The Trump-hating Boomers.

There is a kind of political, ideological, and cultural distemper infecting many Boomers today and it is giving rise to a dangerous zombie apocalypse of elderly, hateful, privileged, beneficieries of a toxic system
If there is any privileged demographic class in the US, it is today's baby boomers. They are the wealthiest segment of our population, yet they demand unwarranted senior discounts, tax breaks and medical benefits that are bankrupting our nation.

I am one of them.
As a boomer I have to make an unfortunate observation about some other Boomers. There is little doubt that we are divided as a generation particularly about Donald Trump. But it goes beyond division about politics. There is a kind of political, ideological, and cultural distemper infecting many Boomers today and it is giving rise to a dangerous zombie apocalypse of elderly, hateful, privileged, beneficieries of a toxic system that will go and vote against Trump not for Harris because they fear losing what they believe is a good deal they got and of course believe they deserve. They keep the rest of us in the cheap seats and and cannot understand why we are not content to have nothing and own nothing. There is no reasoning with these people. These people are in strait-jacket territory because they have a psychotic fear of losing their advantage. They see Donald Trump as a threat to the state that put them in a position of comfort while most ot the rest of the country struggles.

There is no arguing with people like this. They will go and vote against what they see is a danger to their cushy deal. What happens to the rest of us is of no concern to these people and the fate of our democracy isn't even on their radar. They travel the world and take exotic vacations where they run down the country to foreigners. Of course Donald Trump is bad! He is ignorant and crude like you and I and we did not play the game right so we deserve to suffer. We dont even have a coherent leader in Washington! The Trump-hating Boomers don't care. They will just take another vacation and get a second home in some resort area. This is what you are faced with and this is why this election is so important for your children and grandchildren. These Harris Boomers are not going to live much longer but the damage they could do before they go could be lethal for following generations.
Piss off sycophant.

We’re tired of your fascist bullshit.

I also notice you can’t post Social Security and Medicare which people pay into all their working careers.
If there is any privileged demographic class in the US, it is today's baby boomers. They are the wealthiest segment of our population, yet they demand unwarranted senior discounts, tax breaks and medical benefits that are bankrupting our nation.

I am one of them.
The elderly are always more likely to be the wealthiest, nothing new here. They don't demand senior discounts--retailers want their money so they offer them. Medical benefits are paid for. As for tax breaks, LOL, I support at least two welfare families with the taxes I pay. Let me know when my tax breaks are coming. I am one of them as well.
Getting through to Trump-hating, Boomer Harris voters is like trying to herd cats infected with distemper.
Getting through to us NeverTrumper Gen-Xers isn't happening either. This magaturd loyalty litmus test for republicans is the greatest gift they can give the democrats.
I think you have it in reverse. The people who are confused are the Pro-Trump boomers who have worked all their lives and have nothing because REPUBLICANS have dismantled the institutions (Unions, fair labor laws) that allowed their parents to work at the same plant for a lifetime and retire with a comfortable pension. So, yes, you've worked hard all your lives and you have nothing in the cheap seats. But what the Republicans have done for the last 50 years is play on your racial, religious, and sexual fears to get you to keep voting for more tax cuts for rich people, more deregulation that hurts workers and consumers,

And, yes, these people go on foreign vacations, where they see countries where they have very little crime, universal health care, very little poverty, and solid public services, and it's kind of embarrassing for them to be Americans at that point.

Fortunately, you old, bigoted right wing boomers are going to die soon, and the country will be better off without you.
If we remained pax Americans and stayed making most of our products, you could say that. We do not. What you do not remember is that in the 1970'sand 1980'sthe Japanese were better than us. We made shoddy cars, electronics and tech products as compared to them. The South Koreans were on the learning curve and are not excellent in making those products. And they do it cheaper. And if we had pax americana we would not have this huge government either as the cost of the products would be much more as for those union members to earn a good wage. And it was the then Progressives who started to purchase all of the foreign products in that era. Come on now. A Chevy Chevette, Chevy Vega, Ford Pinto or a Toyota Corolla, Datsun or Honda. Then they gave us the Chevy Citation. A lemon among lemons. TV's breaking down until the Japanese showed us quality. we sold our names to them, and they made it better. The English were first generation mass production.. they built products in a rough assembly way, and they were near identical. We were second generation...We mass produced like no one on earth. The products had flaws though and we grew sloppy. The East Asians were third generation. They have mass production, with few flaws and all of their supplies delivered as needed for costs. When your Communist Party outs itself they will be like the Chinese. And people like you will work like their people do in the factories. When us old right-wing boomers are dead you will enjoy that. All of the money the boomers have will be needed for all of the debts.
The elderly are always more likely to be the wealthiest, nothing new here. They don't demand senior discounts--retailers want their money so they offer them.
Why don't they offer them to younger people?
Medical benefits are paid for. As for tax breaks, LOL, I support at least two welfare families with the taxes I pay. Let me know when my tax breaks are coming. I am one of them as well.
Do you pay FICA (SS and Medicare) taxes on your retirement income? How about property tax breaks for seniors? What about lavish retirement programs that are no longer available for younger people?

I am under no illusions regarding our privileged place in society.
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Why don't they offer them to younger people?

Do you pay FICA taxes on your retirement income? How about property tax breaks for seniors? What about lavish retirement programs that are no longer available for younger people?

I am under no illusions regarding our privileged place in society.
Everyone pays FICA.

Property taxes are based on assessed value. There isn’t breaks for age.

Companies eliminated pensions as they stole from them to boast stock values.

Why do you not know this.
Why don't they offer them to younger people?
Ask them.
Do you pay FICA taxes on your retirement income? How about property tax breaks for seniors? What about lavish retirement programs that are no longer available for younger people?
FICA, why should I? I fulfilled my part of the contract. Property tax breaks? LMAO, naw, I don't get any of those either. I did too well at funding my retirement for the past 50 years and make too much. What the hell is a lavish retirement program? I had a union pension that was raided by the union and went insolvent. Lavish retirement program, LMAO.
Ask them.

FICA, why should I? I fulfilled my part of the contract. Property tax breaks? LMAO, naw, I don't get any of those either. I did too well at funding my retirement for the past 50 years and make too much. What the hell is a lavish retirement program? I had a union pension that was raided by the union and went insolvent. Lavish retirement program, LMAO.
Hilariously stupid

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