The WikiLeaks Aversion.

Why do the resident Liberals, and Democrats derail every thread pertaining to the recent document dumps? Why don't they participate in the discussion? Why for every Wikileaks thread that gets started; do 5 Donald Trump sex threads pop up up?

It's called "obfuscation," or in more common terms, "blowing smoke."

WikiLeaks is devastating to the criminal empire known as the democratic party. Hillary and the dims tried to kill Jillian Assange, who is now gunning for them.

Assange needs to be put in jail, he is the one who is a threat to our security. I'd love to see some of the RNC emails, well no I would not, as its spying and reading someone else's emails, really?

I am sure the RNC emails say about the same stuff.

I'd like to add I do not want to hear what Trump says in private, and Bush getting fired for what is on it, is not good, he needs to file a lawsuit. My mind was made up about Trump long ago.
Probably because Trump has been monkeying with the wiki-leaks dumps:

Dear Mr. Trump, I am not Sidney Blumenthal

The Hillary Campaign Manager, AKA NY Times; does not make that allegation.

{The emails, published by WikiLeaks after a hack of Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta’s private account, also show Clinton campaign officials and Democratic leaders disparaging supporters of Sen. Bernard Sanders as “self-righteous” whiners, calling Hispanic party leaders such as Bill Richardson “needy Latinos,” labeling CNN anchor Jake Tapper “a d—k” and even lambasting longtime Clinton ally Sidney Blumenthal.}

These New Podesta Emails Won't Help Hillary With Latino Voters

You little Goebbels are doing what you always do, lie, smear, insinuate. But Trump isn't Romney, and he fights back. You nasty little scum are getting back everything you're giving. You don't know how to handle it.
Probably because Trump has been monkeying with the wiki-leaks dumps:

Dear Mr. Trump, I am not Sidney Blumenthal

The Hillary Campaign Manager, AKA NY Times; does not make that allegation.

{The emails, published by WikiLeaks after a hack of Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta’s private account, also show Clinton campaign officials and Democratic leaders disparaging supporters of Sen. Bernard Sanders as “self-righteous” whiners, calling Hispanic party leaders such as Bill Richardson “needy Latinos,” labeling CNN anchor Jake Tapper “a d—k” and even lambasting longtime Clinton ally Sidney Blumenthal.}

These New Podesta Emails Won't Help Hillary With Latino Voters

You little Goebbels are doing what you always do, lie, smear, insinuate. But Trump isn't Romney, and he fights back. You nasty little scum are getting back everything you're giving. You don't know how to handle it.

Jennifer Palmieri should not be fired , and as a RC I'm not offended by someone's opinion. I even agree with some of what is said.

Assange needs to be put in jail,

For crimes against the party?

he is the one who is a threat to our security.

I didn't see him putting 108 top secret emails on an unsecured, basement server.

I'd love to see some of the RNC emails, well no I would not, as its spying and reading someone else's emails, really?

I am sure the RNC emails say about the same stuff.

Of course you would, the criminal gang known as the democratic party is getting slaughtered by the facts. For the moment, Assange appears focused on releasing the truth about your filthy party.

Perhaps he will go after the GOP next.

The thing is, the DNC defines corruption in this nation. Striking a blow against corruption in our government by definition means ending the criminal democrats.

Assange needs to be put in jail,

For crimes against the party?

he is the one who is a threat to our security.

I didn't see him putting 108 top secret emails on an unsecured, basement server.

I'd love to see some of the RNC emails, well no I would not, as its spying and reading someone else's emails, really?

I am sure the RNC emails say about the same stuff.

Of course you would, the criminal gang known as the democratic party is getting slaughtered by the facts. For the moment, Assange appears focused on releasing the truth about your filthy party.

Perhaps he will go after the GOP next.

The thing is, the DNC defines corruption in this nation. Striking a blow against corruption in our government by definition means ending the criminal democrats.

My party, I didn't vote for Bill Clinton or Obama, see how some people assume things, I just think Trump is the scariest thing since the nuclear bomb.
okay, here's the deal, the terms and conditions: i'll punish trump for being a man-whore when all the democrats in america just agree to stop using the internet altogether.

Assange needs to be put in jail,

For crimes against the party?

he is the one who is a threat to our security.

I didn't see him putting 108 top secret emails on an unsecured, basement server.

