The Standing Rock protests are a taste of things to come


Defend Liberty
Aug 27, 2008
The way opponents of the Dakota Access pipeline have been treated by police is likely to be replicated on a massive scale under Donald Trump

Horrific scenes have been coming out of North Dakota these last several days, where the battle is ongoing to stop the Dakota Access pipeline. On Sunday night, police turned tear gas and rubber bullets on hundreds of unarmed “water protectors”, as those taking on the pipeline prefer to be called. They deployed water cannons as well, in temperatures well below freezing. More than 160 people were injured, and many sent to the hospital. As a result of the standoff, a young woman could lose her arm.

For those with a passing knowledge of the kind of tactics faced by America’s civil rights movement, the above might sound like blast from our more brutal past. As Donald Trump prepares to enter the White House, it should also sound like our possible future.

The Standing Rock protests are a taste of things to come | Kate Aronoff

So these things have been happening under a progressive Democratic president, but somehow they're a sign of things to come under Trump? What partisan logic is this?
It's just Obamas' legacy in two words: Civil Unrest & Debt.

Carry on..........
This whole protest is bullshit. It has nothing to do with the actual pipeline but to block any further development of the Bakken. Just like the envirowhackos tried to do with the Alberta oil fields.

It's a anti global warming "leave it in the ground" protest. Many are from out of state and are violent. Let the water cannons boom.

"About 400 protesters set two trucks on fire near Cannon Ball, South Dakota (which sits on the Standing Rock Indian Reservation), and when sheriff’s deputies moved in to quell the accelerating riot they were met with a rain of rocks and flaming logs.

At least one officer was struck on the head.

All the mainstream media could do was point out that law enforcement used high-pressure water from fire trucks to push back the crowd, along with firing rubber bullets and tear gas grenades.

Little was said in the MSM that the crowd had been given multiple orders to disperse as they were trespassing on private land and causing damage.

According to Rob Keller, a spokesman for the sheriff's department, “Protestors were given multiple orders to back up. But these agitators were a little more aggressive and did not back down, and that’s why there was [this] force used.” Keller added:

Greenies, Lefties Protest Dakota Access Pipeline With Violence

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