The SC decision on the ACA, actually HELPS the GOP

Look at it this way, right wingers, the 6-3 decision on the ACA helps the GOP's efforts to fight for the White House next year.

Had the ACA been overturned, 6.4 million individuals (2/3 of whom live in red states) would have been irate and the anger would have been squarely directed toward republicans in both congress and the highly biased Supreme Court.

Now republican candidates can basically say that it was just a "bad" decision by the 'Supremes", without having to defend to millions of constituents WHY they are uninsured and the role they previously played in trying to overturn the law.

I go for what is right, not to help poiticians...sinking the country on the off chance republicans will do the right thing is not an option.

I completely agree. Republicans haven't done what is right for a long time, and there is no reason to think they will start now.
But only to a point. Because at some point in time, the GOP is either going to have to admit that Obamacare is working or they are going to have to provide a viable alternative, which they have had 5 years time to do.

Like the Obama EO on immigration, the challenge has been cast:

You don't like the ACA (or immigration policies) COME UP WITH SOMETHING BETTER.
But only to a point. Because at some point in time, the GOP is either going to have to admit that Obamacare is working or they are going to have to provide a viable alternative, which they have had 5 years time to do.

Like the Obama EO on immigration, the challenge has been cast:

You don't like the ACA (or immigration policies) COME UP WITH SOMETHING BETTER.

But, but, but that would actually mean doing something FOR the people! :eek:

You can't be serious! :D

Gee, you're starting to learn.... Since most Americans hate the ACA and wish it had never been passed, the Republicans can blame the law on Obama and the Democrats right up through the election....

Since you can see that, there's hope for you yet!!!!!:badgrin:

Yep, you found me out. I come on here to be "taught" by the likes of your ilk....

Actually, republicans were blaming Obama from right after his swearing in and look what happened in 2012.
And if she eliminates the ridiculous ban on not being able to negotiate drug prices the savings from that alone will be more than enough to cover the costs.

Needless to say the GOP won't be happy but they never are as indicated by the OP.

The part you stated about negotiating drug prices is EXTREMELY needed and important.....Right now are "beloved" congress has refused for Medicare to negotiate with pharmas.......I wrote a post where in India, the regimen for Hepatitis B medicines cost a mere $1000,,,whereas in the US it is a whopping $84,000, Go figure.
Since most Americans hate the ACA and wish it had never been passed


Poll Obamacare in positive territory by one point

Latest polling contradicts that claim.
And if she eliminates the ridiculous ban on not being able to negotiate drug prices the savings from that alone will be more than enough to cover the costs.

Needless to say the GOP won't be happy but they never are as indicated by the OP.

The part you stated about negotiating drug prices is EXTREMELY needed and important.....Right now are "beloved" congress has refused for Medicare to negotiate with pharmas.......I wrote a post where in India, the regimen for Hepatitis B medicines cost a mere $1000,,,whereas in the US it is a whopping $84,000, Go figure.

The hypocrisy of the GOP to whine about the costs of healthcare while obstructing the most basic means to reduce the costs in a capitalist economy is nothing short of hypocritical.

Single payer systems in other nations control their costs by exploiting their bulk buying power. If those "socialists" can do then why do the "free market" Republicans deny Americans the right to a "free market" when it comes to purchasing drugs in bulk?
Single payer systems in other nations control their costs by exploiting their bulk buying power. If those "socialists" can do then why do the "free market" Republicans deny Americans the right to a "free market" when it comes to purchasing drugs in bulk?

If I recall correctly, there is a stipulation in GWB's Medicare Advantage that (under the lobbying of big pharmas,) prohibits states from repatriating drugs we sold to Canada.....whereas Canada bought them in bulk and would sell them back to us for considerably cheaper prices.
Reps are cowardly jackasses. Anyone who is stupid enough to believe they will ever repeal Obamacare is indeed stupid.

Gee, you're starting to learn.... Since most Americans hate the ACA and wish it had never been passed, the Republicans can blame the law on Obama and the Democrats right up through the election....

Since you can see that, there's hope for you yet!!!!!:badgrin:

dems will win big in 2016, sorry to break that news to you.
But, but, but that would actually mean doing something FOR the people! :eek:

In my frequent correspondence with my state's elected nitwits, I REFUSE to give them the title of "honorable, so and so".... there is nothing honorable about refusing to get off their asses and doing something other than bitching.
Look at it this way, right wingers, the 6-3 decision on the ACA helps the GOP's efforts to fight for the White House next year.

Had the ACA been overturned, 6.4 million individuals (2/3 of whom live in red states) would have been irate and the anger would have been squarely directed toward republicans in both congress and the highly biased Supreme Court.

Now republican candidates can basically say that it was just a "bad" decision by the 'Supremes", without having to defend to millions of constituents WHY they are uninsured and the role they previously played in trying to overturn the law.

In addition the GOP doesn't have to admit that they don't have a "Plan B" to fix the ACA now. :D

Well, that begs the question, if the ACA is such a masterful piece of legislation, why does it already require fixing?

No legislation is perfect.

