The World is Concerned with the “Escalating” Crisis

Why is it only an “escalation” when Israel fights back?

Why has no one worried that months of Hezbollah attacks on Northern Israel we an escalation?

It's only an "escalating crisis" because Israel refuses to concede and let Hezbollah regroup and resupply.
God will have to set up a king who will restore Israel and give Israel a season of peace and not war.

The current leader of America is not being assigned by God to do so, therefore a different leader will arise.
Those brilliant Biden/Harris voters are proud of their leaderships accomplishments, it’s all been a great victory and a marvelous diplomatic and domestic success.. 🤭
Why is it only an “escalation” when Israel fights back?

Why has no one worried that months of Hezbollah attacks on Northern Israel were an escalation?
I’m my opinion.. success may be spelled T R U M P and fascist lefties love nonsensical chaos.
Zephaniah 3

8 Therefore wait ye upon me, saith the Lord, until the day that I rise up to the prey: for my determination is to gather the nations, that I may assemble the kingdoms, to pour upon them mine indignation, even all my fierce anger: for all the earth shall be devoured with the fire of my jealousy.

9 For then will I turn to the people a pure language, that they may all call upon the name of the Lord, to serve him with one consent.

God lets us know that He is going to deal with and destroy the prey (all of Israel's enemies). God even speaks of Israel getting back to their Hebrew language. God cannot lie. I believe this war Israel is fight is being fought by God which is why it is being fought with such fierce strength and domination. It is a horrible thing to be at war with God. We know Jacob fought with God and came out of it with a crooked hip for the rest of his life.
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Why is it only an “escalation” when Israel fights back?

Why has no one worried that months of Hezbollah attacks on Northern Israel were an escalation?
Dunno, but what really concerns me is this microaggression created by making this thread.

I feel threatened and now want my mommy.


It is odd that no one is allowed to win under Joe Biden. The Ukraine is given weapons but told they can only be used to defend themself or they can't have them, and Israel is treated the same by Biden and his cronies. The only difference is, the media and world makes us all hate Israel and love the Ukraine while both conflicts rage due to both countries being attacked by outside forces.

Sheer insanity.
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Why is it only an “escalation” when Israel fights back?

Why has no one worried that months of Hezbollah attacks on Northern Israel were an escalation?
You have the House of Ahab in power in America and that is where the strings are being pulled all over the world because America is the "Hammer" of the world. The House of Ahab is "ANGRY" that they have only a small amount of time left in power as God is throwing them out in November 2024. They know it, and are "ANGRY" about it. They could not imprison nor murder Trump. They could not stop God. In their battle against God they target Israel/God. The modern day House of Ahab is Bill Clinton, his wife (Jezebel) , family, and friends possibly. his voters.

Jeremiah 50:23
How is the hammer of the whole earth cut asunder and broken! how is Babylon become a desolation among the nations!

United (Evil) Nations is in America, go figure... Jeremiah 50 is all about Babylon America.

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