They were shirtless and waving a white flag.


Diamond Member
May 7, 2017
Damn, not only is this sadly tragic, but it is also sadly indicative of how Israel kills people first, and sorts out terrorist from civiilan after the fact. One of the hostages even had red hair, FFS. And after a cease fire was called, they still killed these kids.

Don't tell me that Israel is going to great lengths to spare civilians, this proves that is a lie.


The IDF provides new details of yesterday’s tragic incident in Gaza City’s Shejaiya neighborhood, during which three Israeli hostages who managed to escape Hamas captivity were shot dead by troops.

According to a senior officer in the Southern Command, citing an initial probe, the incident began after one soldier stationed in a building identified three suspicious figures exiting a building several dozen meters away.

All three were shirtless, with one of the figures carrying a stick with a makeshift white flag, according to the investigation.

The soldier, who believed the men moving toward him was an attempt by Hamas to lure IDF soldiers into a trap, immediately opened fire and shouted “terrorists!” to the other forces.

According to the probe, that soldier killed two of the men, while the third, who was hit and wounded, fled back into the building from which he came.

At that stage, the commander of the battalion, who was also in the building where the soldier shot from, went outside and called on the forces to halt their fire.

Meanwhile, sounds of someone shouting “Help” in Hebrew were heard by the troops in the area.

Moments later, the third man came out of the building to which he fled, and another soldier opened fire at him, killing him.

The battalion commander then realized that the appearance of the third man was unusual, and it was revealed to be an Israeli hostage. All three bodies were collected and taken to Israel to be identified.

The soldier who immediately opened fire upon identifying the three men did so against protocols, as did the second soldier who killed the third man, according to the officer.

Still, the IDF said it understands what led the soldiers to do so.
In Shejaiya, the senior officer says the IDF has not identified any Palestinian civilians in recent days.

The officer says troops have killed at least 38 Palestinian terror operatives in Shejaiya in recent days.

The only people seen wearing civilian clothing have been Hamas operatives, often unarmed. The operatives collect weapons left behind in various buildings, open fire at troops, and then flee again unarmed to another building.

The IDF has also encountered several seemingly unarmed civilians in Shejaiya, who later turned out to be Hamas suicide bombers.

There have also been several attempts by Hamas in the area to lure soldiers into an ambush.

On Wednesday, in what was initially thought to be unrelated to yesterday’s deadly mistaken shooting, the officer says that several hundred meters away the troops found a building with spray paint on the wall reading “SOS” in English, and another spray-painted message reading, in Hebrew, “Help, three hostages.”

The soldiers at the time believed the building was booby-trapped, but now the military is investigating a possible connection to yesterday’s incident.

Immediately following the incident, the IDF sent new protocols to ground troops for the possibility of more hostages managing to flee captivity.

The scenario itself, of hostages walking around in a battle zone, was never taken into account by the IDF.

The initial probe was completed today by the head of the IDF Southern Command, Maj. Gen. Yaron Finkelman and IDF Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi, and also presented to the families of Yotam Haim, Samar Talalka and Alon Lulu Shamriz, who were killed by the troops.
Damn, not only is this sadly tragic, but it is also sadly indicative of how Israel kills people first, and sorts out terrorist from civiilan after the fact. One of the hostages even had red hair, FFS. And after a cease fire was called, they still killed these kids.

Don't tell me that Israel is going to great lengths to spare civilians, this proves that is a lie.

View attachment 874526

The IDF provides new details of yesterday’s tragic incident in Gaza City’s Shejaiya neighborhood, during which three Israeli hostages who managed to escape Hamas captivity were shot dead by troops.

According to a senior officer in the Southern Command, citing an initial probe, the incident began after one soldier stationed in a building identified three suspicious figures exiting a building several dozen meters away.

All three were shirtless, with one of the figures carrying a stick with a makeshift white flag, according to the investigation.

The soldier, who believed the men moving toward him was an attempt by Hamas to lure IDF soldiers into a trap, immediately opened fire and shouted “terrorists!” to the other forces.

According to the probe, that soldier killed two of the men, while the third, who was hit and wounded, fled back into the building from which he came.

At that stage, the commander of the battalion, who was also in the building where the soldier shot from, went outside and called on the forces to halt their fire.

Meanwhile, sounds of someone shouting “Help” in Hebrew were heard by the troops in the area.

Moments later, the third man came out of the building to which he fled, and another soldier opened fire at him, killing him.

