Across the media and across left wing talk radio, there is a sense of gloom, a sense of fear and concern over what Trump “might” be. Remembering that most everything that has been laid on Trump has been ginned up by the left. With the twisting of context, lies and fabrication of narratives, they have worked themselves up into a frenzy, and now I’m hearing these people saying all kinds of crazy things. One of the callers even said he was leaving the country.
You people need to relax and stop listening to the fear mongering that left wing media brings to the table. Things are going to be ok. Sure, there are going to be some changes you don’t like, just as there would have been for repubs if Harris were elected. At the end of the day, however, this irrational fear that some of you have is just outright unfounded.
Trump is not going to be a dictator, he’s not going to put people into camps, or use the military to round up people and kill them. Hes not going to outlaw gay marriage, and since his whole thing about dobbs was states rigjts, he’s not going to enact a nationwide abortion ban. And this is certainly not going to be the end of the country, elections, or “democracy”.
Yes, he will probably do some things you all don’t like, but 4 years from now, he will move on and you’ll be done with him, and hopefully with a little more money in savings or retirement than you do now.
Relax, take a breath and realize you’ll be just fine.
Look at it like this, today marks the first day of getting closer to being rid of him forever.
You people need to relax and stop listening to the fear mongering that left wing media brings to the table. Things are going to be ok. Sure, there are going to be some changes you don’t like, just as there would have been for repubs if Harris were elected. At the end of the day, however, this irrational fear that some of you have is just outright unfounded.
Trump is not going to be a dictator, he’s not going to put people into camps, or use the military to round up people and kill them. Hes not going to outlaw gay marriage, and since his whole thing about dobbs was states rigjts, he’s not going to enact a nationwide abortion ban. And this is certainly not going to be the end of the country, elections, or “democracy”.
Yes, he will probably do some things you all don’t like, but 4 years from now, he will move on and you’ll be done with him, and hopefully with a little more money in savings or retirement than you do now.
Relax, take a breath and realize you’ll be just fine.
Look at it like this, today marks the first day of getting closer to being rid of him forever.