'There Has To Be Some Form Of Punishment'. Yes Mr. Trump, There Really Has To Be


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
Their concern begins and ends with the assumption that a woman who chooses not to commit herself to pregnancy and forced, mandatory childbirth, is somehow grievously at fault, and it’s their business to step in and administer some form of “correction.” Once the person’s pregnancy is a fait accompli, the woman is effectively on her own. The forced-birth proponent then washes his hands of the matter, and — for all intents and purposes -- moves on to the next person whose behavior, in their warped view, needs controlling. At that time, all the platitudes and drivel about the “sanctity of life” and whatnot are tossed straight out the window.

This is how Donald Trump and almost all elected Republicans view abortion. It’s the reason why Donald Trump could haughtily declare, in 2016, that “there has to be some form of punishment” for women and others who try to terminate their own pregnancies.

Those consequences, however, are now surfacing in spades. As it turns out, people don’t like having their lives negated by Republican laws. They’re not buying into the idea that their behavior must be controlled and regulated by self-serving politicians. Nor do most of them give a damn about the theocratic, religious sensibilities of a misogynistic religious minority, whether those sensibilities are embedded in malevolent, restrictive legislation or spewed out by religious psychopaths on the Supreme Court.

But Trump was partly right about one thing: “There has to be,” in fact, “some form of punishment.” This November, the party that has willfully engineered this inhuman regime needs to be soundly taken to the woodshed and sent packing, Donald Trump most of all.

Who's going to be your protector in prison Mr. Trump?
That's when Trump was still trying to "get" the Republican far rightwing logiks.

He was logically correct, because if these people, as they claim, do believe it's murder, then there WOULD have to be some sort of punishment.

However, as we all know, these people have no principles, just wanton greed and need for power, they don't care about the mother or the child, they just want the state to control what happens.
Their concern begins and ends with the assumption that a woman who chooses not to commit herself to pregnancy and forced, mandatory childbirth, is somehow grievously at fault, and it’s their business to step in and administer some form of “correction.” Once the person’s pregnancy is a fait accompli, the woman is effectively on her own. The forced-birth proponent then washes his hands of the matter, and — for all intents and purposes -- moves on to the next person whose behavior, in their warped view, needs controlling. At that time, all the platitudes and drivel about the “sanctity of life” and whatnot are tossed straight out the window.

This is how Donald Trump and almost all elected Republicans view abortion. It’s the reason why Donald Trump could haughtily declare, in 2016, that “there has to be some form of punishment” for women and others who try to terminate their own pregnancies.

Those consequences, however, are now surfacing in spades. As it turns out, people don’t like having their lives negated by Republican laws. They’re not buying into the idea that their behavior must be controlled and regulated by self-serving politicians. Nor do most of them give a damn about the theocratic, religious sensibilities of a misogynistic religious minority, whether those sensibilities are embedded in malevolent, restrictive legislation or spewed out by religious psychopaths on the Supreme Court.

But Trump was partly right about one thing: “There has to be,” in fact, “some form of punishment.” This November, the party that has willfully engineered this inhuman regime needs to be soundly taken to the woodshed and sent packing, Donald Trump most of all.

Who's going to be your protector in prison Mr. Trump?
You Dims love you some baby murder and selling parts.
If a woman doesn't want to "commit herself to pregnancy and forced, mandatory childbirth", then take the self responsibility to ensure one of the many forms of protection is utilized and stop murdering the baby because of her laziness.
Their concern begins and ends with the assumption that a woman who chooses not to commit herself to pregnancy and forced, mandatory childbirth, is somehow grievously at fault, and it’s their business to step in and administer some form of “correction.” Once the person’s pregnancy is a fait accompli, the woman is effectively on her own. The forced-birth proponent then washes his hands of the matter, and — for all intents and purposes -- moves on to the next person whose behavior, in their warped view, needs controlling. At that time, all the platitudes and drivel about the “sanctity of life” and whatnot are tossed straight out the window.

This is how Donald Trump and almost all elected Republicans view abortion. It’s the reason why Donald Trump could haughtily declare, in 2016, that “there has to be some form of punishment” for women and others who try to terminate their own pregnancies.

