The US could Save $5.6B a year if it Switched from Coal to Solar – study

a solar plant is basically a one time cost.

Don't forget the extra cost for the power plant you'll be using after the sun sets.
Or the trillions for battery backup.
You need multiple courses in finance and physics.
And replacing the cells after they degrade in 20 years. And the constant cleaning to keep them at peak.

"One-time cost" my ass.
I suggest you look at about TEN other threads I bumped up to refute Elektera and now.... You.
It (wind AND solar) are even cheaper in Texas, with a worried Governor trying to make new rules to protect O&G.
Oklahoma is app 40% renewable/wind.

Farmers and Ranches get paid annually per Turbine. The newest Cash Crop across he plains.
Solar is the least efficient source of energy, PERIOD.
The data is everywhere. Look somewhere else other than
Solar is the least efficient source of energy, PERIOD.
Efficient in what regard?

Several sources gave me installation costs ranging from 89 cents to $1.06 per kW depending on location and scale. When I asked Google the same question for fossil fuel plants, I got the following answer:

AI Overview
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The cost to install a utility-scale fossil fuel power plant varies by the type of fuel used, and can be estimated as follows:

  • Coal
    The estimated cost of building a new coal plant is $3,500 per kW, not including financing costs.

  • Natural gas
    In 2015, the average cost to construct a natural gas power plant was $812 per kW. However, the cost can vary depending on the technology used, with plants that have internal combustion engines costing more.

  • Geothermal
    A geothermal power plant commissioned in 2022 can expect to have fixed costs of around $154 per kW installed per year.
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But think of all the money they’re saving by not burning coal!
Efficient in what regard?

Several sources gave me installation costs ranging from 89 cents to $1.06 per kW depending on location and scale. When I asked Google the same question for fossil fuel plants, I got the following answer:

AI Overview
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The cost to install a utility-scale fossil fuel power plant varies by the type of fuel used, and can be estimated as follows:

  • Coal
    The estimated cost of building a new coal plant is $3,500 per kW, not including financing costs.

  • Natural gas
    In 2015, the average cost to construct a natural gas power plant was $812 per kW. However, the cost can vary depending on the technology used, with plants that have internal combustion engines costing more.

  • Geothermal
    A geothermal power plant commissioned in 2022 can expect to have fixed costs of around $154 per kW installed per year.
You confused construction costs with operating costs
You confused construction costs with operating costs
Someone tell FrusaderCrank CO2 is a 'Greenhouse Gas,' and to look the term up in the dictionary.
Or just Google and/or try any of the Hundreds of home/jar experiments even he could do.

Maybe try to make responsive posts. :thup:
My posts are responsive, yours never. They are mostly 5-6 at a time of no more than 5-10 words in 5-10 minutes... or an irrelevant graph. Oft over 100 burps a day. You can only write a paragraph in the Religion section. An OCD denier Priest. Stay out science you mum midget.
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My posts are responsive, yours never. They are mostly 5-6 at a time of no more than 5-10 words in 5-10 minutes... or an irrelevant graph. Oft over 100 burps a day. You can only write a paragraph in the Religion section. An OCD denier Priest. Stay out science you mum midget.
Your posts are incoherent. Do you like it when I make you my bitch?
Someone tell FrusaderCrank CO2 is a 'Greenhouse Gas,' and to look the term up in the dictionary.
Or just Google and/or try any of the Hundreds of home/jar experiments even he could do.

Yeah, Bill Nye and Al Gore tried that experiment on their 24-hour Climate Fear-a-Thon. They had to fake the results because it didn't work.

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