The US is now ranked among the top 10 most dangerous nations for women. good job Trump!

A shocking statistic, no kidding.

As a first step we at least need to have people vote for someone that DOESN'T walk up to women and grab their genitals and then brag about it. Jesus is that too much to ask? Trump looked into a sewer and thought "that's where I want to live, the smell, the disease, the rats, now THAT'S Trump territory!" And he does. And now he's dragging as many other people into the sewer with him as he can.
Bu but but but Muslim women are oppressed....fucking idiots voting someone who is a cheater, who degrades women, who likes to grab women by their pussy, and they pretend to care about other Muslim countries that already elected women as their president lol....fucking joke!!!
Good thing Iran is not on that list. Now women have a place to escape to to flee the Leftist Hollywood sexual perverts.

A shocking statistic, no kidding.

As a first step we at least need to have people vote for someone that DOESN'T walk up to women and grab their genitals and then brag about it. Jesus is that too much to ask? Trump looked into a sewer and thought "that's where I want to live, the smell, the disease, the rats, now THAT'S Trump territory!" And he does. And now he's dragging as many other people into the sewer with him as he can.
The Don was a Democrat during his pussy grabbing days. That's required for party membership.
Written by a foundation which receives funding from none other than Open Society Institute and we know who that is...

A shocking statistic, no kidding.

As a first step we at least need to have people vote for someone that DOESN'T walk up to women and grab their genitals and then brag about it. Jesus is that too much to ask? Trump looked into a sewer and thought "that's where I want to live, the smell, the disease, the rats, now THAT'S Trump territory!" And he does. And now he's dragging as many other people into the sewer with him as he can.
O my Newton, isn't that just a bit much, even for you? lol

LMFAO yeah right, those idiots making that claim haven't seen dangerous fkn lying liberal morons.

When those border are left open and we let anyone in liek Europe then tell us how dangerous it is you assholes.

And if it is that dangerous to women how about spewing the truth a.h like illegals are raping and killing them .

Yet the trendy left is willing to bring in the very peopel who are surpressed in their own countries meaning women.

Saudi Women until yesterday were not allowed to drive etc.....
Bu but but but Muslim women are oppressed....fucking idiots voting someone who is a cheater, who degrades women, who likes to grab women by their pussy, and they pretend to care about other Muslim countries that already elected women as their president lol....fucking joke!!!
Are chicks allowed to weigh in here... He's my president not my spiritual advisor! He has a healthy libido, by all accounts, & a locker room bravado to go with it, good for him. For comparison, too bad you're not privy to the locker room talk of a woman's college, not any better I can assure you! At the end of the day he is there to keep our nation safe and do his best to make it prosper... that's about it really.

U boys seem to have such delicate sensibilities I'm almost afraid to go on... lol
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How is this Trump's fault?

Good grief

do you think a president who disrespects women is not to blame for this. do you think it's a coincidence?

What did he say to disrespect women?
So men can’t get angry at women, say mean things to you, but what happened to equality? Don’t you say things to people, maybe they don’t like how you say something.

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