Everyone remember the truth of Antarctic Sea Ice... already documented...
Barack is clearly a big fan of the Co2 FRAUD. Prior to 2010 Barack said Climate Change is the greatest threat. Then there was two years of silence...
One issue that has plagued the Co2 FRAUD through 2014 was the issue of growing Antarctic Sea Ice. Arctic Sea ice is declining, and the "warmers" hype that, but on the other end Antarctic Sea Ice had been growing and setting new record highs, the last one in 2014...
Recovered satellite images of Antarctica showed a larger sea ice extent than ever measured before—but the record was short lived. The record was broken in September 2014, only weeks after the discovery.
"the new record was
broken in September 2014,"
That article is cited because it is typical of the Co2 FRAUD. All of a sudden, they found something... yeah right...
"While NASA never really lost the data (it was stored in federal archives) they did lose the ability to access it for nearly 40 years. Recovered images of Antarctica showed a greater extent of sea ice than ever measured before by scientists"
Translation - the Co2 FRAUD fudged old data and lied to make the upward slope of Antarctic Sea Ice look flatter....
Then in 2014 the American taxpayer was billed for another climate satellite...
Five years after a NASA satellite to track carbon dioxide plunged into the ocean after liftoff, the space agency is launching a carbon copy -- this time on a different rocket.
and since that one went up, all of a sudden Antarctic Sea Ice has been going down... ACCORDING TO THAT SATELLITE.... a taxpayer funded climate FUDGED FRAUD satellite. Barack was up for that!! And YOU paid for it.
And hopefully everyone on USMB already knows the two and only two measures of atmospheric temps, satellites and balloons, showed NO WARMING in the atmosphere.... before being FUDGED in 2005...
Satellite and weather balloon data used to argue that climate models were wrong and that global warming isn't really happening turns out to be based on faulty analyses, according to three new studies.
the warmers have no actual data to back up what they claim, only FUDGE...