The Senate Lacks Jurisdiction


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2017
That is Trump's lawyers defense of the upcoming Senate impeachment trial.

“There’s a lot of tape of cities burning and courthouses being attacked and federal agents being assaulted by rioters in the streets, cheered on by Democrats throughout the country, and many of them in Washington using really the most inflammatory rhetoric that’s possible to use,” Castor pointed out before noting that Democrats were not accused on inciting that violence, yet Trump is on video stating clearly that he wanted people to march peacefully to the Capitol.

“You better be careful what you wish for,” Castor said of the Democrats.

Time to go after Pelosi, Schumer and the rest of the loud-mouthed Democrat Trump haters in congress.
That is Trump's lawyers defense of the upcoming Senate impeachment trial.

“There’s a lot of tape of cities burning and courthouses being attacked and federal agents being assaulted by rioters in the streets, cheered on by Democrats throughout the country, and many of them in Washington using really the most inflammatory rhetoric that’s possible to use,” Castor pointed out before noting that Democrats were not accused on inciting that violence, yet Trump is on video stating clearly that he wanted people to march peacefully to the Capitol.

“You better be careful what you wish for,” Castor said of the Democrats.

Time to go after Pelosi, Schumer and the rest of the loud-mouthed Democrat Trump haters in congress.

Once again, nonsense from nonsense Reich Wing Website. Yes the Senate does have jurisdiction. Yes a President can be impeached after leaving office. Senator William Blount and Former Secretary of War William Belkamp were impeached after leaving office. And just for shits and giggles.

The Senate Trial IS NOT a criminal trial. Should the Senate vote against impeachment any Evidence and/or Testimony of Criminal Wrongdoing on the part of the Traitor can be used in any criminal proceedings.

That is Trump's lawyers defense of the upcoming Senate impeachment trial.

“There’s a lot of tape of cities burning and courthouses being attacked and federal agents being assaulted by rioters in the streets, cheered on by Democrats throughout the country, and many of them in Washington using really the most inflammatory rhetoric that’s possible to use,” Castor pointed out before noting that Democrats were not accused on inciting that violence, yet Trump is on video stating clearly that he wanted people to march peacefully to the Capitol.

“You better be careful what you wish for,” Castor said of the Democrats.

Time to go after Pelosi, Schumer and the rest of the loud-mouthed Democrat Trump haters in congress.

Once again, nonsense from nonsense Reich Wing Website. Yes the Senate does have jurisdiction. Yes a President can be impeached after leaving office. Senator William Blount and Former Secretary of War William Belkamp were impeached after leaving office. And just for shits and giggles.

The Senate Trial IS NOT a criminal trial. Should the Senate vote against impeachment any Evidence and/or Testimony of Criminal Wrongdoing on the part of the Traitor can be used in any criminal proceedings.


The point that's being made is that for Democrats to impeach Trump for inciting a riot when they have done far worse than he ever did...and they did it over a period of YEARS...opens them up to being charged for THEIR statements!
The senate impeachment trial only serves to farther divide America. Trump is no longer president. And if what he did is so bad, then it is very unlikely he could win another election to become president again.
Time to go after Pelosi, Schumer and the rest of the loud-mouthed Democrat Trump haters in congress.
The problem with that idea is that the incitement nexus takes the Brandenburg standard when told from afar, while participants can inflame without being as inflammatory.
Senator William Blount and Former Secretary of War William Belkamp
They were not presidents, liar. Another one tossed to the trash heap.
There is only one standard for impeachment, any impeachment.