The battalion commander then realized that the appearance of the third man was unusual, and it was revealed to be an Israeli hostage. All three bodies were collected and taken to Israel to be identified.

The soldier who immediately opened fire upon identifying the three men did so against protocols, as did the second soldier who killed the third man, according to the officer.

Still, the IDF said it understands what led the soldiers to do so.
In Shejaiya, the senior officer says the IDF has not identified any Palestinian civilians in recent days.

The officer says troops have killed at least 38 Palestinian terror operatives in Shejaiya in recent days.

The only people seen wearing civilian clothing have been Hamas operatives, often unarmed. The operatives collect weapons left behind in various buildings, open fire at troops, and then flee again unarmed to another building.

The IDF has also encountered several seemingly unarmed civilians in Shejaiya, who later turned out to be Hamas suicide bombers.

There have also been several attempts by Hamas in the area to lure soldiers into an ambush.

On Wednesday, in what was initially thought to be unrelated to yesterday’s deadly mistaken shooting, the officer says that several hundred meters away the troops found a building with spray paint on the wall reading “SOS” in English, and another spray-painted message reading, in Hebrew, “Help, three hostages.”

The soldiers at the time believed the building was booby-trapped, but now the military is investigating a possible connection to yesterday’s incident.

Immediately following the incident, the IDF sent new protocols to ground troops for the possibility of more hostages managing to flee captivity.

The scenario itself, of hostages walking around in a battle zone, was never taken into account by the IDF.

The initial probe was completed today by the head of the IDF Southern Command, Maj. Gen. Yaron Finkelman and IDF Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi, and also presented to the families of Yotam Haim, Samar Talalka and Alon Lulu Shamriz, who were killed by the troops.

If you read the damn article it explains how Hamas tactics can lead to this type of thing. What is wrong with you?
Apparently one even screamed to them in Hebrew. Thisncoukd turn the tide of opinion in Israel vis a vie continuing the war vs reaching a distasteful agreement.
Damn, not only is this sadly tragic, but it is also sadly indicative of how Israel kills people first, and sorts out terrorist from civiilan after the fact. One of the hostages even had red hair, FFS. And after a cease fire was called, they still killed these kids.

Don't tell me that Israel is going to great lengths to spare civilians, this proves that is a lie.

View attachment 874526

The IDF provides new details of yesterday’s tragic incident in Gaza City’s Shejaiya neighborhood, during which three Israeli hostages who managed to escape Hamas captivity were shot dead by troops.

According to a senior officer in the Southern Command, citing an initial probe, the incident began after one soldier stationed in a building identified three suspicious figures exiting a building several dozen meters away.

All three were shirtless, with one of the figures carrying a stick with a makeshift white flag, according to the investigation.

The soldier, who believed the men moving toward him was an attempt by Hamas to lure IDF soldiers into a trap, immediately opened fire and shouted “terrorists!” to the other forces.

According to the probe, that soldier killed two of the men, while the third, who was hit and wounded, fled back into the building from which he came.

At that stage, the commander of the battalion, who was also in the building where the soldier shot from, went outside and called on the forces to halt their fire.

Meanwhile, sounds of someone shouting “Help” in Hebrew were heard by the troops in the area.

Moments later, the third man came out of the building to which he fled, and another soldier opened fire at him, killing him.

The battalion commander then realized that the appearance of the third man was unusual, and it was revealed to be an Israeli hostage. All three bodies were collected and taken to Israel to be identified.

The soldier who immediately opened fire upon identifying the three men did so against protocols, as did the second soldier who killed the third man, according to the officer.

Still, the IDF said it understands what led the soldiers to do so.
In Shejaiya, the senior officer says the IDF has not identified any Palestinian civilians in recent days.

The officer says troops have killed at least 38 Palestinian terror operatives in Shejaiya in recent days.

The only people seen wearing civilian clothing have been Hamas operatives, often unarmed. The operatives collect weapons left behind in various buildings, open fire at troops, and then flee again unarmed to another building.

The IDF has also encountered several seemingly unarmed civilians in Shejaiya, who later turned out to be Hamas suicide bombers.

There have also been several attempts by Hamas in the area to lure soldiers into an ambush.

On Wednesday, in what was initially thought to be unrelated to yesterday’s deadly mistaken shooting, the officer says that several hundred meters away the troops found a building with spray paint on the wall reading “SOS” in English, and another spray-painted message reading, in Hebrew, “Help, three hostages.”

The soldiers at the time believed the building was booby-trapped, but now the military is investigating a possible connection to yesterday’s incident.

