There are two great evils: Freedom and Suppression of Freedom.

I do not find comparison between fending off a simple assault and things like murder and suicide valid.
Fact remains: You have the right to defend yourself from assault, with deadly force, if you have a reasonable fear of harm.
Thus, your opinion does not matter.
There are about 300-400 justifiable homicides per year in USA.
A meaningless metric, as you know, because the defensive use of a firearm does not necessitate a discharge of said firearm.
Why do you repeat something you know to be irrelevant?
I am not an expert in self-defense.

Just Common Sense tells me that most people are not Action Movie heroes.
I am not an expert in self-defense.

Just Common Sense tells me that most people are not Action Movie heroes.

Most people can learn to shoot effectively if they invest a little time in it. And having situational awareness and a plan make you even more prepared.

We have discussed, at length, what we will do if someone breaks into our house in the middle of the night. I'll put money on us over the criminal.
Responding to violence already visited upon you is not an escalation.
Why do you hate the fact people defend themselves with firearms FAR more often that people are killed with firearms?

It makes perfect sense, as long as you assume that Relative Ethics is on the side of the subhuman criminal shit, and against the side of human beings.

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