There are more of these than Immigrants

Dumbass, that is not a handout.
Sure it is. You did nothing for something you want to get from someone who actually worked for what they have.

You're a whiney twat, begging for handouts.

But you're more like the belligerent beggars that I am sometimes forced to move out of my way.
The USA has NEVER been a white or a Christian nation. The Southwest was settled by Hispanics, and the east was built bu white and black slave labour. You have three founding ethnicities. The Founding Fathers were all white men, because the Southwest wasn't part of the US at that time, and blacks had no freedom or power at the time.

The USA was settled by people fleeing religious persecution in Europe. The USA was founded as a religious sanctuary. No state religion and separation of Church and state.

No, you are not a "white Christian nationalist country" and you never were.
So how many non-white and non-Christian PMs has Canada had?
White nationalism isn’t about the border. Nice try, but even if we had a perfectly sealed border, those types that were arrested in CA would still be with us.

white nationalist endorced Harris, which isn't a surprise, they voted for Xiden.
Trump made his millions BEFORE getting into politics, not because of politics, like Xiden, Harris, Obama et al
He lost more than he made and was bailed out by Mark Burnett and The Apprentice. Without the show Trump would be a footnote in NYC history.

Trump was already rich when he ran for president. But the others were public servants their entire lives.
He used his office to become richer, but his previous wealth was due to the efforts of his father and Mark Burnett getting hima TV gig. He is actually very lazy and a terrible businessman. How can you trust a “billionaire” that doesn’t know what supply chains are?


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