I'd love to see some of the RNC emails, well no I would not, as its spying and reading someone else's emails, really?

I am sure the RNC emails say about the same stuff.

Of course you would, the criminal gang known as the democratic party is getting slaughtered by the facts. For the moment, Assange appears focused on releasing the truth about your filthy party.

Perhaps he will go after the GOP next.

The thing is, the DNC defines corruption in this nation. Striking a blow against corruption in our government by definition means ending the criminal democrats.

My party, I didn't vote for Bill Clinton or Obama, see how some people assume things, I just think Trump is the scariest thing since the nuclear bomb.

"I just think Trump is the scariest thing since the nuclear bomb."

Thanks to Obama's deliberate and reckless foreign policy and deliberate poking of Russia, Russia is now on full war alert, are you aware of this? Has news got into The Bubble you're encased in?

So Obama is willing to start WWIII, which would involve firing nuclear weapons at each other so Washington DC can PROTECT ISIS and the Al-Nusra Front?

Russia is bombing ISIS and the Al-Nusra Front, so Obama and The Globalists to stop Russia bombing them are prepared to start WWIII and you say that Donald Trump is the scariest thing since the nuclear bomb?

If Hillary is elected she'll be told by The Globalists to start WWIII, that's if Obama doesn't start it before he leaves office.

We want NO part of it, we have no argument with our Russian brothers and sisters, but if the SHTF and Hillary or Obama do start WWIII, we will side with Russia.

Stratford57 we've discussed this many times and again I tell you we WILL side with you, our Russian brothers and sisters.

America has just gone TOO FAR this time, I refer not to the American people, we have no argument with the people, it's your Government is psychopathic, borderline insane, corrupt and rotten.

This is why we morally support Donald Trump, only Trump can stop The Globalist Agenda and they know that, which is why they're attempting to destroy him.

I hope the American people think of this, because it's possible, that together, we can avert a terrible WWIII situation, that together we can create a better Western World for us, our children and our grandchildren.

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Assange needs to be put in jail,

For crimes against the party?

he is the one who is a threat to our security.

I didn't see him putting 108 top secret emails on an unsecured, basement server.

I'd love to see some of the RNC emails, well no I would not, as its spying and reading someone else's emails, really?

I am sure the RNC emails say about the same stuff.

Of course you would, the criminal gang known as the democratic party is getting slaughtered by the facts. For the moment, Assange appears focused on releasing the truth about your filthy party.

Perhaps he will go after the GOP next.

The thing is, the DNC defines corruption in this nation. Striking a blow against corruption in our government by definition means ending the criminal democrats.

My party, I didn't vote for Bill Clinton or Obama, see how some people assume things, I just think Trump is the scariest thing since the nuclear bomb.

"I just think Trump is the scariest thing since the nuclear bomb."

Thanks to Obama's deliberate and reckless foreign policy and deliberate poking of Russia, Russia is now on full war alert, are you aware of this? Has news got into The Bubble you're encased in?

So Obama is willing to start WWIII, which would involved firing nuclear weapons at each other so Washington DC can PROTECT ISIS and the Al-Nusra Front?

Russia is bombing ISIS and the Al-Nusra Front, so Obama and The Globalists to stop Russia bombing them are prepared to start WWIII and you say that Donald Trump is the scariest thing since the nuclear bomb?

If Hillary is elected she'll be told by The Globalists to start WWIII, that's if Obama doesn't start it before he leaves office.

We want NO part of it, we have no argument with our Russian brothers and sisters, but if the SHTF and Hillary or Obama do start WWIII, we will side with Russia.

America has just gone TOO FAR this time, I refer not to the American people, we have no argument with the people, it's your Government is psychopathic, borderline insane, corrupt and rotten.

This is we morally support Donald Trump, only Trump can stop The Globalist Agenda and they know that, which is why they're attempting to destroy him.

I hope the American people think of this, because it's possible, that together, we can avert a terrible WWIII, that together we can create a better Western World for us, our children and our grandchildren.

Who is we? You do realize Trump hates Iran which is Russia's ally and neighbor. Russia will protect Iran and side with Iran and has just made a deal with Turkey. Europe wants someone else to depend on for gas besides Russia.
So who is we?
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Vastator is upset the left has learned the right's tactics in derailing threads they don't like.

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