The rights historically failed ideas proven failure

This guy is LYING about what I said manu.

I never said the crap he is trying to claim I said.

Hes merely attempting to derail the thread because the facts in it are SO damning to the current republican position

Actually, he quoted you. Is it really his fault if you aren unable to articulate what you are trying to say?

Oh I forgot. You don't care about communicating clearly. So stop whining when it causes people misunderstand you.

what is the number of the post of mine the guy quoted?

Are you blind? He's done it like 5 freakin times the last few pages.
The CBO said the stimulus worked

They guessed.

They were wrong.

You are wrong.

You are a moron.

You are a liar.


They didn't guess. They did what they are required by law to do. They take the numbers presented by Congress, compile them into pretty little reports and viola! Congress looks like miracle workers.

Yes, she is a moron and a liar. Nothing new there.

IMF: Austerity boosts unemployment, lowers paychecks - The Washington Post
read at least the first three paragraphs

These past few years, the Republican line on job creation has been simple: Cut government spending, tame the deficit, and unemployment will fall. Maybe not tomorrow, maybe not the day after, but soon. “To put it simply,” House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R- Va.) said last spring, “less government spending means more private-sector jobs.” But that’s not exactly a rigorous study. So here’s a rigorous study.

In a new paper for the International Monetary Fund, Laurence Ball, Daniel Leigh and Prakash Loungani look at 173 episodes of fiscal austerity over the past 30 years—with the average deficit cut amounting to 1 percent of GDP. Their verdict? Austerity “lowers incomes in the short term, with wage-earners taking more of a hit than others; it also raises unemployment, particularly long-term unemployment.”

More specifically, an austerity program that curbs the deficit by 1 percent of GDP reduces real incomes by about 0.6 percent and raises unemployment by almost 0.5 percentage points. What’s more, the IMF notes, the losses are twice as big when the central bank can’t cut rates (a good description of the present.) Typically, income and employment don’t fully recover even five years after the austerity program is put in place.

Please be specific. Show us which of the 173 WORLD-WIDE instances being discussed apply to the United States, and specifically to Republicans.

They all apply to the US and the US is one of the countries listed.

You see your Ideas dont work in any democracy goober

here is what he pretended to quote
History shows austerity is a mistake.

yet more facts you on the right will ignore to retain your histically failed ideas

It worked real well in the 1920 depression... Spending didn;t work so well for Hoover and FDR's Depression.
so far here I have history and the CBO on my side and you guys have................... well....................... each other.

Ill stick with my present company thank you
Please be specific. Show us which of the 173 WORLD-WIDE instances being discussed apply to the United States, and specifically to Republicans.

They all apply to the US and the US is one of the countries listed.

You see your Ideas dont work in any democracy goober

here is what he pretended to quote

He pretended to quote it? It seems to me like he did quote it, there was no pretending about it.

Provide some proof austerity works to create jobs.

There is no proof is there.
here is what he pretended to quote

He pretended to quote it? It seems to me like he did quote it, there was no pretending about it.


and it does not say what he claims does it?

He lied and so did you when you claimed I never provide any facts.

Liar. Do you ever stop being deceitful? I have yet to see any facts presented by you and I noticed that you have still avoided posting your solution.

You are dismissed.

IMF: Austerity boosts unemployment, lowers paychecks - The Washington Post

These past few years, the Republican line on job creation has been simple: Cut government spending, tame the deficit, and unemployment will fall. Maybe not tomorrow, maybe not the day after, but soon. “To put it simply,” House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R- Va.) said last spring, “less government spending means more private-sector jobs.” But that’s not exactly a rigorous study. So here’s a rigorous study.

In a new paper for the International Monetary Fund, Laurence Ball, Daniel Leigh and Prakash Loungani look at 173 episodes of fiscal austerity over the past 30 years—with the average deficit cut amounting to 1 percent of GDP. Their verdict? Austerity “lowers incomes in the short term, with wage-earners taking more of a hit than others; it also raises unemployment, particularly long-term unemployment.”

More specifically, an austerity program that curbs the deficit by 1 percent of GDP reduces real incomes by about 0.6 percent and raises unemployment by almost 0.5 percentage points. What’s more, the IMF notes, the losses are twice as big when the central bank can’t cut rates (a good description of the present.) Typically, income and employment don’t fully recover even five years after the austerity program is put in place.

