The world burns, American cities riot, the southern border is overrun and where is O?

St. Louis County police lieutenant denies racial profiling order that cost him his job : News


“You were heard by at least nine officers on multiple occasions directing enforcement action on persons with black, tan or colored skin without any reference to probable cause.”

Hayes ordered police in the Fourth Precinct to focus on arresting blacks in the vicinity of the South County Center and a Walmart nearby.

It alleges that Hayes used phrases such as “Let’s have a Black Day today,” and “Stop everybody with a tan,” and “Stop everybody black at the mall.”

The writer claims Hayes told black officers, “Not you guys, you’re the good ones.”

In the interview, Hayes admitted telling a one black officer he was “one of the good guys” after the officer asked advice about arresting other blacks.


This is a report on racial profiling. In 2000, the Democratic Governor of Missouri ordered that statewide, when an officer stopped anyone or made an arrest or searched anyone, they had to note the race of the person targeted. 14 years of very complete data by state law. What is shows is astounding. Whites are almost never stopped or searched. Blacks constantly.

You know, if you weren't such an ignorant twit, you could look that up. But I suspect that you knew and didn't care. You just want to attack blacks like so many Republicans. It's people like you that are a huge part of the problem.

Missouri Vehicle Stops Report

The statewide Report is just as shocking. Blacks are only 1/8th of the population. But look how often they are stopped and arrested. With a police officer telling other police officers to have a "black day". Having a city that's 70% black, and out of more than 50 police officers, only three are black? One man and two women?

Something stinks to high heaven. But try to get a Republican to honestly report it. Yea, try. Good luck on that.
Oblama is doing the same thing Reagan did, went on vacation...We all know that no one can stand up to the schedule of Gramps, he never sleeps a wink and works 25 hours a day...He is still walking 5 miles to in the year around snow and it's uphill both ways...
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Oblama is doing the same thing Reagan did, went on vacation...We all know that no one can stand up to the schedule of Gramps, he never sleeps a wink and works 25 hours a day...He is still walking 5 miles to in the year around snow and it's uphill both ways...

It's uphill all 3 ways dumbass. And it's nothing like what Reagan did.
Oblama is doing the same thing Reagan did, went on vacation...We all know that no one can stand up to the schedule of Gramps, he never sleeps a wink and works 25 hours a day...He is still walking 5 miles to in the year around snow and it's uphill both ways...

It's uphill all 3 ways dumbass. And it's nothing like what Reagan did.

Yes, it is the same, Reagan never stopped his vacations to handle problems...You are asking more from people than you could's just another testament to the idle old man 'tude you exude..
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Oblama is doing the same thing Reagan did, went on vacation...We all know that no one can stand up to the schedule of Gramps, he never sleeps a wink and works 25 hours a day...He is still walking 5 miles to in the year around snow and it's uphill both ways...

It's uphill all 3 ways dumbass. And it's nothing like what Reagan did.

Yes, it is the same, Reagan never stopped his vacations to handle problems...You are asking more from people than you could's just another testament to the idle old man 'tude you exude..


I work 7 days a week, every week. But I expect too much from Obama.

You remain ignorant
But Reagan as a role model? Not if you look at the facts: Not only did President Reagan not rush back to Washington after the Korean Air disaster, but, according to his press secretary, he went horseback riding later that same day. In fact, Reagan had to be coerced by his inner circle to cut short what had already been a 25-day vacation in California. He did not deliver his much talked about speech in which he condemned the Soviet Union for its actions until four days later.

Consider for example, in 1982, two years after Reagan took office, the unemployment rate soared to 9.7%, the highest since the Great Depression. It was 9.6% in 1983, the year of his 25-day vacation. In January of that year, his approval rating was 35%. In case you were wondering, Obama's lowest was 40%.

There were blemishes: Iran-Contra and a HUD scandal in which millions of federal dollars were criminally funneled to big contributors to Republican campaigns, including Reagan's. And Reagan failed to publicly address the AIDS crisis until May 1987, six years after the first cases had appeared. Thousands died on his watch.

Opinion: GOP's bogus slam of Obama over MH17 -
It's uphill all 3 ways dumbass. And it's nothing like what Reagan did.

Yes, it is the same, Reagan never stopped his vacations to handle problems...You are asking more from people than you could's just another testament to the idle old man 'tude you exude..


I work 7 days a week, every week. But I expect too much from Obama.

You remain ignorant

You don't work 7 days a week, your employees do...
Yes, it is the same, Reagan never stopped his vacations to handle problems...You are asking more from people than you could's just another testament to the idle old man 'tude you exude..


I work 7 days a week, every week. But I expect too much from Obama.

You remain ignorant

You don't work 7 days a week, your employees do...

You've clearly never run a business. Work never stops minus a few hours here or there
You don't work 7 days a week, your employees do...

You've clearly never run a business. Work never stops minus a few hours here or there

All you do is tile work, hardly compares to being the leader of the US...

If all we did was tile you might have a point.

The bathtub that we have to install tomorrow likely cost more than your car.

We do everything in home remodeling. Tile is an aspect, yes, but that is just a finish. I draw up custom plans for almost all our jobs. From attic conversions to simple cabinet jobs. The only thing we don't do is footings.
You've clearly never run a business. Work never stops minus a few hours here or there

All you do is tile work, hardly compares to being the leader of the US...

If all we did was tile you might have a point.

The bathtub that we have to install tomorrow likely cost more than your car.

We do everything in home remodeling. Tile is an aspect, yes, but that is just a finish. I draw up custom plans for almost all our jobs. From attic conversions to simple cabinet jobs. The only thing we don't do is footings.

So, I did all the same and footers...
You've clearly never run a business. Work never stops minus a few hours here or there

All you do is tile work, hardly compares to being the leader of the US...

If all we did was tile you might have a point.

The bathtub that we have to install tomorrow likely cost more than your car.

We do everything in home remodeling. Tile is an aspect, yes, but that is just a finish. I draw up custom plans for almost all our jobs. From attic conversions to simple cabinet jobs. The only thing we don't do is footings.

It must suck being you. Work all day and go home with nothing to look forward to but worry about Obama.
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You hear the radicalized opposition pull this one out of their ass all the time.

Not only is it stupid. It's far from original.

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