The Right's Calculated Attempt To Turn Liberals Against Hillary

Loved this one BTW. Such informed voters you have.

"Nearly half of Republicans don't know what 'GOP' stands for: poll
The Vanity Fair/"60 Minutes" poll found only 51% of Republicans knew what GOP meant.
Turns out, a lot of people - 35% - think GOP means "Government of the People."
"Grumpy Old People" got 7% of the vote, "God's Own Party" got 3% and 1% thought the abbreviation stood for "Gauntlet of Power."
The Republican Party has been known as the Grand Old Party since about 1888."

Nearly half of Republicans don t know what GOP means - NY Daily News
As the article notes, maybe the meaning JOB is far more important than GOP. Many Democrats may not be sure what the former means, being that they've never had one.
Loved this one BTW. Such informed voters you have.

"Nearly half of Republicans don't know what 'GOP' stands for: poll
The Vanity Fair/"60 Minutes" poll found only 51% of Republicans knew what GOP meant.
Turns out, a lot of people - 35% - think GOP means "Government of the People."
"Grumpy Old People" got 7% of the vote, "God's Own Party" got 3% and 1% thought the abbreviation stood for "Gauntlet of Power."
The Republican Party has been known as the Grand Old Party since about 1888."

Nearly half of Republicans don t know what GOP means - NY Daily News
As the article notes, maybe the meaning JOB is far more important than GOP. Many Democrats may not be sure what the former means, being that they've never had one.
Your partisan tripe bores me. Up your game.

And have you dropped your We support the middle class crap yet, because you should...

"Just more than half -- 52% -- of middle-class adults said the president's policies would benefit them should he win a second term. A lower number -- 42% -- of respondents said that Romney's policies would help the middle class.

The new findings were published Wednesday by the Pew Research Center. The poll was conducted before Rep. Paul Ryan was added to the Republican ticket.

Part of a larger report on the middle class, the survey also indicates that Americans have some strong opinions about which groups would benefit from the candidates' proposed policies.

A full 71% of respondents said that Romney's policies would benefit the rich, while only 38% said the same of Obama's plans."
GOP vs. Democrats Which does the middle class favor - Aug. 22 2012
Of course your proud of that. Personally I think all politicians should be considered under oath when they speak publicly, and prosecuted if they are caught lying. Expecting our political leaders to be honest, what a concept.
God, you really are a child.

Q; Mr. President, do we have plans to bomb Iran?
A: Yes Jenny, on Tuesday at 10:00 AM.

Grow up please. And BTW, Americans won't elect anyone who tells the truth, they don't want to hear it because they don't want to grow up either.

Of course a simple no comment couldn't possibly be the correct answer. So you're one of them that don't want to grow up, so you tell me to grow up, seriously?
No would be a lie, we always have plans, and you want the Pols to be like six-year-olds, during confession.

God, you really are delusional.
Not in the slightest, that is what you called for, dumbass.

Wrong again, I guess you've adapted to being like that since it's so often the case.
Hillary will do more than enough damage to her candidacy all on her own. She proved in 2008 she was a flawed and beatable candidate when a half term Senator with no record of accomplishments in the Senate and whos only talent was his big smile and being able to read speeches from a teleprompter took the nomination from her.
why in the hell would anyone support hillary or jeb.....time to let the office go to another for the rights war on yourself why do they have so much ammo?

Americans seem to be pleased with being ruled by an oligarchy.
Jump on this Meat, and mean it, but the GOP does not.

"Pro-growth tax reform, judicious public and private investment, smarter regulation, and vigorous competition would move the economy closer to what's achievable. Better schools and new educational services would push that ceiling higher. Completing reform of the health-care system could spur productivity in almost a fifth of the economy while strengthening the social safety net at the same time. Measures to discourage excessive debt and promote saving for retirement would help more Americans to feel financially secure.

An economic strategy focused on the middle class (or, as Hillary Clinton prefers to call them, "everyday Americans") could dispel the current pessimism and make rising and widespread affluence a reality once more. The challenge is to be sufficiently ambitious, and to get on with it. Where to start? With the revival of U.S. business dynamism -- the engine of growth and higher living standards, and the subject of the next editorial in this series."
How to Save the Middle Class - Bloomberg View
Why do righties spend so much time bashing Hillary instead of touting their own candidates?
Because it's Fun and Educational?

Fun for them.

Educational for the voting public.

So, you think lies and gossip are good for the "voting public"...? Interesting...
Nope... but I do think a constant hammering on corrupt public figures like the Clintons is extremely healthy for the Republic and its People.

Other than gossip and lies - what "corruption" has Hillary been convicted of?
Convicted? Really? So anyway anyone who hasn't been convicted is eligible to be the Dem candidate no matter the slime trail?

Good to know.

And remain in office even after conviction, can't forget that.
Loved this one BTW. Such informed voters you have.

"Nearly half of Republicans don't know what 'GOP' stands for: poll
The Vanity Fair/"60 Minutes" poll found only 51% of Republicans knew what GOP meant.
Turns out, a lot of people - 35% - think GOP means "Government of the People."
"Grumpy Old People" got 7% of the vote, "God's Own Party" got 3% and 1% thought the abbreviation stood for "Gauntlet of Power."
The Republican Party has been known as the Grand Old Party since about 1888."

Nearly half of Republicans don t know what GOP means - NY Daily News
As the article notes, maybe the meaning JOB is far more important than GOP. Many Democrats may not be sure what the former means, being that they've never had one.
Your partisan tripe bores me. Up your game.

