The Right's Calculated Attempt To Turn Liberals Against Hillary

It ill behooves anyone on the right to contrive to keep liberals from (again) making asses of themselves by nominating anyone other than Mrs. Rodham-Clinton. She's the most roundly despised, un-electable Democrat in sight. Not that there ARE many in sight. Perhaps they all remember Vince Foster and what could happen............

But none of that matters since it won't be ordinary Democrats who decide who runs and who goes under the bus. They'll think they decide but only after George Soros gives them their marching orders.
Hmm, well Fox shows her losing to Jeb by 1 point, less than the margin of error, while she beats all others. Yeah, she's fucked...

Fox News Poll conducted by Anderson Robbins Research (D) and Shaw & Company Research (R). May 9-12, 2015. N=1,006 registered voters nationwide. Margin of error ± 3.

"If the 2016 presidential election were held today, how would you vote if the candidates were Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican [see below]?" If unsure: "Well, which way do you lean?" Options rotated

Clinton (D)
Bush (R)
Would not
vote (vol.)
% % % % %

44 45 2 5 4

45 41 2 6 6

45 45 1 6 3

48 43 2 4 3

49 42 1 3 4

52 39 1 4 3

51 42 1 3 3

51 38 3 4 4

Clinton (D)
Cruz (R)
Would not
vote (vol.)
% % % % %

48 43 1 4 4

47 42 1 5 5

48 42 2 4 4

52 36 2 4 5

Clinton (D)
Rubio (R)
Would not
vote (vol.)
% % % % %

47 43 2 4 4

46 42 2 4 5

47 43 2 4 4

Clinton (D)
Walker (R)
Would not
vote (vol.)
% % % % %

48 42 2 4 4

46 40 2 4 8

48 42 2 4 4

Clinton (D)
Carson (R)
Would not
vote (vol.)
% % % % %

48 42 2 4 5

Clinton (D)
Kasich (R)
Would not
vote (vol.)
% % % % %

48 40 1 5 6

53 37 2 3 5

54 35 1 4 7

Clinton (D)
Fiorina (R)
Would not
vote (vol.)
% % % % %

49 37 2 6 6

Clinton (D)
Huckabee (R)
Would not
vote (vol.)
% % % % %

47 44 1 4 4
WH2016 General
I wanna hear Hillary's stand on the TPP, but then she's not taking question and certainly not volunteering. As a matter of fact I'd like to hear more about the Clinton Foundation, Stephanopoulos, Benghazi and how poor she is, but again, she's not talking.

In other words - you're more interested in Hillary gossip than Hillary facts.
Well, we are trying to find out what the facts are. I suppose we were misled about her being "flat broke".

She was at one point. She obviously isn't now. Next?
She was flat broke owning real estate in three cities. Flat broke my ass. Little Bitchy Bitch, the poor little rich girl, eh?

So Miitt was fine with his Billions, much of which was off shore, but Hillary with her Millions is BAD?
Mitt didnt earn his money by taking bribes from two bit foreign countries in exchange for favorable decisions while in office.
Bill and Hillary have more money than Romney.

You have it precisely backwards: your ilk claims Romney was somehow evil simply because he had money, but Bill and Hillary who have more millions are a blessing to humanity!

Hillary Clinton is rich. She is not Mitt Romney rich. - The Washington Post

"You'll note that Clinton's maximum estimated net worth ($25 million) was about 1/10th that of Romney, with whom Kerry is in the same ballpark. It's important to note that the Clintons likely upped their net worth significantly after Hillary Clinton left as secretary of state -- some have estimated it at $55 million or higher-- but that's a lot of ground to make up."

Just another RW lie. Do you people ever tell the truth. That lie was easy to reveal. Okay, give me a tough lie to disprove.

That's Hillary's estimated net worth. Bill is estimated to be worth $55 million.

CAN YOU READ? The Clintons are worth Millions. Romney is a BILLIONAIRE!

Good Grief! Do you have a Learning Disability?

Romney is not a billionaire. He's worth about $250 million

So even if Hillary is worth 50 million, and her and Bill are both worth $100 million, that iis less than half of Romney's worth.

Your obsession with this issue is extremely anal
Remember, vandalizer of prostitutes, that in order for Mrs. Rodham-Clinton to be elected president she must first be nominated for the office. As a Democrat - just not possible as the party will go for the shiny-object-du-jour (or as directed by George Soros) and she will be safely once again under the bus. I will concede, however that the Jake Starkey wing of The "mainstream" Republican Party might find her stance on so much in tune with their core beliefs that she could emerge as their candidate!
Bill and Hillary have more money than Romney.

You have it precisely backwards: your ilk claims Romney was somehow evil simply because he had money, but Bill and Hillary who have more millions are a blessing to humanity!

Hillary Clinton is rich. She is not Mitt Romney rich. - The Washington Post

"You'll note that Clinton's maximum estimated net worth ($25 million) was about 1/10th that of Romney, with whom Kerry is in the same ballpark. It's important to note that the Clintons likely upped their net worth significantly after Hillary Clinton left as secretary of state -- some have estimated it at $55 million or higher-- but that's a lot of ground to make up."

Just another RW lie. Do you people ever tell the truth. That lie was easy to reveal. Okay, give me a tough lie to disprove.

That's Hillary's estimated net worth. Bill is estimated to be worth $55 million.

CAN YOU READ? The Clintons are worth Millions. Romney is a BILLIONAIRE!

