God, you really are delusional.
Loved this one BTW. Such informed voters you have.

"Nearly half of Republicans don't know what 'GOP' stands for: poll
The Vanity Fair/"60 Minutes" poll found only 51% of Republicans knew what GOP meant.
Turns out, a lot of people - 35% - think GOP means "Government of the People."
"Grumpy Old People" got 7% of the vote, "God's Own Party" got 3% and 1% thought the abbreviation stood for "Gauntlet of Power."
The Republican Party has been known as the Grand Old Party since about 1888."

Nearly half of Republicans don t know what GOP means - NY Daily News
So you admit you would have voted for Hitler?
Nope, I'd have killed him as an infant, but in the case of Hillary it wouldn't matter if she was Hitler, she is the only game in town.

Thanks for admitting once again that you would be perfectly willing to vote for Hitler.
Not what I said but it hardly matters to you in your fantasy-world my little pissing infant. Go read again how life would be a paradise if there were no laws at all. That should comfort you.

That is actually what you said, Nazi.
No, Bripiss, it isn't.

Of course it is.
People like HC get paid to lie. Time to grow up now.

Of course your proud of that. Personally I think all politicians should be considered under oath when they speak publicly, and prosecuted if they are caught lying. Expecting our political leaders to be honest, what a concept.
God, you really are a child.

Q; Mr. President, do we have plans to bomb Iran?
A: Yes Jenny, on Tuesday at 10:00 AM.

Grow up please. And BTW, Americans won't elect anyone who tells the truth, they don't want to hear it because they don't want to grow up either.

Of course a simple no comment couldn't possibly be the correct answer. So you're one of them that don't want to grow up, so you tell me to grow up, seriously?
No would be a lie, we always have plans, and you want the Pols to be like six-year-olds, during confession.

God, you really are delusional.
Not in the slightest, that is what you called for, dumbass.

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