The Weaponization Of January 6


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

The Weaponization Of January 6​

9 Jul 2021 ~~ By Jeff Crouere
Clearly, the January 6 narrative is serving a useful purpose for Democrats, and they are not likely to abandon it any time soon.


Research from the staff of U.S. Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) shows that approximately 40% of those who entered the U.S. Capitol were allowed into the building by the police. Among the rest, those who committed vandalism or assault should be prosecuted. The others may have entered the building illegally, but their actions do not rise to the level of terrorism.
It has not stopped some far-left activists masquerading as analysts from claiming that the events of January 6 were worse than 9/11, the day that the country was attacked by Islamic terrorists, which resulted in the deaths of 2,977 innocent people. According to Steve Schmidt, co-founder of the disgraced Lincoln Project, “The 1/6 attack for the future of the country is a profoundly more dangerous event than the 9/11 attacks, and in the end, the 1/6 attacks are likely to kill a lot more Americans than were killed in the 9/11 attacks.”

We are supposed to believe the lying Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat cabal who pushed the Russian hoax.
Actually, January 6th was a block party compared to what BLM and Antifa have done in American Blue Plantation cities.
The PM/DSA Commie Left is using the Jan. 6 incident in much the same way the Nazis used the Reichstag fire in 1933. They are using it as an excuse to unleash the power of the federal government to persecute the political opposition while cracking down on civil liberties and confiscate the arms that stop them from a complete takeover of America.
The PM/DSA Commie propaganda machine has grossly exaggerated the Jan 6th mostly peaceful protests:
1) To discredit Trump and his supporters as traitors
2) To persecute Trump at a staged a Soviet show trial, once more
3) To advance the anti-white nationalist domestic enemy narrative
4) To criminalize the election was stolen accusation.​
What has been completely omitted and left out of most news stories. ANTIFA was bussed in with police escort and they had online communication directing members to wear Trump garb. The violence outside the Capital Building looked staged. Police escorting protesters through the Capitol.
Police issued PR 24 batons being used by Antifa to break windows to enter the Capital building. It's undeniable that it was a false flag operation.
The real crime of Jan 6th is 400 people held in solitary confinement in DC jails without bail. They are being tortured to force them to say Trump made them do it to get released.
Free the Jan 6th 400!
The "assault on democracy" is what the Democrat party and their media arm are engaging in. Because they control the platforms for disseminating the narrative, they've decided they can impose their own version of reality. They are actively weaponizing the alphabet agencies and are currently purging any military members who don't adhere to their politics and woke ideology. Those who still haven't figured out where this is headed, are going to be the first ones caught in a cross-fire or rounded up and imprisoned.

Those Americans who refuse to be enslaved to Marxism need to wake up and prepare to peacefully resist by exposing these people and their criminal actions. Civil disobedience on a very large scale can cripple the plans of these thugs. They can use their Schutzstaffel and Brownshirts to intimidate and round up hundreds, even thousands of dissenters but they cannot effectively control or silence them without exposing themselves as agents of tyranny.
Y'all cannot stop biting on ANTIFA.

It was ANTIFA, why, because they wore black...

Thanks, Jussie, just like they were trump supporters because they wore MAGA?

Crouere isn't a bad guy, but he and RAM would be much better off putting top private investigators on to those arrested and check them for being homos.

A random group of 400 trump supporters would have 5-10 max homos present.

If you find more than 50, then you have a real anomaly, and an arrow pointed away from decoy idiot ANTIFA and towards homO....
Clearly, the January 6 narrative is serving a useful purpose for Democrats, and they are not likely to abandon it any time soon.
A direct attack upon democracy is not about to be swept under the carpet anytime soon, despite the vested interests of some politicians in suppressing the reality.

America's proud tradition of peaceful transfers of power that had graced our political system was trashed in a very ugly tantrum by a mob of Trump goons on January 6, 2021.

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Rep. Andrew Clyde, R-Ga., said the supporters of former President Donald Trump who stormed the Capitol behaved “in an orderly fashion... If you didn't know that TV footage was a video from January the sixth, you would actually think it was a normal tourist visit!”

As long as the lies are spread, those who respect the truth will demand it. Americans deserve no less.

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Yeah, right!
"Violent fascist traitors want their violent fascist coup attempt swept under the rug. Film at 11."

Meanwhile, their fascist white supremacist buddies are still headed for prison. None of their whining will change that. Sucks to be a fascist white supremacist these days.

