The Right's Calculated Attempt To Turn Liberals Against Hillary


I want a president with lots of experience!

She has the most experience screwing people over.

Who has she screwed over? Please provide "credible" proof.

What is "your" definition of credible?
There's something fishy about conservatives' Benghazi obsession

When it comes to Republican talking points gone wild, Benghazi is much goofier than Obamacare. With Obamacare, once a person gets past the right-wing scare stories and partisan grandstanding, there are actual policies to debate and philosophies of government to assert. With Benghazi, there are no real mysteries, but plenty of histrionics.

The various partisan inquiries into the deadly 2012 terror attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi have looked like fishing expeditions chasing minnows. Republicans seem to be hoping that, like special prosecutor Ken Starr in his exhaustive investigation of President Clinton in the 1990s, they will be lucky enough to turn up something -- anything! -- that implicates President Obama or former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in nefarious deeds.

Starr found nothing incriminating concerning Whitewater, Paula Jones or the firing of White House Travel agents. But he did find Monica Lewinsky. Once the president lied about getting oral sex from the young intern, it was off to the races. The Republican-controlled House of Representatives impeached the president -- and promptly lost seats in the 1988 congressional elections, the first time since 1822 that the party out of the White House had seen its numbers in Congress go down in the middle of a president’s second term.

There's something fishy about conservatives' Benghazi obsession - LA Times

Benghazi-Palooza: The New York Times Nails The Republican Circus

NaziCons are persistent if nothing else.
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Those who choose to vote for Mrs Clinton will be doing so knowing they are voting for a flawed candidate; just as those who vote for whoever the Republicans nominate will likely be doing.

Personally, I choose not to vote for flawed candidates anymore. I haven't in several election cycles; even if it means voting for an Independent candidate, writing my own name in; or not voting for that office on the ballot.

So Independent candidates are perfect, everything they did till now is perfect... Clinton is the obvious Democrat and has the machine and exposure to win...
Any GOP is going to struggle on name recognition against her (Jeb being the least).
There hasn't been another top-level candidate with this volume, depth and breadth of baggage in my lifetime.

That doesn't mean she's the antichrist, but she certainly does present a cornucopia of targets for the GOP.

The Democrats could just be honest and say "yeah, she's got a rap sheet miles long, and the whole fuckin' Clinton machine stinks to high heaven, but she's still leading GOP candidates in the polls and she still may very well beat whomever the GOP throws out there anyway".

Unfortunately though, honesty is not a terribly high priority these days. Just deny, deny, deny.


I will agree she is not perfect but who is. But there is a lot of garbage being spouted by the nut jobs. Hillary is running on a center left stance.
Nearly every criticism about from the nut jobs has been refuted and now in lot of cases there are just repeating lies until they believe them to be true.
Honestly, The US should one smouldering mess by now if you believed what they said about Obama 7 years ago. It is not. So they have been wrong before and they some how believe they are right now. Sorry that boy has cried wolf too many times.
Lies are all NaziCons have.
That's funny... elsewhere on this board, we see Conservatives saying the same thing about LibTardFascists.

Really? I've not noticed that.

Lol. The hil is the biggest nazicon liar of them all and she's your corrupt gal.

So if you keep spouting the lies, do you really start to believe them. I have always wondered.....

Did she vote for the war? Did she go along with Os invasion on Libya?
We need a President that is willing to tell us how rich they are every speech he makes. That makes us all feel loved and accepted. It also helps us remember who we are and gives us a goal to aspire to. We can all look up to a "very rich" President, and bow to his wealth and success.

Losers especially feel that need.
So Independent candidates are perfect, everything they did till now is perfect... Clinton is the obvious Democrat and has the machine and exposure to win...
Any GOP is going to struggle on name recognition against her (Jeb being the least).

I never said Independent candidates are perfect. However, they are often more in line with my political philosophy and more likely to Walk their Talk.

I don't believe name recognition is that big a deal these days. With the inability fir regular people to avoid the constant news and media campaigns of the candidates that gap is large gone by election day.
So what? What's your point?
My point is that she's a sleaze, obviously.
She could be the devil in granny panties, as long as she wins.

I'm certain you would vote for Hitler or Stalin as long as they ran as Democrats.
And I'm certain you throw your vote away each time in some childish attempt to elect someone with your same childish view of life. Unlike you little morons, I prefer my vote to count.

Voting in criminals who want to destroy the country is your conception of using your vote wisely.

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