This Is Trump's Final Run

What's crazy is an open border, poisons being shipped in by your enemies while you reward them with jobs, IP and industries, and, $36T in debt.

Are we going to leave the next generation on this planet with any hope for freedom and capitalism, or are we sending the newborn to a horrific life run by authoritarians?

Stop being a drama queen.
He is currently the oldest Presidential candidate in history, and is under indictment for multiple Federal felonies.
What exactly did he show them and what were they supposed to 'get away' with? Please be specific.
That trolling and lying and dividing gets you money and power… it’s sad that we the idiots allow that to happen.
You think Trump is going to win then denounce his own reelection as a fraud?!
And how would that work? He would need to hire the 30 or so leftwing
organizations whose specialty is in fixing elections!
It would work the same way it did in 2016. He will cry Righed so he can run on that if he loses and if he wins he will persist that it was rigged and he should have gotten millions more votes. And then he will set up a voting fraud commission that will completely flop and turn up nothing
It would work the same way it did in 2016. He will cry Righed so he can run on that if he loses and if he wins he will persist that it was rigged and he should have gotten millions more votes.

He is probably right. In 2020 he kept warning people they were working to rig the election against him then after the 2020 election was over, Time Magazine released an exposé on the election on 2/3/21 by Molly Ball where she named names and admitted that starting a year before the election, they began a massive campaign to organize many groups to do just that--- steer the election for a Biden win! They "saved" the election from Donald Trump! You ought to read it. It WAS rigged. They said so.

But this time I think may be different: there has been many things tightened up this time to prevent a repeat, and I doubt that Harris can draw enough votes--- at least Joe was a seasoned, rehearsed polititian well known in DC circles with a 50 year history in politics. All Harris has is cackling and word salad.
He is probably right. In 2020 he kept warning people they were working to rig the election against him then after the 2020 election was over, Time Magazine released an exposé on the election on 2/3/21 by Molly Ball where she named names and admitted that starting a year before the election, they began a massive campaign to organize many groups to do just that--- steer the election for a Biden win! They "saved" the election from Donald Trump! You ought to read it. It WAS rigged. They said so.

But this time I think may be different: there has been many things tightened up this time to prevent a repeat, and I doubt that Harris can draw enough votes--- at least Joe was a seasoned, rehearsed polititian well known in DC circles with a 50 year history in politics. All Harris has is cackling and word salad.
People have to be dumb not to see that the Democrats will stop at nothing to get rid of Trump. Fake impeachments, fake dossier, calling him a Russian asset, spewing false stories from a false dossier, Lawfare, fake court cases, constant media parroting of Democrat hate Trump talking points. The only thing left is to put a bullet in his head and they've successfully inspired 2 would be assassins. Meanwhile their controlled media (abc, cbs, nbc, pbs, cnn, msnbc, and the rest of the legacy media) just roll on plowing those incidents under. 'Nothing to see here folks' Yeah, just crazies repeating Democrat talking points while they take aim at Trump.'
He is probably right. In 2020 he kept warning people they were working to rig the election against him then after the 2020 election was over, Time Magazine released an exposé on the election on 2/3/21 by Molly Ball where she named names and admitted that starting a year before the election, they began a massive campaign to organize many groups to do just that--- steer the election for a Biden win! They "saved" the election from Donald Trump! You ought to read it. It WAS rigged. They said so.

But this time I think may be different: there has been many things tightened up this time to prevent a repeat, and I doubt that Harris can draw enough votes--- at least Joe was a seasoned, rehearsed polititian well known in DC circles with a 50 year history in politics. All Harris has is cackling and word salad.
That is literally the opposite of what that article said
The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election
That is literally the opposite of what that article said
The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election
Well, I read that article and it does denigrate Trump however, it also says this:

"They got states to change voting systems and laws and helped secure hundreds of millions in public and private funding. They fended off voter-suppression lawsuits, recruited armies of poll workers and got millions of people to vote by mail for the first time. They successfully pressured social media companies to take a harder line against disinformation and used data-driven strategies to fight viral smears."

Seems like election interference to me by whoever 'they' are. Last minute changes in voting systems, fending off laws aimed at making sure voters are actually qualified to vote (which they call 'voter suppression)' Letting people just vote by mail instead of registering absentee. Telling social media what to show. I'm sorry but your comprehension is quite limited due to your TDS hatred. You fell down a rabbit hole.
People have to be dumb not to see that the Democrats will stop at nothing to get rid of Trump. Fake impeachments, fake dossier, calling him a Russian asset, spewing false stories from a false dossier, Lawfare, fake court cases, constant media parroting of Democrat hate Trump talking points.

That is the thing. This is why they try so hard to both discredit Trump as well as his supporters, calling his supporters a cult. By trying to legitimize Trump and his movement, it becomes much easier to pass off all of these fake impeachments, dossiers, Russian assets, false stories, lawfare, fake court cases, and Democrat hate talking points, because as soon as you try to question or expose any of them, they simply then try to dismiss it all as just part of your or Trump's dangerous, delusional "cult-dom," thus never really closely examining or testing any of these attacks against Trump themselves.
Well, I read that article and it does denigrate Trump however, it also says this:

"They got states to change voting systems and laws and helped secure hundreds of millions in public and private funding. They fended off voter-suppression lawsuits, recruited armies of poll workers and got millions of people to vote by mail for the first time. They successfully pressured social media companies to take a harder line against disinformation and used data-driven strategies to fight viral smears."

Seems like election interference to me by whoever 'they' are. Last minute changes in voting systems, fending off laws aimed at making sure voters are actually qualified to vote (which they call 'voter suppression)' Letting people just vote by mail instead of registering absentee. Telling social media what to show. I'm sorry but your comprehension is quite limited due to your TDS hatred. You fell down a rabbit hole.
Seems like they were trying to THWART election fraud and various nonsense.

That’s the POINT of the article and it’s well documented

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