There is so much butt hurt here, have a nicer day

Robert W

Former Democrat but long term Republican.
Gold Supporting Member
Sep 9, 2022
Found this on my facebook. Hope everybody here is having a wonderful July 4th.
Be thankful.

One time I was minding my own business in my garden, just digging and planting away when a Yellow Jacket dive-bombed me and stung me right in the back! I screamed! It hurt. What was he trying to say? :p
Here is who gets credit for the stripey thing

Suzanne WeisgerberPNW Gardening

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Every summer I hear, "the bees are so bad!" As they are swatting away something yellow and black striped with wings...
Please be aware, not all bugs fitting this description are BEES! Please leave the bees alone. Here's a chart to help identify. Also, please understand the delicate balance all life has to offer.
This is how we control the pests in Eastern WA:
They make fantastic bird food! We've finally managed to control them in our yard...invite the BIRDS in! We have birdbaths spring thru fall, birdhouses year round, and feeders only in the late fall thru early spring. For the last 2 years, we have really enjoyed the peace away from the pests, the chirps and songs of the playful and busy birds!!
I guess he attacked for the Hell of it...:)
They do that. I try to kill them wherever they are.

I wonder what my little miniature paper wasps are?

They look just like the big ones but smaller and don't really attack you.

I've seen them kill one of the big (normal) ones, too.

I think the normal ones don't have stripes, either.
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