the story of the jews

Weren't the Jews(tribe of Judah) only one of the twelve tribes of the Hebrews???

There are 12 Tribes of Judah of which all belong to Abraham who is known as the father of Israel.

Israel is the name of the 12 Tribes of Judah. The country is also called Israel but before G-d gave Abraham the land, he bestowed on Abraham - Israel. Thus the twelve tribes of Judah see themselves as the descendants of the twelve sons of Jacob, son of Isaac, son of Abraham who is called the Father of Israel.


NOTES: (unless otherwise noted, all biblical references are from the Book of Genesis)

Terah: from Ur of the Chaldeans; has three sons; wife not named (11:26-32; cf. Luke 3:34).
Haran: dies in Ur before his father dies; wife not named; son Lot, daughters Milcah & Iscah (11:27-28).
Nahor: marries Milcah, daughter of his brother Haran (11:29); have eight sons, incl. Bethuel (22:20-24).
Abram: main character of Gen 12–25; recipient of God's promises; name changed to ABRAHAM (17:5); sons Ishmael (by Hagar) and Isaac (by Sarah); after Sarah's death, takes another wife, Keturah, who has six sons (25:1-4), including Midian, ancestor of the Midianites (37:28-36).
Lot: son of Haran, thus nephew of Abram, who takes care of him (11:27–14:16; 18:17–19:29); wife and two daughters never named; widowed daughters sleep with their father and bear sons, who become ancestors of the Moabites and Ammonites (19:30-38).

Sarai: Abram's wife, thus Terah's daughter-in-law (11:29-31); Abram also calls her his "sister," which seems deceptive in one story (12:10-20); but in another story Abram insists she really is his half-sister (his father's daughter by another wife; 20:1-18); originally childless, but in old age has a son, Isaac (16:1–21:7); name changed to SARAH (17:15); dies and is buried in Hebron (23:1-20).
Hagar: Sarah's Egyptian slave-girl; mother of Abram's first son, Ishmael; much conflict with Sarah after his birth; even more after the birth of Sarah's son, Isaac (16:1–21:21).
Ishmael: first-born son of Abraham, by Hagar (16:1–17:27); wife or wives never named, but has 12 sons (25:12-16), the ancestors of 12 tribes of Ishmaelites (37:25-28).
Isaac: second son of Abraham, by wife Sarah, despite her old age (17:15-21; 21:1–35:29); marries Rebekah, who has twin sons, Esau & Jacob.

Betheul: youngest son of Nahor & Milcah; wife unnamed; father of Rebekah (22:23) and Laban (24:29).
Rebekah: daughter of Bethuel (22:23); becomes wife of Isaac (24:15–25:20); favors their younger son.
Laban: son of Bethuel, brother of Rebekah; has extensive interactions with Jacob (24:29–31:55).
Esau: elder twin son of Isaac & Rebekah (25:25); names of wives differ in two traditions (26:34 & 28:9 vs. 36:2-3); one is a daughter of Ishmael; his sons are ancestors of the Edomites (36:1-43).

Jacob: younger twin son of Isaac & Rebekah (25:26); conflicts with Esau (25:27–27:46); marries Leah and Rachel, daughters of his uncle Laban (27:43–29:30); name changed to ISRAEL (32:28); has 12 sons (with two wives + two slave-girls), ancestors of the Israelites or "12 Tribes of Israel" (29:31–49:33).

Curiosity about the ages of the Patriarchs:
Abraham lived 175 years (Gen 25:7), which equals 7 x 5²
Isaac lived 180 years (Gen 35:28), which equals 5 x 6²
Jacob lived 147 years (Gen 47:28), which equals 3 x 7
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That is so confusing. But..I want to see it too, so thanks for the heads up.
That is so confusing. But..I want to see it too, so thanks for the heads up.

Sure thing Gracie :)


If there's a bunch of Jews involved? It's gonna be confusing.

Lemme tell ya. I got an 'in'. :D :D

Joking aside. The highlighted pertains to Israel.

Weren't the Jews(tribe of Judah) only one of the twelve tribes of the Hebrews???

Lets just say that arab muslims never figured in the Jewish tribes way of life for 2,000 years. So there were no Jewish arab tribes
Whether we were known as 'E'vrim' or 'B'nei Yisroel' or 'Yehudim', it's always been the same Jewish people. Yes 'Judah' was the largest tribe and also the name of one of the Kingdoms - but when people for the last 2000+ years have spoken of 'Jews/Yehudim', they meant the Jewish people of all 12 tribes, including the proselytes.

Only one tribe to a customer, and determined by the father's tribe - adoption as the Romans did it was unknown and wouldn't count.
That is so confusing. But..I want to see it too, so thanks for the heads up.

Sure thing Gracie :)


If there's a bunch of Jews involved? It's gonna be confusing.

Lemme tell ya. I got an 'in'. :D :D

Joking aside. The highlighted pertains to Israel.


I want to DVR that, too. Ropey, is there a documentary on TV about this history, you would recommend?
That is so confusing. But..I want to see it too, so thanks for the heads up.

Sure thing Gracie :)


If there's a bunch of Jews involved? It's gonna be confusing.

Lemme tell ya. I got an 'in'. :D :D

Joking aside. The highlighted pertains to Israel.


I want to DVR that, too. Ropey, is there a documentary on TV about this history, you would recommend?

I am thinking of reading Killing Jesus, by O`Reilly. It's an historical accounting, not a theological one.

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