Immediately following the incident, the IDF sent new protocols to ground troops for the possibility of more hostages managing to flee captivity.

The scenario itself, of hostages walking around in a battle zone, was never taken into account by the IDF.

The initial probe was completed today by the head of the IDF Southern Command, Maj. Gen. Yaron Finkelman and IDF Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi, and also presented to the families of Yotam Haim, Samar Talalka and Alon Lulu Shamriz, who were killed by the troops.
The red hair is not a sure sign. Some Palestinians have red hair, some even blond, but it's not super common.
Ahed Tamimi: Teenager becomes symbol of Palestinian resistance

It seems that the Israeli services were relying too much on electronic surveillance, and could not really locate Hamas fighters.

So they just bomb everything and shoot at anything that moves. And they likely want to "thin out" the population. Considering they are not only killing them, they are also starving them and depriving them of water, and disease can become rampant, the number of dead can grow exponentially.
Damn, not only is this sadly tragic, but it is also sadly indicative of how Israel kills people first, and sorts out terrorist from civiilan after the fact. One of the hostages even had red hair, FFS. And after a cease fire was called, they still killed these kids.

Don't tell me that Israel is going to great lengths to spare civilians, this proves that is a lie.

View attachment 874526

The IDF provides new details of yesterday’s tragic incident in Gaza City’s Shejaiya neighborhood, during which three Israeli hostages who managed to escape Hamas captivity were shot dead by troops.

According to a senior officer in the Southern Command, citing an initial probe, the incident began after one soldier stationed in a building identified three suspicious figures exiting a building several dozen meters away.

All three were shirtless, with one of the figures carrying a stick with a makeshift white flag, according to the investigation.

The soldier, who believed the men moving toward him was an attempt by Hamas to lure IDF soldiers into a trap, immediately opened fire and shouted “terrorists!” to the other forces.

According to the probe, that soldier killed two of the men, while the third, who was hit and wounded, fled back into the building from which he came.

At that stage, the commander of the battalion, who was also in the building where the soldier shot from, went outside and called on the forces to halt their fire.

Meanwhile, sounds of someone shouting “Help” in Hebrew were heard by the troops in the area.

Moments later, the third man came out of the building to which he fled, and another soldier opened fire at him, killing him.

The battalion commander then realized that the appearance of the third man was unusual, and it was revealed to be an Israeli hostage. All three bodies were collected and taken to Israel to be identified.

The soldier who immediately opened fire upon identifying the three men did so against protocols, as did the second soldier who killed the third man, according to the officer.

Still, the IDF said it understands what led the soldiers to do so.
In Shejaiya, the senior officer says the IDF has not identified any Palestinian civilians in recent days.

The officer says troops have killed at least 38 Palestinian terror operatives in Shejaiya in recent days.

The only people seen wearing civilian clothing have been Hamas operatives, often unarmed. The operatives collect weapons left behind in various buildings, open fire at troops, and then flee again unarmed to another building.

The IDF has also encountered several seemingly unarmed civilians in Shejaiya, who later turned out to be Hamas suicide bombers.

There have also been several attempts by Hamas in the area to lure soldiers into an ambush.

On Wednesday, in what was initially thought to be unrelated to yesterday’s deadly mistaken shooting, the officer says that several hundred meters away the troops found a building with spray paint on the wall reading “SOS” in English, and another spray-painted message reading, in Hebrew, “Help, three hostages.”

The soldiers at the time believed the building was booby-trapped, but now the military is investigating a possible connection to yesterday’s incident.

Immediately following the incident, the IDF sent new protocols to ground troops for the possibility of more hostages managing to flee captivity.

The scenario itself, of hostages walking around in a battle zone, was never taken into account by the IDF.

The initial probe was completed today by the head of the IDF Southern Command, Maj. Gen. Yaron Finkelman and IDF Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi, and also presented to the families of Yotam Haim, Samar Talalka and Alon Lulu Shamriz, who were killed by the troops.
Mistakes sometimes happen in combat. There have been quite a few American soldiers killed by friendly fire.
The officer says troops have killed at least 38 Palestinian terror operatives in Shejaiya in recent days.

The only people seen wearing civilian clothing have been Hamas operatives, often unarmed. The operatives collect weapons left behind in various buildings, open fire at troops, and then flee again unarmed to another building.
Seriously doubt the claim that all of those unarmed in civilian clothing were Hamas.
The modern Westerer, hasn't the stomach for Victory. For total warfare...

But not all are so hampered....

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