Good Grief! Do you have a Learning Disability?

Romney is not a billionaire. He's worth about $250 million

So even if Hillary is worth 50 million, and her and Bill are both worth $100 million, that iis less than half of Romney's worth.

I am not so sure Romney is all that rich. He is doing pick-up fights with old over weight boxers. Anything for a buck, I guess.
Mitt didnt earn his money by taking bribes from two bit foreign countries in exchange for favorable decisions while in office.
He made it the old fashioned way, daddy's connections and putting people out of work shipping their jobs (and his cash) overseas.

And you don't like your government being for sale to the highest bidder? Too bad then, because it is and has been for a long time now. Now it's just that much more obvious.
Bill and Hillary have more money than Romney.

You have it precisely backwards: your ilk claims Romney was somehow evil simply because he had money, but Bill and Hillary who have more millions are a blessing to humanity!

Hillary Clinton is rich. She is not Mitt Romney rich. - The Washington Post

"You'll note that Clinton's maximum estimated net worth ($25 million) was about 1/10th that of Romney, with whom Kerry is in the same ballpark. It's important to note that the Clintons likely upped their net worth significantly after Hillary Clinton left as secretary of state -- some have estimated it at $55 million or higher-- but that's a lot of ground to make up."

Just another RW lie. Do you people ever tell the truth. That lie was easy to reveal. Okay, give me a tough lie to disprove.

That's Hillary's estimated net worth. Bill is estimated to be worth $55 million.

CAN YOU READ? The Clintons are worth Millions. Romney is a BILLIONAIRE!

Good Grief! Do you have a Learning Disability?

Romney is not a billionaire. He's worth about $250 million

So even if Hillary is worth 50 million, and her and Bill are both worth $100 million, that iis less than half of Romney's worth.

So you admit you lied and Romney is not a billionaire. Thank you you for admitting you lied.
Hillary Clinton is rich. She is not Mitt Romney rich. - The Washington Post

"You'll note that Clinton's maximum estimated net worth ($25 million) was about 1/10th that of Romney, with whom Kerry is in the same ballpark. It's important to note that the Clintons likely upped their net worth significantly after Hillary Clinton left as secretary of state -- some have estimated it at $55 million or higher-- but that's a lot of ground to make up."

Just another RW lie. Do you people ever tell the truth. That lie was easy to reveal. Okay, give me a tough lie to disprove.

That's Hillary's estimated net worth. Bill is estimated to be worth $55 million.

CAN YOU READ? The Clintons are worth Millions. Romney is a BILLIONAIRE!

Good Grief! Do you have a Learning Disability?

Romney is not a billionaire. He's worth about $250 million

So even if Hillary is worth 50 million, and her and Bill are both worth $100 million, that iis less than half of Romney's worth.

Your obsession with this issue is extremely anal

All to prove you wrong.
That's Hillary's estimated net worth. Bill is estimated to be worth $55 million.

CAN YOU READ? The Clintons are worth Millions. Romney is a BILLIONAIRE!

Good Grief! Do you have a Learning Disability?

Romney is not a billionaire. He's worth about $250 million

So even if Hillary is worth 50 million, and her and Bill are both worth $100 million, that iis less than half of Romney's worth.

Your obsession with this issue is extremely anal

All to prove you wrong.

So you lied to prove someone wrong?
Mitt didnt earn his money by taking bribes from two bit foreign countries in exchange for favorable decisions while in office.
He made it the old fashioned way, daddy's connections and putting people out of work shipping their jobs (and his cash) overseas.

And you don't like your government being for sale to the highest bidder? Too bad then, because it is and has been for a long time now. Now it's just that much more obvious.

And the Hildabitch is leading the way.

I want a president with lots of experience!
WASHINGTON — A Twitter post recently caught the eye of Bill McKibben, the environmental advocate and godfather of the Keystone XL pipeline protests. It included an image from “The Simpsons” showing Homer and his family basking in mountains of cash in their living room, followed by a report on Hillary Rodham Clinton’s appearing at a fund-raiser with a lobbyist from the Keystone fight.

Mr. McKibben’s environmental organization,, has been trying to raise awareness about the ties it sees between lobbyists for the oil pipeline and former aides to Mrs. Clinton. He promptly shared the post with his 150,000 Twitter followers, and the reaction was immediate.

“You expect different from a Clinton?” one person responded on Twitter. And from another: “Did you need another reason not to vote for Hillary Clinton?” Lost in the response was the source of the offending tweet. It was not another environmental organization or even a liberal challenger to Mrs. Clinton. Instead, it was a conservative group called America Rising PAC, which is trying, with laserlike focus, to weaken the woman who almost everyone believes will be the Democratic Party’s candidate for president in 2016.

Much More: The Right Baits the Left to Turn Against Hillary Clinton - The New York Times

I doubt most Liberals will take the bait. Since the right has no strong candidates - they will rabidly try to weaken Hillary. Their strategy speaks volumes for who they are. I support Hillary because she is far better than anything the right has to offer. She ain't perfect - but she's far better than the opposition.
What is the best analogy to the concept of getting Libs to abandon Hillary? Perhaps trying to get people to stop wiping their ass? Ain't gonna happen. Can't happen. They love their ass.
We need a President that is willing to tell us how rich they are every speech he makes. That makes us all feel loved and accepted. It also helps us remember who we are and gives us a goal to aspire to. We can all look up to a "very rich" President, and bow to his wealth and success.


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