There is an encampment on campus - against radical Islamic genocide?


Platinum Member
Nov 13, 2023
Who cares about massacres if one can't bash one group of people one hates to begin with - without a reason?

It's the same reason Hatem Bazian's 'swastika palestine' thugs don't riot against Gaza health ministry human shields tactics.

"Pro"? Palestine my as$.

Snapshot Of The Islamic State's Persecution Of African Christians: 698 Christians In The DRC, Mozambique, Nigeria, Cameroon, And Mali Killed In First Half Of 2024.
July 3, 2024.

The Men, The Money, and The Madness: Part 1

Meet Hatem Bazian: A Berkley professor, the co-founder of SJP, and the founder of American Muslims for Palestine.

Sources: @ISGAP1 @FDD @JSchanzer @BretStephen_NYT .
July 3, 2024.

HonestReporting @HonestReporting:
The Men, The Money, and The Madness: Part 2

Tracing SJP’s money trail proves it's the furthest thing from grassroots. It’s no wonder that universities that received funding from Arab countries have seen a 300% rise in antisemitism.

Sources: @ISGAP1 @FDD @JSchanzer…

Jul 4, 2024
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JoeB131 said:
You are jot against Zionists.

The same reason you won't talk about our aid to "palestinian" authority which is used for 'pay for slay' genocide.

Or aid to Egypt and Jordan.
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JoeB131 said:
Nope, I'm against anyone who thinks his religion entitles him to act like a jerk.
Never seen you one post - by you- against islamofascism motivated by religion.
And modern zionist movement started by secularists, not "religion." Herzl was an atheist.
But keep on justifying your devil hate.
You are also against non zionist Jews.

But keep on pretending and coming I with excuses .

The same diablical motivation you rail against Anne Frank.

You're fooling no one.
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Never seen you one post - by you- against islamofascism motivated by religion.
And modern zionist movement started by secularists, not "religion." Herzl was an atheist.
But keep on justifying your devil hate.
You are also against non zionist Jews.

Because anyone who says "Islamofascism" I automatically dismiss as an idiot who was lobotomized by Hate Radio.

Our problem with the Middle East isn't their religion; it's the West's policies of imperialism, of which the Zionist Entity is the last rancid stage.

I'm against anyone who thinks his religion entitles him to act like a jerk.

We need to wash our hands of the whole mess, and invest in alternative energy instead of sending aircraft carriers over there.
JoeB131 said:
Because ..hare radio..

Islamofascists (Iranian regime or its Hezbollah or "palestinians" or by muslim-lobby-CAIR Type of imams here in the US) don't use the Quranic texts against the "apes and pigs" (Christians and Jews)?

(VS secular Bibi)

Latest example by official Palestinian Authority.

How about documentation?
1, 2

You are the one that pretends to be "against" hate?

It's like a neo Nazi saying he is "against" genocide...
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Yawn, you are boring me.

Our problem is our insistence in sticking our dicks in their hornet's nest.

If the hornets come here, I'll be the first to swat them.

Those inciting imams are here.

Thomas Jefferson went after them then.

There were forced conversion too.
Those inciting imams are here.

Thomas Jefferson went after them then.

Um, no, they went after ships in their waters...

It was the beginning of western imperialism, and it was wrong.

As much as you whine about Islamism or Jihadism, remember we created it by putting these people under various imperial boots after we broke up the Ottoman Empire.
Um, no, they went after ships in their waters...
This was a test how far you will go to excuse Islamization.
Nice try.
content - 2024-07-07T084505.032.png

It was a frightening time. On top of the disorientation and discomfort there was a dreadful apprehension as the prisoners remembered lurid tales of cruelty , male rape and forced conversion, of being beaten and tortured ..

Tinniswood, A. (2011). Pirates Of Barbary: Corsairs, Conquests and Captivity in the 17th-Century Mediterranean. United Kingdom: Random House, p. 166.

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JoeB131 said:
As much as you whine about Islamism or Jihadism, ...
From random "palestinian" Muslims massacre of Christians, this one in Damour, Lebanon:

Damour, a predominantly Christian town of 25,000 some 20 kilometres south of Beirut, experienced the worst mass slaughter in its history as a result of an attack by some 10,000 Palestinian terrorists... The attack itself had begun in the mountains and was apocalyptic. They were thousands, screaming “Allahu akbar! God is great! Attack them in the name of the Arabs. Let us offer Muhammad a holocaust!” They slaughtered anyone they found in their path: men, women and children.

Entire families were killed in their homes. Many women were gang-raped—just a few were left alive. One woman saved her teenage daughter from rape by smearing her face with a dye that made her look disgusting. During the butchery the attackers took pictures of themselves which they later sold to European newspapers.


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