"""The Socialist Media"""


Gold Member
Feb 8, 2015
Yo, maybe this Socialist should be fired, and kicked out of the Country!!!

New York journo calls for end to ā€˜fascistā€™ singing of ā€˜offensiveā€™ God Bless America


Leave it to the completely unhinged New York Daily News to start your Independence Day weekend off with an outrageous assault on patriotism.

Columnist Gersh Kuntzman is calling on Major League Baseball to singing God Bless Americaduring the 7th inning stretch of select baseball games because itā€™s ā€œfascistā€ to have people honor America with this song:

Part of my outrage stems from ponderous Mussolini-esque introduction of the song, when fans are asked to rise, remove their caps and place them over their hearts.

Reality check, friends: ā€œGod Bless Americaā€ is not the National Anthem. The only songs Americans should stand for are ā€œThe Star Spangled Bannerā€ and ā€œHere Comes the Bride.ā€

Even Irving Berlin, who wrote ā€œGod Bless Americaā€ in 1918, considered it so maudlin and depressing that he stuck it in a drawer. Twenty years later, as the world prepared for war, Kate Smith asked Berlin for a patriotic song for her radio show. He pulled out ā€œGod Bless Americaā€ and changed one lame line ā€” ā€œthe gold fields up in Nomeā€ ā€” to an even lamer line ā€” ā€œoceans white with foam.ā€ You know the rest: Smithā€™s version became as much a symbol of post-war patriotism as the flag, the space program and all the white people moving to the suburbs.

Tony Bennett messes up lyrics to ā€˜God Bless Americaā€™ at Giants game

The song still embodies great things about America, but also our worst things: self-righteousness, forced piety, earnest self-reverence, foam.

And Kuntzman clearly knows a thing or two about ā€œself-righteousness,ā€ doesnā€™t he?

Kuntzman goes on to detail how the song ā€œoffends everyoneā€ as his headline states. However, along with so much else one finds in the pages of the New York Daily News these days, the idea that God Bless America ā€œoffends everyoneā€ is only true when viewed through the eyes of a progressive leftist:

ā€œGod Bless Americaā€ is as divisive as American politics: Kaskowitzā€™s research found that 83.8% of people who described themselves as ā€œvery liberalā€ dislike the song, while only 20.5% of people who called themselves ā€œvery conservativeā€ have a problem with it.

And more than 88% of atheists dislike the song, Kaskowitz found. (Quick aside: We atheists also hate having ā€œIn God we Trustā€ on the currency and in the courtrooms of a country whose Constitution bars the ā€œestablishment of religionā€ ā€” but thatā€™s a fight for another day.)

I canā€™t quite figure out if Kuntzman and the Daily News hate America, or if they just hate Americans who love America.

Either way, while we are in the business of banning things that offend, how about some of the recent covers from the Daily News:




Socialist Puppet Media, In Black and White!!!

New York journo calls for end to ā€˜fascistā€™ singing of ā€˜offensiveā€™ God Bless America

"God Bless America" should be our national anthem. It's a much better song than "The Star Spangled Banner".

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