'There Has To Be Some Form Of Punishment'. Yes Mr. Trump, There Really Has To Be

Their concern begins and ends with the assumption that a woman who chooses not to commit herself to pregnancy and forced, mandatory childbirth, is somehow grievously at fault, and it’s their business to step in and administer some form of “correction.” Once the person’s pregnancy is a fait accompli, the woman is effectively on her own. The forced-birth proponent then washes his hands of the matter, and — for all intents and purposes -- moves on to the next person whose behavior, in their warped view, needs controlling. At that time, all the platitudes and drivel about the “sanctity of life” and whatnot are tossed straight out the window.

This is how Donald Trump and almost all elected Republicans view abortion. It’s the reason why Donald Trump could haughtily declare, in 2016, that “there has to be some form of punishment” for women and others who try to terminate their own pregnancies.

Those consequences, however, are now surfacing in spades. As it turns out, people don’t like having their lives negated by Republican laws. They’re not buying into the idea that their behavior must be controlled and regulated by self-serving politicians. Nor do most of them give a damn about the theocratic, religious sensibilities of a misogynistic religious minority, whether those sensibilities are embedded in malevolent, restrictive legislation or spewed out by religious psychopaths on the Supreme Court.

But Trump was partly right about one thing: “There has to be,” in fact, “some form of punishment.” This November, the party that has willfully engineered this inhuman regime needs to be soundly taken to the woodshed and sent packing, Donald Trump most of all.

Who's going to be your protector in prison Mr. Trump?
I totally agree. There needs to be some sort of punishment for those who have abused their power and weaponized the justice system to get Trump.
He has a strong familly with good values. Even his children from divorced x wives love him and his former wives have nothing bad to say about him. His kids are paragons of virtue compared to democrats' kids. and that's part of the problem isn't it.
Yes they resent good conduct and success . Feel like it’s an imposition
And the right’s war on women continues, along with more government, bigger government at the expense of individual liberty.
"The last year for which the CDC reported a yearly national total for abortions is 2021. It found there were 625,978 abortions in the District of Columbia and the 46 states with available data that year, up from 597,355 in those states and D.C. in 2020. The corresponding figure for 2019 was 607,720".

So you believe that this is good for America and the women involved?
Their concern begins and ends with the assumption that a woman who chooses not to commit herself to pregnancy and forced, mandatory childbirth, is somehow grievously at fault, and it’s their business to step in and administer some form of “correction.” Once the person’s pregnancy is a fait accompli, the woman is effectively on her own. The forced-birth proponent then washes his hands of the matter, and — for all intents and purposes -- moves on to the next person whose behavior, in their warped view, needs controlling. At that time, all the platitudes and drivel about the “sanctity of life” and whatnot are tossed straight out the window.

This is how Donald Trump and almost all elected Republicans view abortion. It’s the reason why Donald Trump could haughtily declare, in 2016, that “there has to be some form of punishment” for women and others who try to terminate their own pregnancies.

Those consequences, however, are now surfacing in spades. As it turns out, people don’t like having their lives negated by Republican laws. They’re not buying into the idea that their behavior must be controlled and regulated by self-serving politicians. Nor do most of them give a damn about the theocratic, religious sensibilities of a misogynistic religious minority, whether those sensibilities are embedded in malevolent, restrictive legislation or spewed out by religious psychopaths on the Supreme Court.

But Trump was partly right about one thing: “There has to be,” in fact, “some form of punishment.” This November, the party that has willfully engineered this inhuman regime needs to be soundly taken to the woodshed and sent packing, Donald Trump most of all.

Who's going to be your protector in prison Mr. Trump?

Carl? Shove kos up your bum.
That's when Trump was still trying to "get" the Republican far rightwing logiks.

He was logically correct, because if these people, as they claim, do believe it's murder, then there WOULD have to be some sort of punishment.

However, as we all know, these people have no principles, just wanton greed and need for power, they don't care about the mother or the child, they just want the state to control what happens.
who are "these" people?....
This is the nature of the fascist, authoritarian right: compel conformity, punish dissent, increase the authority of the state at the expense of individual liberty.

How does the SC saying they don't have purview over abortion amount to increasing authority? Their ruling literally left the people in each state to decide on the matter. That is hardly authoritarian.
How does the SC saying they don't have purview over abortion amount to increasing authority? Their ruling literally left the people in each state to decide on the matter. That is hardly authoritarian.
The situation has been created in which the Scotus won't need to interfere.

But the actual point is, that they will stop abortions if it becomes necessary.

Congratulations America!

When a father loses his wife, will he become a mass shooter? Or will he rise above the pain and come to the god?
But the actual point is, that they will stop abortions if it becomes necessary.

What would make it necessary? You mean if the kooky left-wing states start allowing "abortions" after birth or something? That would most assuredly fall under the category of murder, which is already illegal. There are already a few states that allow it up to full term with no conditions. That is pretty nuts and yet the SC hasn't made a move to stop that.
This Ideology is all about CHOICE… the Choice to have sex. That’s why most of us see the sole exception to a ban on abortion being for a woman who didn’t have a choice in the reproductive act… Rape.

If you’ve been past sixth grade you know how babies come into being. Even with birth control, things happen. The ONLY real effective birth control is abstinence.

If you’re having sex, you’re consenting to parenthood so far as I’m concerned regardless of your gender. That’s why I believe she should be required to have the child and he should be required to support both her and the child until the child is 18.
On the other hand it seems that democrats don't seem to mind if a woman was forced or coerced or threatened or intimidated into hiring a technician to kill the life inside her. Democrats are so callus that they don't keep statistics on women who suffer physical problems and symptoms of PTSD after abortions as long as they can hang on to political power and their wallets.

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