Zone1 This is What Happens To People Who Try Telling Us About MLK When They Only Know One Sentence He Said


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Mar 11, 2015
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Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. fought against white racism. Every word Dr. King spoke was in opposition to that same racism. People like Laura Ingraham needs to learn this, and so do many others.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. fought against white racism. Every word Dr. King spoke was in opposition to that same racism. People like Laura Ingraham needs to learn this, and so do many others.

Damn, this was so good and the idiots REALLY need to hear this but they won't listen to it.

Thanks IM2!
Same people who claim JFKs “Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country” shows JFK opposed welfare
Same people who claim JFKs “Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country” shows JFK opposed welfare
/---/ I never heard that before. JFK campaigned on helping the poor.
I watched 2.5 minutes just for you IM2, but this clown is just too slow to make his point. I just don't have 26 minutes to waste on one of your posts

I just don't care that much about your Old Dead Black Guys
/—-/ I gave him one minute to make his point, then moved on. Next time cut to the chase.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. fought against white racism. Every word Dr. King spoke was in opposition to that same racism. People like Laura Ingraham needs to learn this, and so do many others.

/——/ This is how you make a rioting, fact filled presentation on YouTube without boring everyone’s socks off.
Plus it’s a big victory for freedom loving Americans.
It’s the political left that has turned their backs on Dr. King. The only time they speak of Dr. King is to tin-foil-hat us about how he didn’t really want us to be a society where our children are judged by the content of their character. They claim Dr. King believed you have to understand and consider “white privilege” and a half dozen other skin-color specific characteristics to actually understand someone.
They claim Dr. King believed you have to understand and consider “white privilege” and a half dozen other skin-color specific characteristics to actually understand someone.

Dr King believed just that and was a strong supporter of affirmative action to compensate for past discrimination

King wrote, “a society that has done something special against the Negro for hundreds of years must now do something special for the Negro.”
Damn, this was so good and the idiots REALLY need to hear this but they won't listen to it.

Thanks IM2!
No they won't. They'll continue trying their paternlistic bs.
I watched 2.5 minutes just for you IM2, but this clown is just too slow to make his point. I just don't have 26 minutes to waste on one of your posts

I just don't care that much about your Old Dead Black Guys
You want me to care about old dead white boys who owned slaves. You just don't wamt to hear the facts. White fragility.
Al of those in oppoistion are the same people who will try uusing that onec sentence every time white racism practiced today is shown to them.
Dr King believed just that and was a strong supporter of affirmative action to compensate for past discrimination

King wrote, “a society that has done something special against the Negro for hundreds of years must now do something special for the Negro.”
No he wasn’t. You are conflating a specific injustice involving black people, with an ideology about a social hierarchy that categorizes everyone base on sex, race and religion. MLK’s question about some kind of restitution for black people in 1967 was reasonable. Judging everyone by the color of their skin is not.

Dr. King was not a woke fruitcake. This is why the left is discarding him.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. fought against white racism. Every word Dr. King spoke was in opposition to that same racism. People like Laura Ingraham needs to learn this, and so do many others.

/——/ Dr King fought against Whote democRAT racism. And, he was a registered Republican.

Thanks to Jgalt for this update:
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. fought against white racism. Every word Dr. King spoke was in opposition to that same racism. People like Laura Ingraham needs to learn this, and so do many others.

MLK Jr was a fraud. He was a communist and surrounded himself by Marxists and communists. He was a fake Christian who had affairs with dozens of prostitutes. His “non-violent” movement was a fraud designed to create violence through the state (run by Democrats).
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