The world burns, American cities riot, the southern border is overrun and where is O?

He, like you, never thinks about the good of the country. You are just a tiresome buffoon. The act is very old by now, chump.
Your opinion is noted, and rejected as the nonsense it is.

A good example of how you lack the creativity to change up the act. Everyone knows you're an asshole by now. Add something new or just shut the fuck up already. You're pointless.

Looks like a match made in heaven to me.
The world burns, American cities riot, the southern border is overrun and where is O?

He's busy taking care of business and keeping your white ex-con ass safe. Send him a "Thank You" card.
Again, I haven't read about this fictional movie that Gramps is talking about.

Maybe it's all in his head.

It's uphill all 3 ways dumbass. And it's nothing like what Reagan did.

Yes, it is the same, Reagan never stopped his vacations to handle problems...You are asking more from people than you could's just another testament to the idle old man 'tude you exude..

GHW Bush worked; Reagan inspired, more Americans* than Obama. Thus, Obama and Congress need to trim the fat off........their time off. Also, there were few serious problems under RR that his grade Z acting ability couldn't cover. The slaughter of four Americans in El Salvador was forgotten after Haig stated "They weren't JUST nuns". His runaway spending was left to GHW Bush, then Clinton, then.............................

*Not I, I llistened to my parents about Reagan, and the smiley "makes me feel good" types are rarely my choices. The fact remains however, after Watergate, and two good, but serious men, inspiration may have been what this country needed.

It was to me a false inspiration. Like giving the junkie enough Horse dirt cheap to get him addicted, and then when he becomes addicted, start raising the price. Raygun knew he wouldn't be around to "pay the piper", so to hell with energy independence, that was too costly.......
Notice op and others don't say what he should be doing or why he should not have vacation time.

The right really does expect him to do what no other prez has been able to do. They really do believe he's shiv and all powerful.

He's good but not even Obama do the impossible.

You mean he lied again when he talked about healing the planet and stopping the seas from rising?
Joint Chief: Mr President, the Russians launched an ICBM toward our country. What are you goin to do?

Obama: I'm using the five iron next.
Oh lookie, another Obama-golf whine thread. And from Grump no less. There's a surprise. Will you be able to sleep tonight, Grump? If course you will. You'll be drunk.
The world burns, American cities riot, the southern border is overrun and where is O?

The world is not 'burning,' American cities are not 'rioting' (whatever that's supposed to mean), and the border is not being 'overrun.'

The Administration is addressing various issues just as if the president were in Washington, as no president goes on 'vacation.'

All that's left are the lies, demagoguery, ignorance, and stupidity of the partisan OP.
OP- You're really fear mongered and propagandized into a panic...that's Syrians, Iraqis, and a-hole Ruskies killing each other, one suburb, children turning themselves in to avoid the results of YOUR drug war- get some fresh air, stop listening to bs at work, try easy listening...

None of this crap would be happening without the corrupt Booosh world depression. Much like the chaos of the 30's, btw.
The world burns, American cities riot, the southern border is overrun and where is O?

The world is not 'burning,' American cities are not 'rioting' (whatever that's supposed to mean), and the border is not being 'overrun.'

The Administration is addressing various issues just as if the president were in Washington, as no president goes on 'vacation.'

All that's left are the lies, demagoguery, ignorance, and stupidity of the partisan OP.

In fact, Oblama is cutting many of the recent border jumpers due process to get them out sooner..
I'll post this one more time for the slow process abilities of a tile mason..

“Obama stood on the South Lawn on Saturday updating Americans on the new bombing campaign in Iraq – and then he boarded Marine One for a two-week trip to Martha’s Vineyard,” Mr. Milbank wrote Monday. “There, half an hour after arriving at his vacation home, he was already on his way to a golf course.”

Recommended: Inside President Obama's White House

This theme is so tired, it almost makes one wonder if Milbank just couldn’t think of anything else to write about that day. Obama’s defense – as always, and for all presidents – is that the nation’s chief executive is never truly on vacation. He brings top advisers with him, gets his daily briefings, and still has all the powers of the presidency, including making orders as commander-in-chief.

And, presidential scholars note, we should all be grateful to see our president getting out of Washington for a little R&R. Everyone needs to recharge their batteries, including the president.

Obama isn’t even taking the whole two weeks away from Washington. He’s returning to the nation’s capital on Sunday for two days of “in person” meetings at the White House, then heading back to the Vineyard. Still no word on why or with whom he is meeting.
Obama on vacation! What all the carping is really about

The rough surfaces on the tubs sure makes it hard to clean, I bet. Do your customers think about that?

There are chemicals we treat the tub with that makes the surface similar to a car thats just been waxed. Pretty awesome stuff.

Ii thought America was on fire and tubs ?? Are being installed? A profit will be made......Where is the fire? under the tub?
The rough surfaces on the tubs sure makes it hard to clean, I bet. Do your customers think about that?

There are chemicals we treat the tub with that makes the surface similar to a car thats just been waxed. Pretty awesome stuff.

Ii thought America was on fire and tubs ?? Are being installed? A profit will be made......Where is the fire? under the tub?

A St Louis suburb is on fire. I live in KC. You remain as stupid as ever.
There are chemicals we treat the tub with that makes the surface similar to a car thats just been waxed. Pretty awesome stuff.

Ii thought America was on fire and tubs ?? Are being installed? A profit will be made......Where is the fire? under the tub?

A St Louis suburb is on fire. I live in KC. You remain as stupid as ever.

So now it's ONE suburb. But you just said:

The world burns, American cities riot
The world burns, American cities riot, the southern border is overrun and where is O?

I believe he's on hole number 12. :eusa_pray:

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