This Is Trump's Final Run

He is probably right. In 2020 he kept warning people they were working to rig the election against him then after the 2020 election was over, Time Magazine released an exposé on the election on 2/3/21 by Molly Ball where she named names and admitted that starting a year before the election, they began a massive campaign to organize many groups to do just that--- steer the election for a Biden win! They "saved" the election from Donald Trump! You ought to read it. It WAS rigged. They said so.

But this time I think may be different: there has been many things tightened up this time to prevent a repeat, and I doubt that Harris can draw enough votes--- at least Joe was a seasoned, rehearsed polititian well known in DC circles with a 50 year history in politics. All Harris has is cackling and word salad.
Campaigning for Biden and against Trump is not rigging. It’s campaigning. You need to get a dictionary and learn the definitions of the words you use
That is the thing. This is why they try so hard to both discredit Trump as well as his supporters, calling his supporters a cult. By trying to legitimize Trump and his movement, it becomes much easier to pass off all of these fake impeachments, dossiers, Russian assets, false stories, lawfare, fake court cases, and Democrat hate talking points, because as soon as you try to question or expose any of them, they simply then try to dismiss it all as just part of your or Trump's dangerous, delusional "cult-dom," thus never really closely examining or testing any of these attacks against Trump themselves.
Your hyperbolic BS dismisses itself with your inability to prove anything
Campaigning for Biden and against Trump is not rigging. It’s campaigning.

I suppose, if you can call what they did "campaigning." But then, you haven't read the article, but spending 400 million dollars on an organized. nation-wide event to both register people as democrats, feeding them lies to sell your candidate, then bus them to the polls as well as produce thousands if not millions of fraudulent ballots to dump into the system as needed in time to just pull your guy in over the top to eek out a win for yourself is better termed electioneering and rigging, not campaigning. Speaks volumes about how flawed and crooked our election system is, which even Jimmy Carter agreed.

By your own definition then, anything Russia might have done trying to influence votes then was just more "campaigning" as well. Guess you didn't think that far ahead.

And where is Joe Biden today? America's most popular president? Thrown out even before his term is up.
I suppose, if you can call what they did "campaigning." But then, you haven't read the article, but spending 400 million dollars on an organized. nation-wide event to both register people as democrats, feeding them lies to sell your candidate, then bus them to the polls as well as produce thousands if not millions of fraudulent ballots to dump into the system as needed in time to just pull your guy in over the top to eek out a win for yourself is better termed electioneering and rigging, not campaigning. Speaks volumes about how flawed and crooked our election system is, which even Jimmy Carter agreed.

By your own definition then, anything Russia might have done trying to influence votes then was just more "campaigning" as well. Guess you didn't think that far ahead.

And where is Joe Biden today? America's most popular president? Thrown out even before his term is up.
Manufacture ballots?

Nope. You made that up
I suppose, if you can call what they did "campaigning." But then, you haven't read the article, but spending 400 million dollars on an organized. nation-wide event to both register people as democrats, feeding them lies to sell your candidate, then bus them to the polls as well as produce thousands if not millions of fraudulent ballots to dump into the system as needed in time to just pull your guy in over the top to eek out a win for yourself is better termed electioneering and rigging, not campaigning. Speaks volumes about how flawed and crooked our election system is, which even Jimmy Carter agreed.
Get out the vote has been around for years. Both sides do it. It’s not rigging or stealing. Dumping millions of fraudulent ballots is an unproven conspiracy theory. Have some self respect and stop parroting things you can’t back up.
By your own definition then, anything Russia might have done trying to influence votes then was just more "campaigning" as well. Guess you didn't think that far ahead.
Foreign countries aren’t allowed to campaign. It’s illegal.
Get out the vote has been around for years. Both sides do it. It’s not rigging or stealing.
Really? You sure you wanna stick with that story? Several key states illegally changed voting laws to favor Biden then counted many illegal ballots falseluy created to help push Biden over the edge. As this article correctly states: there’s nothing wrong with getting more people to vote, as long as the votes are legal. But there is something profoundly wrong with a system in which Silicon Valley oligarchs, big business, union bosses and lefty agitators can effectively shut down free discourse and freedom of the press during a presidential election in order to ensure their candidate wins.

Dumping millions of fraudulent ballots is an unproven conspiracy theory.
Is that your story to everything that shows Biden was falsely elected? Thing is, the left were all parroting that story mere DAYS after the election long before any facts had even been gathered yet nor TESTED. Proof of the 2020 fraud has been repeatedly shown, the only problem is that there seems to be no will to do anything about it. Meanwhile, where is there ever any proof to the 109,000 things lefties constantly claim about Trump? Nowhere. Nadda. Zip.

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