The Weaponization Of January 6​

9 Jul 2021 ~~ By Jeff Crouere
Clearly, the January 6 narrative is serving a useful purpose for Democrats, and they are not likely to abandon it any time soon.


Research from the staff of U.S. Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) shows that approximately 40% of those who entered the U.S. Capitol were allowed into the building by the police. Among the rest, those who committed vandalism or assault should be prosecuted. The others may have entered the building illegally, but their actions do not rise to the level of terrorism.
It has not stopped some far-left activists masquerading as analysts from claiming that the events of January 6 were worse than 9/11, the day that the country was attacked by Islamic terrorists, which resulted in the deaths of 2,977 innocent people. According to Steve Schmidt, co-founder of the disgraced Lincoln Project, “The 1/6 attack for the future of the country is a profoundly more dangerous event than the 9/11 attacks, and in the end, the 1/6 attacks are likely to kill a lot more Americans than were killed in the 9/11 attacks.”

We are supposed to believe the lying Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat cabal who pushed the Russian hoax.
Actually, January 6th was a block party compared to what BLM and Antifa have done in American Blue Plantation cities.
The PM/DSA Commie Left is using the Jan. 6 incident in much the same way the Nazis used the Reichstag fire in 1933. They are using it as an excuse to unleash the power of the federal government to persecute the political opposition while cracking down on civil liberties and confiscate the arms that stop them from a complete takeover of America.
The PM/DSA Commie propaganda machine has grossly exaggerated the Jan 6th mostly peaceful protests:
1) To discredit Trump and his supporters as traitors​
2) To persecute Trump at a staged a Soviet show trial, once more​
3) To advance the anti-white nationalist domestic enemy narrative​
4) To criminalize the election was stolen accusation.​
What has been completely omitted and left out of most news stories. ANTIFA was bussed in with police escort and they had online communication directing members to wear Trump garb. The violence outside the Capital Building looked staged. Police escorting protesters through the Capitol.
Police issued PR 24 batons being used by Antifa to break windows to enter the Capital building. It's undeniable that it was a false flag operation.
The real crime of Jan 6th is 400 people held in solitary confinement in DC jails without bail. They are being tortured to force them to say Trump made them do it to get released.
Free the Jan 6th 400!

Those who stormed the capitol were blob supporters. Stop lying.

The Weaponization Of January 6​

This is a lie.

The 1/6 rightwing terrorist attack on America’s democracy is not being ‘weaponized.’

The fact that conservatives sought to overturn the election results is a fact settled, accepted, and beyond dispute – in no manner ‘political rhetoric.’

The rightwing terrorist attack on America’s democracy on 1/6 will forever be an infamous manifestation of conservatives’ contempt for the rule of law, our democratic institutions, and the will of the people.

The Weaponization Of January 6​

9 Jul 2021 ~~ By Jeff Crouere
Clearly, the January 6 narrative is serving a useful purpose for Democrats, and they are not likely to abandon it any time soon.


Research from the staff of U.S. Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) shows that approximately 40% of those who entered the U.S. Capitol were allowed into the building by the police. Among the rest, those who committed vandalism or assault should be prosecuted. The others may have entered the building illegally, but their actions do not rise to the level of terrorism.
It has not stopped some far-left activists masquerading as analysts from claiming that the events of January 6 were worse than 9/11, the day that the country was attacked by Islamic terrorists, which resulted in the deaths of 2,977 innocent people. According to Steve Schmidt, co-founder of the disgraced Lincoln Project, “The 1/6 attack for the future of the country is a profoundly more dangerous event than the 9/11 attacks, and in the end, the 1/6 attacks are likely to kill a lot more Americans than were killed in the 9/11 attacks.”

We are supposed to believe the lying Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat cabal who pushed the Russian hoax.
Actually, January 6th was a block party compared to what BLM and Antifa have done in American Blue Plantation cities.
The PM/DSA Commie Left is using the Jan. 6 incident in much the same way the Nazis used the Reichstag fire in 1933. They are using it as an excuse to unleash the power of the federal government to persecute the political opposition while cracking down on civil liberties and confiscate the arms that stop them from a complete takeover of America.
The PM/DSA Commie propaganda machine has grossly exaggerated the Jan 6th mostly peaceful protests:
1) To discredit Trump and his supporters as traitors​
2) To persecute Trump at a staged a Soviet show trial, once more​
3) To advance the anti-white nationalist domestic enemy narrative​
4) To criminalize the election was stolen accusation.​
What has been completely omitted and left out of most news stories. ANTIFA was bussed in with police escort and they had online communication directing members to wear Trump garb. The violence outside the Capital Building looked staged. Police escorting protesters through the Capitol.
Police issued PR 24 batons being used by Antifa to break windows to enter the Capital building. It's undeniable that it was a false flag operation.
The real crime of Jan 6th is 400 people held in solitary confinement in DC jails without bail. They are being tortured to force them to say Trump made them do it to get released.
Free the Jan 6th 400!

