There are more of these than Immigrants

He lost more than he made and was bailed out by Mark Burnett and The Apprentice. Without the show Trump would be a footnote in NYC history.

maybe, but he had the show, and it was a massive success....unlike say the Xiden family, he made his millions BEFORE getting into politcs, he didn't sell off his office to the highest bidder like corrupt Xiden and Clinton
maybe, but he had the show, and it was a massive success....unlike say the Xiden family, he made his millions BEFORE getting into politcs, he didn't sell off his office to the highest bidder like corrupt Xiden and Clinton
How do you know? You know what happened to the billions he got from SA and what he had to do for it?

He used his office to become richer, but his previous wealth was due to the efforts of his father and Mark Burnett getting hima TV gig. He is actually very lazy and a terrible businessman. How can you trust a “billionaire” that doesn’t know what supply chains are?

You do realize he was worth less after his presidency?
You do realize he was worth less after his presidency?
I’m not surprised considering all the fines he’s going to have to pay. Like I said, he’s a lousy businessman and that’s the main reason he has less money. His dumb decisions contributed to the demise of an up-and-coming sports league, bankrupt casinos and grift after sleazy grift. He doesn’t even know what a supply chain is!

Certainly would be if given to you, you were never a slave.
Hmmm, I know this is going to sound unreal to a coon like you. Do you think black folks would be in a much better situation today if their ancestors were given restitution for 200+ yrs of slavery? What position do you think black folks as a whole now, not individuals would be in if black folks would not have had to go through almost 100yrs of Jim Crow? Don't give me that stupid ass bullshit about Democrats, because both of these were the LAW that both parties supported.
Hmmm, I know this is going to sound unreal to a coon like you. Do you think black folks would be in a much better situation today if their ancestors were given restitution for 200+ yrs of slavery? What position do you think black folks as a whole now, not individuals would be in if black folks would not have had to go through almost 100yrs of Jim Crow? Don't give me that stupid ass bullshit about Democrats, because both of these were the LAW that both parties supported.
Some might be, others likely not.

No both parties didn’t support Jim Crow or slavery, just the demklan
So, when Jewish folks were given reparations, it was a handout?
You’re terminally confused as well as stupid and generally and willingly dishonest.

Unlike today’s call by you racist blacks for “reparations,” the ones given to SOME Jews was for injuries they had actually suffered. Assholes like you were never slaves. Nor were your parents. Nor were you grandparents

And the ones you seek “reparations” FROM were not slaveholders. Nor were their parents. Nor were their grandparents.

The root of the word “reparations” involves being paid “BACK.” I can’t repay is for some shit that was never done to you.
When Native Americans were given reparations, it was a handout?
I’d some American Indians got some repayment, it was for what was done TO THEM. (Such as being related to living ON reservations.
When Eskimos were given reparations, it was a handout?
Again. For what. To whom? And when?
When Japanese-Americans were given reparations, it was a handout?
For shit that happened in their lifetime.

Blame FDR.

SUMMARY: once again, you’re demonstrably full of shit.
I’m not surprised considering all the fines he’s going to have to pay. Like I said, he’s a lousy businessman and that’s the main reason he has less money. His dumb decisions contributed to the demise of an up-and-coming sports league, bankrupt casinos and grift after sleazy grift. He doesn’t even know what a supply chain is!

Lol, so you just proved you have no idea what your talking about.
So how many non-white and non-Christian PMs has Canada had?

We have a Sihk party leader right now, and we have had both Asian and Indigineous Governor Generals (the King's representative in Canada), and a female Prime Minister.

Trudeau has maintained a 50/50 split between male and female cabinet members, and included many non-white people in his cabinet. There were howls of outrage about his appointing a bunch of "unqualified" women to cabinet, but the whole thing has gone so well, that it's hardly even mentioned now.
You’re terminally confused as well as stupid and generally and willingly dishonest.

Unlike today’s call by you racist blacks for “reparations,” the ones given to SOME Jews was for injuries they had actually suffered. Assholes like you were never slaves. Nor were your parents. Nor were you grandparents

And the ones you seek “reparations” FROM were not slaveholders. Nor were their parents. Nor were their grandparents.

The root of the word “reparations” involves being paid “BACK.” I can’t repay is for some shit that was never done to you.

I’d some American Indians got some repayment, it was for what was done TO THEM. (Such as being related to living ON reservations.

Again. For what. To whom? And when?

For shit that happened in their lifetime.

Blame FDR.

SUMMARY: once again, you’re demonstrably full of shit.
Hmmm, so when Japanese-Americans were given reparations in 1983 was it given by the folks who were in charge in 1942?

The making of amends for a wrong one has done, by paying money to or otherwise helping those who have been wronged:

Does that mean black folks who were living during Jim Crow should be given reparations for the wrongs that were done to them?

It seems as though your excuse is that since all the slaves are dead that nothing is owed to their descendants because it had no effect on them? Which we know is not true.

Now we know whites living today profited from what was done to black folks during slavery and Jim Crow or are you going to deny that as well.

The only person that is full of shit is you cocksucka.
The USA has NEVER been a white or a Christian nation. The Southwest was settled by Hispanics, and the east was built bu white and black slave labour. You have three founding ethnicities. The Founding Fathers were all white men, because the Southwest wasn't part of the US at that time, and blacks had no freedom or power at the time.

The USA was settled by people fleeing religious persecution in Europe. The USA was founded as a religious sanctuary. No state religion and separation of Church and state.

No, you are not a "white Christian nationalist country" and you never were.
When the U.S. was established as a country in 1776, whites comprised roughly 80% of the population. The white share rose to 90% in 1920, where it stayed until 1950.

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