this is not "the entitlement generation"...our generation is the best in American history. deal w/it


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
there's no time i'd rather live in than now. the Trump era. the resist era. there is no generation i would more entrust with the future of this country than this one. this is a group that will rise to any challenge better than any generation in the history of the world.
tell that to the Right Wing; they believe we are entitled to alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror.
there's no time i'd rather live in than now. the Trump era. the resist era. there is no generation i would more entrust with the future of this country than this one. this is a group that will rise to any challenge better than any generation in the history of the world.

tell that to the Right Wing; they believe we are entitled to alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror.
You mean the war on drugs that Obama kept in place for 8 years? took Trump to redo the mess Bush made out of the mandatory drug laws and incarceration....

Obama did nothing about anything...good thing because he broke whatever he touched.....
tell that to the Right Wing; they believe we are entitled to alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror.
You mean the war on drugs that Obama kept in place for 8 years? took Trump to redo the mess Bush made out of the mandatory drug laws and incarceration....

Obama did nothing about anything...good thing because he broke whatever he touched.....
the charts tell a different story.
tell that to the Right Wing; they believe we are entitled to alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror.
You mean the war on drugs that Obama kept in place for 8 years? took Trump to redo the mess Bush made out of the mandatory drug laws and incarceration....

Obama did nothing about anything...good thing because he broke whatever he touched.....
the charts tell a different story.
charts made by dishonest people will be dishonest charts.
tell that to the Right Wing; they believe we are entitled to alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror.
You mean the war on drugs that Obama kept in place for 8 years? took Trump to redo the mess Bush made out of the mandatory drug laws and incarceration....

Obama did nothing about anything...good thing because he broke whatever he touched.....
the charts tell a different story.
charts made by dishonest people will be dishonest charts.
i sometimes believe the Russians, more than the right wing.
tell that to the Right Wing; they believe we are entitled to alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror.
You mean the war on drugs that Obama kept in place for 8 years? took Trump to redo the mess Bush made out of the mandatory drug laws and incarceration....

Obama did nothing about anything...good thing because he broke whatever he touched.....
the charts tell a different story.
charts made by dishonest people will be dishonest charts.
i sometimes believe the Russians, more than the right wing.
American haters usually believe anyone but Americans.

Have a nice day. I have no time to sit around trading insults.
The best generation?
The generation that eats laundry detergent. The generation terrified of capital letters and the sound of clapping. That generation?
there's no time i'd rather live in than now. the Trump era. the resist era. there is no generation i would more entrust with the future of this country than this one. this is a group that will rise to any challenge better than any generation in the history of the world.

You arrogant, swaggering, pompous, spoiled-rotten little tin-plated dictator with delusions of godhood, get back to me when your generation storms Normandy beach! In the meantime, you're the generation of sniveling little babies that need "safe spaces" and intensive therapy any time you encounter the most minor, trivial thing you don't personally like. You generation of sissified, wimpy, Tinkerbell-the-fairy, mincing little pussies born with empty scrota. Which explains why you can't even figure out which gender you are; you millenial menials (note the similarity between those two words) are as bereft of brains as you are of genitalia.
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the charts tell a different story.
Every Tart has a chart...we lived it....don't need a history revision chart....
Obama "turned out economy around" with the Debt we accumulated, then.

The rich get richer faster, with the Debt we are accumulating now.

Have you noticed how Obama has been taking credit for all of the good Trump economic and oil drilling news?....why doesn't he ever mention Obamacare?....

there's no time i'd rather live in than now. the Trump era. the resist era. there is no generation i would more entrust with the future of this country than this one. this is a group that will rise to any challenge better than any generation in the history of the world.

There is a chance!

What's the age bracket you are talking about and what is their share of GDP or something similar? Then we can compare with generations past.
there's no time i'd rather live in than now. the Trump era. the resist era. there is no generation i would more entrust with the future of this country than this one. this is a group that will rise to any challenge better than any generation in the history of the world.

You arrogant, swaggering, pompous, spoiled-rotten little tin-plated dictator with delusions of godhood, get back to me when your generation storms Normandy beach! In the meantime, you're the generation of sniveling little babies that need "safe spaces" and intensive therapy any time you encounter the most minor, trivial thing you don't personally like. You generation of sissified, wimpy, Tinkerbell-the-fairy, mincing little pussies born with empty scrota. Which explains why you can't even figure out which gender you are; you millenial menials (note the similarity between those two words) are as bereft of brains as you are of genitalia.
bless your heart.

if your thoughts are so good why did you have to edit your post? hmmmmmm?
the charts tell a different story.
Every Tart has a chart...we lived it....don't need a history revision chart....
Obama "turned out economy around" with the Debt we accumulated, then.

The rich get richer faster, with the Debt we are accumulating now.

Have you noticed how Obama has been taking credit for all of the good Trump economic and oil drilling news?....why doesn't he ever mention Obamacare?....


Yes, he spent so many years and god knows how many billions of dollars railing against fossil fuels and promoting "green" energy scams....yet as soon as America profited off being a major oil producer, this ingrate piece of white-hating, outdated cotton-farm equipment conveniently just has to take credit for it. That lying, twisted, malicious cocksucker. It's his muslim taqiyya doctrine which encourages muslim filth to lie to non-muslims as much as possible to benefit their ideology of pure hatred and conquest.
Yeah not the entitlement generation...sure....Free free free...

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