It's serving a useful purpose because they have nothing else to focus on. Everything else for them is a complete and utter disaster. It's sad really, but I don't feel bad for them. Reaping and sowing

The Weaponization Of January 6​

Clearly, the January 6 narrative is serving a useful purpose for Democrats
Of course. The Trump goon attack on the Capitol accrues to the detriment of the Republican Party as many of them refuse to honestly confront it.

The latest documentation of Trump goons savaging police defending democracy:

Evidence of ANTIFA at Capitol Building

I guess I can understand this approach by the insurrectionists, they know that the Trump Cult is dumb enough to believe it.

It's like when Bannon and his pals bilked Trumpies of a million dollars to "build the wall", and when televangelists tell the flock they desperately need more money, all these folks know those listening or reading are dumb enough to believe it.

The Weaponization Of January 6

Clearly, the ongoing prosecution of Trump goons confirms that the January 6 attack upon Congress will not be swept under the rug.

The presentation of credible evidence and the impartial dispensing of justice by the judiciary insures the ongoing newsworthiness of the heinous assault upon democracy.

etc., etc., etc.
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View attachment 513284

Good to see...Another win for the good guys.
The Congressional investigation into the Trump goons' attack on democracy will be exposing the truth concurrent with the prosecutions of the hundreds of Trump goons who are still being identified, arrested, and brought to justice.

If Trump Bum Kisser McCarthy appoints only fanatical Trumpbots to the committee, their attempts to hide the reality or contrive their desperate diversions will be painfully obvious.

Screen Shot 2021-07-16 at 7.59.27 AM.png

“The president bears responsibility for Wednesday’s attack on Congress by mob rioters...
He should have immediately denounced the mob when he saw what was unfolding.”

McCarthy also stated that antifa — the anti-fascism movement — was not to blame,
undercutting a refrain commonly repeated by hardline conservatives without evidence.

[House Minority Leader McCarthy blames Trump for riot but opposes impeachment]

"It's very important that we have members who are committed to upholding the rule of law and members who are committed to their oaths to the Constitution," Cheney said, adding that she would "absolutely stand for the truth and I will reject partisanship" as a member of the committee.

Screen Shot 2021-05-12 at 5.10.39 PM.png

The Weaponization Of January 6​

9 Jul 2021 ~~ By Jeff Crouere
Clearly, the January 6 narrative is serving a useful purpose for Democrats, and they are not likely to abandon it any time soon.


Research from the staff of U.S. Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) shows that approximately 40% of those who entered the U.S. Capitol were allowed into the building by the police. Among the rest, those who committed vandalism or assault should be prosecuted. The others may have entered the building illegally, but their actions do not rise to the level of terrorism.
It has not stopped some far-left activists masquerading as analysts from claiming that the events of January 6 were worse than 9/11, the day that the country was attacked by Islamic terrorists, which resulted in the deaths of 2,977 innocent people. According to Steve Schmidt, co-founder of the disgraced Lincoln Project, “The 1/6 attack for the future of the country is a profoundly more dangerous event than the 9/11 attacks, and in the end, the 1/6 attacks are likely to kill a lot more Americans than were killed in the 9/11 attacks.”

We are supposed to believe the lying Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat cabal who pushed the Russian hoax.
Actually, January 6th was a block party compared to what BLM and Antifa have done in American Blue Plantation cities.
The PM/DSA Commie Left is using the Jan. 6 incident in much the same way the Nazis used the Reichstag fire in 1933. They are using it as an excuse to unleash the power of the federal government to persecute the political opposition while cracking down on civil liberties and confiscate the arms that stop them from a complete takeover of America.
The PM/DSA Commie propaganda machine has grossly exaggerated the Jan 6th mostly peaceful protests:
1) To discredit Trump and his supporters as traitors​
2) To persecute Trump at a staged a Soviet show trial, once more​
3) To advance the anti-white nationalist domestic enemy narrative​
4) To criminalize the election was stolen accusation.​
What has been completely omitted and left out of most news stories. ANTIFA was bussed in with police escort and they had online communication directing members to wear Trump garb. The violence outside the Capital Building looked staged. Police escorting protesters through the Capitol.
Police issued PR 24 batons being used by Antifa to break windows to enter the Capital building. It's undeniable that it was a false flag operation.
The real crime of Jan 6th is 400 people held in solitary confinement in DC jails without bail. They are being tortured to force them to say Trump made them do it to get released.
Free the Jan 6th 400!

