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What is the meaning of life?

The scientific/biological meaning of life? Meaning of life according to a religion? Or to my personal opinion?

The biological meaning of life is to reproduce... thats what I learned in school there are a few definitions in biology of life
Life is a quality that distinguishes matter that has biological processes, such as signaling and self-sustaining processes, from matter that does not, and is defined by the capacity for growth, reaction to stimuli, metabolism, energy transformation, and reproduction.

For most religions the meaning of life is that it is a test and that you should do "good" or "have faith in one or more Gods" like Jesus Christ or Allah or JHWE etc. and to come to the next life, be it the heaven like in Christianity or Paradise like in Islam or a better life in reincarnation next life Hinduism etc. like if you do bad you will be a cockroach and if you do good will be a healthy good looking upper caste in your next life etc.
I assure you that Im not a Nazi. Im actually very "multicultural" per definition.
The expected answer . So why then do you dress and play act as though becoming one is so important ? Do not respond to tell me that you are unaware of this , because that sort of defence( ignorance) really ended in Germany after the war finished .
Ok a question.

If your jump drive is over heating and you drop out of subspace in sector 9-843, do you head for the nearby star to use the radiation from it to recharge your systems or will you wait on your jump drive to cool, or do you take a chance your jump signature hasn't been detected and go ahead and release all counter measures hoping the Anatari won't detect you?
The expected answer . So why then do you dress and play act as though becoming one is so important ? Do not respond to tell me that you are unaware of this , because that sort of defence( ignorance) really ended in Germany after the war finished .

You could say that maybe if i acted only as nazi, but i act so many things, you cannot pinpoint me really to one thing. Im a actor.
Ok a question.

If your jump drive is over heating and you drop out of subspace in sector 9-843, do you head for the nearby star to use the radiation from it to recharge your systems or will you wait on your jump drive to cool, or do you take a chance your jump signature hasn't been detected and go ahead and release all counter measures hoping the Anatari won't detect you?

My head explodes that is too much for my very low IQ.
Ok a question.

If your jump drive is over heating and you drop out of subspace in sector 9-843, do you head for the nearby star to use the radiation from it to recharge your systems or will you wait on your jump drive to cool, or do you take a chance your jump signature hasn't been detected and go ahead and release all counter measures hoping the Anatari won't detect you?
Good question . I know the answer but it is unwise to let others know , particularly a Reptilian like Mortuary . BTW , that video is one of my all time favourites ( yes , it is that bad ) but for the Rottenfuhrer it should be re-titled Fraudlein .

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