There are more of these than Immigrants

You should know as much coonin and boot licking that you do, still waiting for you to tell us what southern republicans voted for the CRA and VRA. You speak against a black woman and get on your knees for an old, racist white fool and then got the nerve to talk about someone being on a plantation. I stand with black folks, coons like you stand with massa.
there were very few southern republicans in a position to vote....the Demklan had an iron grip on the South via Jim Crow laws. You would know that if you were black
Hmmm, so when Japanese-Americans were given reparations in 1983 was it given by the folks who were in charge in 1942?

The making of amends for a wrong one has done, by paying money to or otherwise helping those who have been wronged:

Does that mean black folks who were living during Jim Crow should be given reparations for the wrongs that were done to them?

It seems as though your excuse is that since all the slaves are dead that nothing is owed to their descendants because it had no effect on them? Which we know is not true.

Now we know whites living today profited from what was done to black folks during slavery and Jim Crow or are you going to deny that as well.

The only person that is full of shit is you cocksucka.
What that actually means is that the taxpayers always get the bill for the shit the Democrats f**k up.
there were very few southern republicans in a position to vote....the Demklan had an iron grip on the South via Jim Crow laws. You would know that if you were black
How did they vote? Boot licker, I grew up in the South, was born under Jim Crow, how about you? That's why I am not a boot licking coon like you. The Democrat party of those days is the Republican party of 2day, you are so young, stupid and brainwashed is why you don't know that.
How did they vote? Boot licker, I grew up in the South, was born under Jim Crow, how about you? That's why I am not a boot licking coon like you. The Democrat party of those days is the Republican party of 2day, you are so young, stupid and brainwashed is why you don't know that.
they voted with the Demklan, the few that existed, that's how they got their seats to begin with.

How many Demklan members voted for it? How many voted for the 13th amendment, the 14th, the 15th? the civil rights act of 1866? 1871?1875? Every major civil rights piece of legislation, including simply ending slavery, was fought against by the Demklan.

it's why you are still on the plantation, bowing down to Mr. Xiden, and why the demklan won't let black women make any advances unless they are married to a white man
they voted with the Demklan, the few that existed, that's how they got their seats to begin with.
So southern republicans voted against the CRA and VRA, thxs for clearing that up.
How many Demklan members voted for it?
More Democrats voted for it than Republicans did.
How many voted for the 13th amendment, the 14th, the 15th? the civil rights act of 1866? 1871?1875? Every major civil rights piece of legislation, including simply ending slavery, was fought against by the Demklan.
Ok, who said they didn't?
it's why you are still on the plantation, bowing down to Mr. Xiden, and why the demklan won't let black women make any advances unless they are married to a white man
So, what you are saying is that you are smarter than 94% of the black folks in this country. You basically saying that we should start being boot licking coons for the republican party.

Which party voted against the John Lewis Voting Bill?

Which party voted against the George Floyd Police Reform Bill?

Which party fight against reparations for slavery and Jim Crow?

Which party has never had a black nominee for POTUS or VPOTUS?

We are not talking 1866, we are talking about in the last 70yrs.
So southern republicans voted against the CRA and VRA, thxs for clearing that up.

More Democrats voted for it than Republicans did.

Ok, who said they didn't?

So, what you are saying is that you are smarter than 94% of the black folks in this country. You basically saying that we should start being boot licking coons for the republican party.

Which party voted against the John Lewis Voting Bill?

Which party voted against the George Floyd Police Reform Bill?

Which party fight against reparations for slavery and Jim Crow?

Which party has never had a black nominee for POTUS or VPOTUS?

We are not talking 1866, we are talking about in the last 70yrs.
The GOP didn't fight reparations for slaves.

The Demklan voted down even discussing police reform

Senate Democrats block GOP police reform bill, throwing overhaul effort into flux​


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