Not even the Constitution.

that is why it is congress' responsibility to fix it not the SCOTUS

It didn't need fixing by Congress but the Republicans decided to try whining to the court that it was "broken".

But it turned out they were wrong.

Chief Justice Roberts even used the same exact words of the dissenting Republican justices in the original ACA case to prove them wrong.

Gotta love the irony of that!


“This bill was written in a tortured way to make sure CBO did not score the mandate as taxes. If CBO scored the mandate as taxes, the bill dies. Okay, so it’s written to do that. In terms of risk rated subsidies, if you had a law which said that healthy people are going to pay in – you made explicit healthy people pay in and sick people get money, it would not have passed… Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage. And basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really really critical for the thing to pass… Look, I wish Mark was right that we could make it all transparent, but I’d rather have this law than not.”
Look at it this way, right wingers, the 6-3 decision on the ACA helps the GOP's efforts to fight for the White House next year.

Had the ACA been overturned, 6.4 million individuals (2/3 of whom live in red states) would have been irate and the anger would have been squarely directed toward republicans in both congress and the highly biased Supreme Court.

Now republican candidates can basically say that it was just a "bad" decision by the 'Supremes", without having to defend to millions of constituents WHY they are uninsured and the role they previously played in trying to overturn the law.

That is one way to look at it. I equate that opinion, however, with the old canard about what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. It's patently false.

The decision today does push Obamacare into Hillary's column and the GOP could rail against it.

But, much like Ben-Gotcha, aren't you tired of hearing about the supposed issue? Americans are and the over-riding reaction to the GOP bringing up this or Ben-Gotcha will be a sigh and an eye-roll. Neither have had any traction; Obama's won re-election after getting the ACA passed, his approval ratings are up near 50% again despite his party losing in 2014's midterms, Hillary's ratings are still superior to all GOP comers with a few outlier polls and she hasn't run one ad yet.

Put another way, the best endorsement for Mechanic A is that you took your car to Mechanic B instead and it broke down.

In our case here, Mechanic A (the GOP) tried to scare you, lied to you, bully you, acted like a brat by acting like little bitches after the car was fixed (the law was passed)....

And as it turns out the car was fixed (after Mechanic B told a whopper to get you into the garage) and the inspectors agree that the law is sound .
Look at it this way, right wingers, the 6-3 decision on the ACA helps the GOP's efforts to fight for the White House next year.

Had the ACA been overturned, 6.4 million individuals (2/3 of whom live in red states) would have been irate and the anger would have been squarely directed toward republicans in both congress and the highly biased Supreme Court.

Now republican candidates can basically say that it was just a "bad" decision by the 'Supremes", without having to defend to millions of constituents WHY they are uninsured and the role they previously played in trying to overturn the law.




Why, exactly, is a welfare state bad? You do realize welfare exists for a reason? Stagnant wages, rising cost of living...
Look at it this way, right wingers, the 6-3 decision on the ACA helps the GOP's efforts to fight for the White House next year.

Had the ACA been overturned, 6.4 million individuals (2/3 of whom live in red states) would have been irate and the anger would have been squarely directed toward republicans in both congress and the highly biased Supreme Court.

Now republican candidates can basically say that it was just a "bad" decision by the 'Supremes", without having to defend to millions of constituents WHY they are uninsured and the role they previously played in trying to overturn the law.

That is one way to look at it. I equate that opinion, however, with the old canard about what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. It's patently false.

The decision today does push Obamacare into Hillary's column and the GOP could rail against it.

But, much like Ben-Gotcha, aren't you tired of hearing about the supposed issue? Americans are and the over-riding reaction to the GOP bringing up this or Ben-Gotcha will be a sigh and an eye-roll. Neither have had any traction; Obama's won re-election after getting the ACA passed, his approval ratings are up near 50% again despite his party losing in 2014's midterms, Hillary's ratings are still superior to all GOP comers with a few outlier polls and she hasn't run one ad yet.

Put another way, the best endorsement for Mechanic A is that you took your car to Mechanic B instead and it broke down.

In our case here, Mechanic A (the GOP) tried to scare you, lied to you, bully you, acted like a brat by acting like little bitches after the car was fixed (the law was passed)....

And as it turns out the car was fixed (after Mechanic B told a whopper to get you into the garage) and the inspectors agree that the law is sound .

Another Obama bot speaking for what all of America is thinking, it must be quite a burden knowing what everyone thinks.
"The SC decision on the ACA, actually HELPS the GOP"

The question remains, however, are republicans smart enough to realize that.

Given the posts in this and other threads, the answer would be no.

Most on the right are going to continue to whine and complain about this ruling, they're going to remain hostile to the rights of gay Americans regardless how the Supreme Court rules, they'll remain hostile to the privacy rights of women, the voting rights of African-Americans, and remain hostile to Hispanic immigrants and immigration reform.

Today's ACA ruling will be of little benefit to republicans if they continue to be at odds with a majority of the American people.
if you had a law which said that healthy people are going to pay in – you made explicit healthy people pay in and sick people get money, it would not have passed

The "logic' of the above basically describes ANY type of insurance. No car insurance company could survive if less accident-prone drivers were not essentially subsidizing those drivers who get into accidents.

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