Impeachment trials of presidents may excite more public interest than impeachment trials of other “civil officers,” but they are no different in constitutional form. The standard of impeachable conduct is the same – “treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors” – as is the two-thirds threshold for conviction.
“There’s a lot of tape of cities burning and courthouses being attacked and federal agents being assaulted by rioters in the streets, cheered on by Democrats throughout the country, and many of them in Washington using really the most inflammatory rhetoric that’s possible to use,” Castor pointed out
sympathizing for causes right or left ... is not incitement to overthrow the gov't by a sociopathic derelict - trump. what the charges are against him.

trump is guilty however has spinless republican jurors that already gave him a free pass - there is nothing to worry about for the blackards that voted for the criminal just that he and they lost the election.
The Constitution says the Senate has Jurisdiction

The Senate “shall have the sole power to try all impeachments”; (2) when sitting as a court of impeachment, senators “shall be on oath or affirmation”; (3) conviction of any accused officer requires “concurrence of two thirds of the members present”;

Where's the FBI removing these politicians, fcc removing these broadcast hosts, and putting these people on no fly lists?
=busted abusing power again!
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The replacement you voted for, dereliction in all its original splendor, mimics the culinary promiscuity that forged the virus: China Joe.
sympathizing for causes right or left ... is not incitement to overthrow the gov't by a sociopathic derelict - trump. what the charges are against him.

trump is guilty however has spinless republican jurors that already gave him a free pass - there is nothing to worry about for the blackards that voted for the criminal just that he and they lost the election.
Trump never incited anybody to storm the WH.....You need to prove that not just parrot Democrat talking points.
Thanks, Trump was 100% correct. DC has turned against We The People with the help of the Democrat controlled DNC. It's obvious when you see Biden who has spent his time rescinding much of Trump's EOs. I noticed Biden shut down the pipeline and killed the incomes of thousands of families dependent on it's construction. Even union truckers. Their unions voted for Biden. We saw a corrupt FBI and a President's son taking money from the Ukraine and laundering it.

All that being said, what exactly did Trump say that incited any riot? Or are you saying that pointing out greed and corruption in our U.S. Capital (DC) is somehow tantamount to inciting violence?
That is Trump's lawyers defense of the upcoming Senate impeachment trial.
If the Senate has any jurisdiction at all to try the Democrats' impeachment of Trump, it is a formal acknowledgment that Donald John Trump is still legally the President, having been re-elected by a landslide margin in a true and correct count of lawful ballots cast in the Presidential election that was held November 3, 3020.

But the Democrats cannot deny this fact and then go on to claim the jurisdiction to try a fraudulent and barratrous "impeachment" of a President who was already removed from office by the Democrat Party's coup d'état on January 6.
If the Senate has any jurisdiction at all to try the Democrats' impeachment of Trump, it is a formal acknowledgment that Donald John Trump is still legally the President, having been re-elected by a landslide margin in a true and correct count of lawful ballots cast in the Presidential election that was held November 3, 3020.

But the Democrats cannot deny this fact and then go on to claim the jurisdiction to try a fraudulent and barratrous "impeachment" of a President who was already removed from office by the Democrat Party's coup d'état on January 6.
The Democrat leadership....Pelosi, Schumer, Biden are all soon to be octagenarigians subject to typical memory loss and mental cognitive problems. The radical-leftist Marxist in Congress hope to cancel the 'old leadership' out using legislation made up by the radical leftists. It must suck to be a Democrat these days.
The Democrat leadership....Pelosi, Schumer, Biden are all soon to be octagenarigians subject to typical memory loss and mental cognitive problems.
There's a boy - who lacks the organs to grow up into a man - and the Dems want to do even more medical butchery and "assign" the poor kid into the girls' locker room where the girls have an agenda and are well armed with needles and syringes full of anabolic steroids and other drugs, and their mothers just happen to be the usual assortment of Karens and cop calling whores.
The radical-leftist Marxist in Congress hope to cancel the 'old leadership' out using legislation made up by the radical leftists. It must suck to be a Democrat these days.
The "moderate" Democrats are all older men — dirty old men. — They're Democrats after all who played the sex game so well all their lives that they were never charged with harassment, rape, child molestation, and "the usual" assortment of sex crimes typically attributed to balding older men.

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