That is a quote from the article

here is what he pretended to quote

He pretended to quote it? It seems to me like he did quote it, there was no pretending about it.


and it does not say what he claims does it?

He lied and so did you when you claimed I never provide any facts.

Post 128 is an exact quote of what you said... seems to me that you are being deceitful again, because it was an exact quote.

So, once again, it seems you are caught in your own lie.

The CBO said the stimulus worked

Yes, it worked so well we need another one... as predicted. No one said the stimulus didn't work, if working means it would float the economy until the money ran out... and that's just what it did.

Now we have more debt and Obama is shifting blame like "whoa" while trying to do another stimulus. Want a prediction on what will happen with another stimulus TM?

The stimulus or "jobs bill" will pass and...

1: GDP looks awesome!
2: A bunch of people borrow and start a business
3: A bunch of companies hire part time people and fire or cut hours for others
4: UE ticks down slightly, like VERY slightly
5: Spending oddly remains the same for consumers
6: Things look like they are getting "better" but VERY slowly...
7: The money starts to run out...
8: Business start laying off people due to a low customer pool
9: “New” business’s start to fold
10: UE ticks up but the 2012 elections are JUST happening....
11: The money runs out, markets crash and the buck has been passed.
12: poor get poorer
12: Middle class eroded
13: Rich get richer
14: Inflation hits the rest of the people hanging in the middle class
15: TM posts another “Republicans destroyed the economy thread.”
so far here I have history and the CBO on my side and you guys have................... well....................... each other.

Ill stick with my present company thank you

It worked real well in the 1920 depression... Spending didn't work so well for Hoover and FDR's Depression.

This was the last serious cuts in spending and taxes in US history as far as I know, and during a Depression.
He pretended to quote it? It seems to me like he did quote it, there was no pretending about it.


and it does not say what he claims does it?

He lied and so did you when you claimed I never provide any facts.

Post 128 is an exact quote of what you said... seems to me that you are being deceitful again, because it was an exact quote.

So, once again, it seems you are caught in your own lie.


When isn't she lying? Even her nic is a bold face lie. When did truth ever matter to her?
and it does not say what he claims does it?

He lied and so did you when you claimed I never provide any facts.

Post 128 is an exact quote of what you said... seems to me that you are being deceitful again, because it was an exact quote.

So, once again, it seems you are caught in your own lie.


When isn't she lying? Even her nic is a bold face lie. When did truth ever matter to her?

Did she run off again without telling us what the solution to the problem is?

Dagnamit! I was really hoping she would have an answer and I won't be available to ask her tomorrow.

here is what he pretended to quote

He pretended to quote it? It seems to me like he did quote it, there was no pretending about it.


and it does not say what he claims does it?

He lied and so did you when you claimed I never provide any facts.

And for the terminally stupid TM.....

IMF: Austerity boosts unemployment, lowers paychecks - The Washington Post
read at least the first three paragraphs...

These past few years, the Republican line on job creation has been simple: Cut government spending, tame the deficit, and unemployment will fall. Maybe not tomorrow, maybe not the day after, but soon. “To put it simply,” House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R- Va.) said last spring, “less government spending means more private-sector jobs.” But that’s not exactly a rigorous study. So here’s a rigorous study.

In a new paper for the International Monetary Fund, Laurence Ball, Daniel Leigh and Prakash Loungani look at 173 episodes of fiscal austerity over the past 30 years—with the average deficit cut amounting to 1 percent of GDP. Their verdict? Austerity “lowers incomes in the short term, with wage-earners taking more of a hit than others; it also raises unemployment, particularly long-term unemployment.”

More specifically, an austerity program that curbs the deficit by 1 percent of GDP reduces real incomes by about 0.6 percent and raises unemployment by almost 0.5 percentage points. What’s more, the IMF notes, the losses are twice as big when the central bank can’t cut rates (a good description of the present.) Typically, income and employment don’t fully recover even five years after the austerity program is put in place.

Please be specific. Show us which of the 173 WORLD-WIDE instances being discussed apply to the United States, and specifically to Republicans.

They all apply to the US and the US is one of the countries listed.

You see your Ideas dont work in any democracy goober

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