this guy gets it about islam


I love Andrea & April
Mar 7, 2007
[ame=]YouTube - Islam in Europe[/ame]
He is an Islamophobic, and racist and very proud of his European Heritage!!

I did not insult him!! He said it in a joke!! Listen around 2:40

OK--he did not say he was proud of his Heritage, but you can tell!! He was not culturally sensitve and derided other cultures. Damn Neo-Imperialists!! Let the Muslims colonize Europe!
Problem is the europeans only have 2 options when it comes to electing politicians with a view on the Islamic religion.


1) Elect an islamophobic, political correct socialist/liberal/democratic/ecological/christian politician

2) Elect an extreem right politician (from a possibly fascist party: like a "light version" of Hitlers NSDAP but then against muslims instead of jews)

Time will tell when the moderates in europe will start voting extremist (btw: they already did in several european countries: Zwitserland, Belgium, the netherlands and Austria) ...
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