The South and the Civil War


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
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I visited a few of my former classmate's last fall. 2 in Tennessee and 1 in Georgia. It was interesting to see and hear the reenactments and discussion of the Civil War battles. In addition, Civil War monuments were far more common in the South. It's as if the war just ended. Being from the Pacific Northwest folks here and the rest of the North rarely think about, but in the South it's still a really big deal.

Any idea why?
I visited a few of my former classmate's last fall. 2 in Tennessee and 1 in Georgia. It was interesting to see and hear the reenactments and discussion of the Civil War battles. In addition, Civil War monuments were far more common in the South. It's as if the war just ended. Being from the Pacific Northwest folks here and the rest of the North rarely think about, but in the South it's still a really big deal.

Any idea why?

I suppose part of it is that it is more common on the South because that is where most of the battles took place. It isn't like they don't do the mother of all reenactments at Gettysburg because that is where that battle took place. I am guessing there were no battles in the Pacific Northwest
I visited a few of my former classmate's last fall. 2 in Tennessee and 1 in Georgia. It was interesting to see and hear the reenactments and discussion of the Civil War battles. In addition, Civil War monuments were far more common in the South. It's as if the war just ended. Being from the Pacific Northwest folks here and the rest of the North rarely think about, but in the South it's still a really big deal.

Any idea why?
I think it is a Southern inferiority complex
The Civil War was a case where they stood up and fought against those who look down on them

As to the monuments. Most were put up by the Daughters of the Confederacy as a means to keep negroes in their place. The erection of monuments was directly correlated to rises in Civil Rights and resulting klan activities
It is part of the southern history. As always, history is written by the victors (the North/Yankees), and it is badly distorted in the eyes of the Sons (& daughters) of the South.

Very few Confederate soldiers and sailors were fighting to protect the institution of slavery. For them, it was about their home states and self-government, versus government by Yankees in Washington. And they fought bravely, to the death when necessary. Much to be proud of.

I don't have a dog in that fight, but I understand why they cherish their heritage.
It is part of the southern history. As always, history is written by the victors (the North/Yankees), and it is badly distorted in the eyes of the Sons (& daughters) of the South.

Very few Confederate soldiers and sailors were fighting to protect the institution of slavery. For them, it was about their home states and self-government, versus government by Yankees in Washington. And they fought bravely, to the death when necessary. Much to be proud of.

I don't have a dog in that fight, but I understand why they cherish their heritage.
Oddly in this case, the history was written by the losers.
Shortly after the war, The Lost Cause movement took hold that sanitized the role of the Confederacy.
Monuments, schools, military bases were all named after Confederate heroes…..relatively few for Union heroes
The legacy of Gen Grant was smeared
Here's the fun part. Grant only lost one battle to Lee. he transformed the East from individual battles to campaigns, and ground the Confederates to dust. .
Grant had a more impressive military record than Lee
Not only in the East but originally in the West
In a just world Union military heroes like Grant and Sherman would have been hanged as war criminals.
I don't have a dog in that fight, but I understand why they cherish their heritage.
A heritage that lasted four years and destroyed the south

A heritage of a country that was 40 percent enslaved

A heritage where humans were bred like cattle and the offspring sold to the highest bidder
In a just world, Slave owners would be hanged
They were and their homes were looted and burned. Slavery was legal in New Jersey up until about 15 years before the Civil War. New Yorkers hanged every black person they could find during the Draft Riots.
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They were and their homes were looted and burned. Slavery was legal in New Jersey up until about 15 years before the Civil War. New Yorkers hanged every black person they could find during the Draft Riots.
4 million slaves lived in the Confederacy
4 million slaves lived in the Confederacy
Shouldn't we hold Yankee factory owners and whaling ships converted to the more lucrative slave trade liable for hanging? Slavery existed in the North for 200 years. Sherman was a pyromaniac who thought he was "God's terrible swift sword" when he burned Atlanta He should have been indicted as a war criminal but he was lauded as a hero. . Democrats still make a profit off about 12 million illegal aliens who live in virtual slavery in the US today
Shouldn't we hold Yankee factory owners and whaling ships converted to the more lucrative slave trade liable for hanging? Slavery existed in the North for 200 years. Sherman was a pyromaniac who thought he was "God's terrible swift sword" when he burned Atlanta He should have been indicted as a war criminal but he was lauded as a hero. . Democrats still make a profit off about 12 million illegal aliens who live in virtual slavery in the US today
Like Sherman said…….War is Hell

The evil Confederate empire deserved no mercy
They justify atrocities with a cliche? Left wing logic.
Its these statements that betray the absurdity of the Lost Causers. The Confederacy were murdering rape savages defending the right to whip and torture millions of people to death. They weren't Nazis but they were not far from it. PLUS THEY WERE Traitors.
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