They already look like incompetent idiots...


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2013
The Real World
...because they are incompetent idiots. Mark Dice DESTROYS the first week of the Meat Puppet Pervert's ridiculous regime and the media's pathetic attempts to pretend it's anything but a goat orgy. I posted this in "Satire" because it's actually as funny. Depressing in a way too, but it exposes just how ridiculous the people who govern us are. For example we have this complete asswipe "DR" Fauchi, who has probably never actually practiced medicine and enhanced the health of a single patient, that once insisted masks were of no benefit, now says DOUBLE and TRIPLE masks might be appropriate. Welcome to fucking Clown World.

I said it seem worst that at the time of Obama ? Obama at least did nothing except for crying a little !:p

...because they are incompetent idiots. Mark Dice DESTROYS the first week of the Meat Puppet Pervert's ridiculous regime and the media's pathetic attempts to pretend it's anything but a goat orgy. I posted this in "Satire" because it's actually as funny. Depressing in a way too, but it exposes just how ridiculous the people who govern us are. For example we have this complete asswipe "DR" Fauchi, who has probably never actually practiced medicine and enhanced the health of a single patient, that once insisted masks were of no benefit, now says DOUBLE and TRIPLE masks might be appropriate. Welcome to fucking Clown World.

These commie douche canoes should "double mask" with a couple plastic trash bags....Would take care of a lot of our problems.
I find that very few of the resident USMB Biden-lovers are heaping praise on him
Yep. No praise for Joe, they're still stuck in blaming Trump. Come back in 3.5 years and they'll still be blaming Trump

I can imagine them glued to their televisions/radios/computers eagerly awaiting some big breaking bombshell about something Trump did or said today. Except they're going to be disappointed, because it's not gonna happen. The media is still feeding them heaping spoonfuls of praise over Joe Biden but these perplexing stories keep popping up about his incompetence and mishandling of things.

It's probably not the best time to be a Democrat: They're ecstatic that they got rid of Trump, but at the same time they're wondering why Biden is fucking up everything he touches?

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Yep. No praise for Joe, they're still stuck in blaming Trump. Come back in 3.5 years and they'll still be blaming Trump
Well shit... in 2015 they were still blaming Boooossshhhh about the failure of their beloved meat puppet faggot to get people back into the labor market. It was a decade of stagnation and malaise because prosperity was deliberately stifled by the executive branch, but a sycophantic media would pretend "Prosperity is just around the corner", announcing +1.5% GPA and in an Orwellian fashion a weeks later whispering it was more like a +.15% GPA if we were lucky.

We are going to overthrow these globalist sociopaths at some point, or they may simply implode the system like a bunch of incompetent Chernobyl drones. Either way I don't care. They're going to be the first to suffer.


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