It's clear this is the continuation of spygate, but now the excuse of Russian ambassadors is replaced with Jan 6 excuse to spy on opposition party going into the midterms.
The "assault on democracy" is what the Democrat party and their media arm are engaging in. Because they control the platforms for disseminating the narrative, they've decided they can impose their own version of reality. They are actively weaponizing the alphabet agencies and are currently purging any military members who don't adhere to their politics and woke ideology. Those who still haven't figured out where this is headed, are going to be the first ones caught in a cross-fire or rounded up and imprisoned.

Those Americans who refuse to be enslaved to Marxism need to wake up and prepare to peacefully resist by exposing these people and their criminal actions. Civil disobedience on a very large scale can cripple the plans of these thugs. They can use their Schutzstaffel and Brownshirts to intimidate and round up hundreds, even thousands of dissenters but they cannot effectively control or silence them without exposing themselves as agents of tyranny.
Wait... didn't they storm the Capitol to prevent Congress from certifying Biden as the winner of the 2020 election?
The "assault on democracy" is what the Democrat party and their media arm are engaging in. Because they control the platforms for disseminating the narrative, they've decided they can impose their own version of reality. They are actively weaponizing the alphabet agencies and are currently purging any military members who don't adhere to their politics and woke ideology. Those who still haven't figured out where this is headed, are going to be the first ones caught in a cross-fire or rounded up and imprisoned.

Those Americans who refuse to be enslaved to Marxism need to wake up and prepare to peacefully resist by exposing these people and their criminal actions. Civil disobedience on a very large scale can cripple the plans of these thugs. They can use their Schutzstaffel and Brownshirts to intimidate and round up hundreds, even thousands of dissenters but they cannot effectively control or silence them without exposing themselves as agents of tyranny.
Wait... didn't they storm the Capitol to prevent Congress from certifying Biden as the winner of the 2020 election?
How, exactly, were they supposed to manage that? And while we're at it, where were the guns? Why no arson? Were any hostages taken? People who are still chattering about an "assault on democracy" should probably see a doc for their delusional ideation.
The "assault on democracy" is what the Democrat party and their media arm are engaging in. Because they control the platforms for disseminating the narrative, they've decided they can impose their own version of reality. They are actively weaponizing the alphabet agencies and are currently purging any military members who don't adhere to their politics and woke ideology. Those who still haven't figured out where this is headed, are going to be the first ones caught in a cross-fire or rounded up and imprisoned.

Those Americans who refuse to be enslaved to Marxism need to wake up and prepare to peacefully resist by exposing these people and their criminal actions. Civil disobedience on a very large scale can cripple the plans of these thugs. They can use their Schutzstaffel and Brownshirts to intimidate and round up hundreds, even thousands of dissenters but they cannot effectively control or silence them without exposing themselves as agents of tyranny.
Wait... didn't they storm the Capitol to prevent Congress from certifying Biden as the winner of the 2020 election?
How, exactly, were they supposed to manage that? And while we're at it, where were the guns? Why no arson? Were any hostages taken? People who are still chattering about an "assault on democracy" should probably see a doc for their delusional ideation.
Who knows how they thought they would pull it off, but that was their purpose for storming the Capitol. Maybe you heard of this thing they kept referring to as "stop the steal!"
View attachment 513284

Good to see...Another win for the good guys.
The Congressional investigation into the Trump goons' attack on democracy will be exposing the truth concurrent with the prosecutions of the hundreds of Trump goons who are still being identified, arrested, and brought to justice.

If Trump Bum Kisser McCarthy appoints only fanatical Trumpbots to the committee, their attempts to hide the reality or contrive their desperate diversions will be painfully obvious.

View attachment 513363
“The president bears responsibility for Wednesday’s attack on Congress by mob rioters...
He should have immediately denounced the mob when he saw what was unfolding.”

McCarthy also stated that antifa — the anti-fascism movement — was not to blame,
undercutting a refrain commonly repeated by hardline conservatives without evidence.

[House Minority Leader McCarthy blames Trump for riot but opposes impeachment]

"It's very important that we have members who are committed to upholding the rule of law and members who are committed to their oaths to the Constitution," Cheney said, adding that she would "absolutely stand for the truth and I will reject partisanship" as a member of the committee.
This shit really gets you off, dunnit?


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