Those consequences, however, are now surfacing in spades. As it turns out, people don’t like having their lives negated by Republican laws. They’re not buying into the idea that their behavior must be controlled and regulated by self-serving politicians. Nor do most of them give a damn about the theocratic, religious sensibilities of a misogynistic religious minority, whether those sensibilities are embedded in malevolent, restrictive legislation or spewed out by religious psychopaths on the Supreme Court.

But Trump was partly right about one thing: “There has to be,” in fact, “some form of punishment.” This November, the party that has willfully engineered this inhuman regime needs to be soundly taken to the woodshed and sent packing, Donald Trump most of all.

Who's going to be your protector in prison Mr. Trump?
Trump will be in the White House skrewey.....where will you be??
This is how Donald Trump and almost all elected Republicans view abortion. It’s the reason why Donald Trump could haughtily declare, in 2016, that “there has to be some form of punishment” for women and others who try to terminate their own pregnancies.
And the right’s war on women continues, along with more government, bigger government at the expense of individual liberty.
You Dims love you some baby murder and selling parts.
If a woman doesn't want to "commit herself to pregnancy and forced, mandatory childbirth", then take the self responsibility to ensure one of the many forms of protection is utilized and stop murdering the baby because of her laziness.
Make sure you go to hate services tomorrow night.
This is the nature of the fascist, authoritarian right: compel conformity, punish dissent, increase the authority of the state at the expense of individual liberty.
And you are the nature of the atheist brownshirt left-tard: Promote murder, support violence, carry out the orders of your Reich masters at the expense of individual thinking or self responsibility.
T has enough money to protect himself.

The average woman does not.
She doesn't need money to say no to random sex with bad guys.
There are plenty of organizations out there to give aid and care to these women in this predicament funded by private donations. THen there are the benefits from the War on Poverty which ultimately destroys the family unit anyway.
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She doesn't need money to say no to random sex with bad guys.
There are plenty of organizations out there to give aid and care to these women in this predicament. THen there are the benefits from the War on Poverty which ultimately destroys the family unit anyway.
War on poverty was to throw cash at people who did not know how to use it thus in poverty To Begin With.
More fallacy of feelings
Trump has been punished and persecuted prosecuted for over 5 years with zero tangible results except pending rulings on “verdicts”
He has a strong familly with good values. Even his children from divorced x wives love him and his former wives have nothing bad to say about him. His kids are paragons of virtue compared to democrats' kids. and that's part of the problem isn't it.
Their concern begins and ends with the assumption that a woman who chooses not to commit herself to pregnancy and forced, mandatory childbirth, is somehow grievously at fault, and it’s their business to step in and administer some form of “correction.” Once the person’s pregnancy is a fait accompli, the woman is effectively on her own. The forced-birth proponent then washes his hands of the matter, and — for all intents and purposes -- moves on to the next person whose behavior, in their warped view, needs controlling. At that time, all the platitudes and drivel about the “sanctity of life” and whatnot are tossed straight out the window.

This is how Donald Trump and almost all elected Republicans view abortion. It’s the reason why Donald Trump could haughtily declare, in 2016, that “there has to be some form of punishment” for women and others who try to terminate their own pregnancies.

Those consequences, however, are now surfacing in spades. As it turns out, people don’t like having their lives negated by Republican laws. They’re not buying into the idea that their behavior must be controlled and regulated by self-serving politicians. Nor do most of them give a damn about the theocratic, religious sensibilities of a misogynistic religious minority, whether those sensibilities are embedded in malevolent, restrictive legislation or spewed out by religious psychopaths on the Supreme Court.

But Trump was partly right about one thing: “There has to be,” in fact, “some form of punishment.” This November, the party that has willfully engineered this inhuman regime needs to be soundly taken to the woodshed and sent packing, Donald Trump most of all.

Who's going to be your protector in prison Mr. Trump?
First, every adult understands how pregnancy happens, second, men deserve an equal chance to decide their childs fate, oh yeah and that is human life being snuffed out, out of convenience for being irresponsible

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