And have you dropped your We support the middle class crap yet, because you should...

"Just more than half -- 52% -- of middle-class adults said the president's policies would benefit them should he win a second term. A lower number -- 42% -- of respondents said that Romney's policies would help the middle class.

The new findings were published Wednesday by the Pew Research Center. The poll was conducted before Rep. Paul Ryan was added to the Republican ticket.

Part of a larger report on the middle class, the survey also indicates that Americans have some strong opinions about which groups would benefit from the candidates' proposed policies.

A full 71% of respondents said that Romney's policies would benefit the rich, while only 38% said the same of Obama's plans."
GOP vs. Democrats Which does the middle class favor - Aug. 22 2012

Just shows how susceptible Americans are to marketing, that's the only thing the dear leader had going for him, except his constant lies of course, no, that was all part of the marketing.
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She was at one point. She obviously isn't now. Next?
She was flat broke owning real estate in three cities. Flat broke my ass. Little Bitchy Bitch, the poor little rich girl, eh?

So Miitt was fine with his Billions, much of which was off shore, but Hillary with her Millions is BAD?

Bill and Hillary have more money than Romney.

You have it precisely backwards: your ilk claims Romney was somehow evil simply because he had money, but Bill and Hillary who have more millions are a blessing to humanity!

Hillary Clinton is rich. She is not Mitt Romney rich. - The Washington Post

"You'll note that Clinton's maximum estimated net worth ($25 million) was about 1/10th that of Romney, with whom Kerry is in the same ballpark. It's important to note that the Clintons likely upped their net worth significantly after Hillary Clinton left as secretary of state -- some have estimated it at $55 million or higher-- but that's a lot of ground to make up."

Just another RW lie. Do you people ever tell the truth. That lie was easy to reveal. Okay, give me a tough lie to disprove.

That's Hillary's estimated net worth. Bill is estimated to be worth $55 million.

CAN YOU READ? The Clintons are worth Millions. Romney is a BILLIONAIRE!

Good Grief! Do you have a Learning Disability?
Because it's Fun and Educational?

Fun for them.

Educational for the voting public.

So, you think lies and gossip are good for the "voting public"...? Interesting...
Nope... but I do think a constant hammering on corrupt public figures like the Clintons is extremely healthy for the Republic and its People.

Other than gossip and lies - what "corruption" has Hillary been convicted of?
Convicted? Really? So anyway anyone who hasn't been convicted is eligible to be the Dem candidate no matter the slime trail?

Good to know.

And remain in office even after conviction, can't forget that.

What "conviction"?
And remain in office even after conviction, can't forget that.

What "conviction"?

The Clinton's have never had any convictions, or conviction. They are the embodiment of lack of conviction and always have been. Simply whores.

So, the Clintons are law-abiding American patriots. Thanks for clearing that up.[/QUOTE]

The lack of convictions means no more than being found not guilty means innocent, especially before going to trial.

You are welcome.

Conviction, btw, can also mean strongly-held belief. The same definition which made Reagan great and Bill Clinton mediocre and sleazy at best.

Once again, you are welcome.
Conviction, btw, can also mean strongly-held belief. The same definition which made Reagan great and Bill Clinton mediocre and sleazy at best.
What was his conviction for playing footsie with the Pro-Life folks, who he did nothing for, and selling arms to a sworn enemy of the US at the time, Iran? His strong convictions like marrying his pregnant girlfriend Nancy, running a union, sleeping around Hollywood?

Reagan was a man, not a god. He did well like Clinton did well, they could both cut a deal and take an 80% win home without thinking they lost.
She was flat broke owning real estate in three cities. Flat broke my ass. Little Bitchy Bitch, the poor little rich girl, eh?

So Miitt was fine with his Billions, much of which was off shore, but Hillary with her Millions is BAD?

Bill and Hillary have more money than Romney.

You have it precisely backwards: your ilk claims Romney was somehow evil simply because he had money, but Bill and Hillary who have more millions are a blessing to humanity!

Hillary Clinton is rich. She is not Mitt Romney rich. - The Washington Post

"You'll note that Clinton's maximum estimated net worth ($25 million) was about 1/10th that of Romney, with whom Kerry is in the same ballpark. It's important to note that the Clintons likely upped their net worth significantly after Hillary Clinton left as secretary of state -- some have estimated it at $55 million or higher-- but that's a lot of ground to make up."

Just another RW lie. Do you people ever tell the truth. That lie was easy to reveal. Okay, give me a tough lie to disprove.

That's Hillary's estimated net worth. Bill is estimated to be worth $55 million.

CAN YOU READ? The Clintons are worth Millions. Romney is a BILLIONAIRE!

Good Grief! Do you have a Learning Disability?

Romney is not a billionaire. He's worth about $250 million
So, you think lies and gossip are good for the "voting public"...? Interesting...
Nope... but I do think a constant hammering on corrupt public figures like the Clintons is extremely healthy for the Republic and its People.

Other than gossip and lies - what "corruption" has Hillary been convicted of?
Convicted? Really? So anyway anyone who hasn't been convicted is eligible to be the Dem candidate no matter the slime trail?

Good to know.

And remain in office even after conviction, can't forget that.

What "conviction"?

Must be nice to have such a short memory, wild willie was convicted of perjury, lost his law license and remained in office because the commies refused to do their constitutional duty. But nothing new in that, is there?

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