They’re trying to kill us!

Why would Europe ban the vaccine for young males because statistics showed that it was far more harmful than helpful, but the US did nothing about it?
That turns out to be false, as per your link.
Maybe you should just go get your jab and shut your fucking mouth. No one wants to hear your jabbering crappy boy.
LMAO!! I've permanently triggered ShortBus.

I never Tire of your flailing crappy boy hahaha. What a dumbass lol
ShortBus is Permanently tRiggered.

I completely broke it. All it can do is think about me.

These damn tRumplings are unstable as hell.
ShortBus is Permanently tRiggered.

I completely broke it. All it can do is think about me.

These damn tRumplings are unstable as hell.
You're the one with the short bus you dumb shit! Haha crappy boy
I own you, ShortBus. Everyone can see it. I'm all you think about, day and night.

All I gotta do is whistle and you come running. It's basically Pavlovian now.
Crappy boy you are delusional! Anyone can see that you get the short end of the stick when it comes to dealing with me lol what a dumbass. Your TDS has left you brainless and sputtering, stupid hahahahaha
It's always been about control

doesn't matter what country one hails from


Lol, that's nice, ShortBus.

You are still owned.
Hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha
All you have left is projection crappy boy. You belong on a short bus for the mentally retarded and there's only room for you! What a dumbass LOL
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