There are two great evils: Freedom and Suppression of Freedom.

Man of Ethics

Gold Member
Feb 28, 2021
A new phrase I came up with recently: There are two great evils: Freedom and Suppression of Freedom.

Every type of Freedom: Speech, Economic Freedom, etc. brings severe negative consequences to Society. Suppression of Freedom also brings negative consequences to Society.

In case of Speech, Suppression of Freedom seems to be the Greater Evil.
In case of Guns, Freedom seems to be the Greater Evil.

That's a balance starting point.

Again, it's a measure of risk, risk being the severity of the consequence times the probability of the consequence. In economic terms, Risk = Cost x Expectation. In business, and insurance, were $ serve as a gross measure of cost, risk is a common concept.

Absolute freedom has never existed, relative to others, except in the cases of kings or simply living alone. As soon as there is more than one person,then it doesn't exist except for the monarch. Philosophy has written about this since time honored.

But I'm tired right now so lost my freedom to stay awake.
You are ignoring mental illness and drug culture as major contributors to "gun deaths". The guns are inanimate, non-thinking devices. Guns are are not evil. Ownership of them is not evil.
A new phrase I came up with recently: There are two great evils: Freedom and Suppression of Freedom.

Every type of Freedom: Speech, Economic Freedom, etc. brings severe negative consequences to Society. Suppression of Freedom also brings negative consequences to Society.

In case of Speech, Suppression of Freedom seems to be the Greater Evil.
In case of Guns, Freedom seems to be the Greater Evil.

And the tens of millions of law-abiding gun owners that aren't a danger to anyone? Their freedoms?
In case of Guns, Freedom seems to be the Greater Evil.
423,000,000 guns in the US.
~10,500 gun-related murders in the US - 1 gun in 40,000
~24,500 gun-relates suicides in the US - 1 gun in 17,000
~ 100,000 defensive gun uses per year -- 9.5x more often than murder and 4x more often than suicide
You have no rational basis whatsoever for your claim
You are ignoring mental illness and drug culture as major contributors to "gun deaths". The guns are inanimate, non-thinking devices. Guns are are not evil. Ownership of them is not evil.
The same could be said about strong drugs, yet they are illegal.
423,000,000 guns in the US.
~10,500 gun-related murders in the US - 1 gun in 40,000
~24,500 gun-relates suicides in the US - 1 gun in 17,000
~ 100,000 defensive gun uses per year -- 9.5x more often than murder and 4x more often than suicide
You have no rational basis whatsoever for your claim
Most defensive gun users prevent something like simple assault -- not a major crime.
A new phrase I came up with recently: There are two great evils: Freedom and Suppression of Freedom.

Every type of Freedom: Speech, Economic Freedom, etc. brings severe negative consequences to Society.
Suppression of Freedom also brings negative consequences to Society.

In case of Speech, Suppression of Freedom seems to be the Greater Evil.
In case of Guns, Freedom seems to be the Greater Evil.

Most defensive gun users prevent something like simple assault -- not a major crime.
OOooh... defensive gun uses don't count unless they stop a serious crime.
Prove your claim to be true, and then demonstrate that only "serious" crimes matter.

You have no rational basis whatsoever for your claim
In case of Guns, Freedom seems to be the Greater Evil.
The problem is, what would be the ‘remedy’ to this ‘greater evil.’

Certainly ‘bans’ and more restrictions aren’t the answer.

Indeed, such ‘remedies’ would likely be un-Constitutional.
A new phrase I came up with recently: There are two great evils: Freedom and Suppression of Freedom.

Every type of Freedom: Speech, Economic Freedom, etc. brings severe negative consequences to Society. Suppression of Freedom also brings negative consequences to Society.

In case of Speech, Suppression of Freedom seems to be the Greater Evil.
In case of Guns, Freedom seems to be the Greater Evil.


to date a gun has never killed a single person,,

and I will take freedom over anything,,,
A new phrase I came up with recently: There are two great evils: Freedom and Suppression of Freedom.

Every type of Freedom: Speech, Economic Freedom, etc. brings severe negative consequences to Society. Suppression of Freedom also brings negative consequences to Society.

In case of Speech, Suppression of Freedom seems to be the Greater Evil.
In case of Guns, Freedom seems to be the Greater Evil.

So you’re blaming guns for suicide. I guess we should ban high rises, bridges, and car exhaust as well
The problem is, what would be the ‘remedy’ to this ‘greater evil.’

Certainly ‘bans’ and more restrictions aren’t the answer.

Indeed, such ‘remedies’ would likely be un-Constitutional.
Sad but true -- US Constitution has major flaws.

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