This Is Why They're Considered To Be The Nanny Dog

Road Runner

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Jun 16, 2021
Poor Pitbulls get a bad reputation because of the media and you think that you're going to get this.


However nine times out of ten this is what you really get.

Pit Bulls have a bad reputation because of the statistics of them mauling small children and other pets

They are not bred to be timid

With that adjustment made, pit bulls appear to have accounted for 82% of the attacking dogs in 2023, inflicting 92% of the 131 attacks on children, 58% of the 283 attacks on adults, 81% of the 69 human deaths, and 63% of the disfigurements.

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Poor Pitbulls get a bad reputation because of the media and you think that you're going to get this.

View attachment 1017538

However nine times out of ten this is what you really get.

It's that 10th time when they rip yours or your neighbor's child's throat out that is the problem. They are perfect angels right up to the time they kill someone. Look at the picture and tell me that it's worth the risk.
When my granddaughter moved in she brought he pit bull. Coco is the kitten whisperer. She has found three litters of abandoned kittens. We have two. It was so cute, when Coco came in the house for the first time the two kittens (now kitteens) saw her and went "MOMMEEEE". The reunion was adorable.

I got Coco her first squeaky toy. Her mouth is so soft that she couldn't make the squeaky toy squeak! She finally did figure it out. Pit bulls have a bad reputation. So did German Shepards, Dobermans and Belgian Mallinois
Poor Pitbulls get a bad reputation because of the media ..... However nine times out of ten this is what you really get.

Staged. That dog is old and fat. And just look at its bite. It's weak and loses its grip after a split second. He didn't drop the ball "to protect the boy". He was obeying a loud and clear command.
Dog lover my whole life here. And I've met nice Pits more often than bad ones at at least a 7-1 ratio. That said; I shot mine when it turned. It does happen. And anyone who tells you otherwise is woefully ignorant, or just flat out lying.
Poor Pitbulls get a bad reputation because of the media and you think that you're going to get this.

View attachment 1017538

However nine times out of ten this is what you really get.

It is true that most pitbulls never harm anyone and are loving, lovable family pets. It is also true that pitbulls are the No. 1 breed that do attack unpredictably and without provocation.

The problem is you never know which dog can be triggered that way or what will trigger them. There are just too many stories about seemingly lovable and harmless pit bulls suddenly attacking a member of the family, usually a child, or someone or something else and do so with no provocation. One story in the papers some years ago was a pitbull that was raised peacefully with two other children inexplicably attacked and killed a crawling third baby that was nowhere near the dog before the attack. And though other breeds are rated dangerous along with pitbulls, no other breed has been associated with that kind of phenomenon along with being associated with injurious and fatal attacks 2 to 1 over the next most dangerous breed, Rottweilers even though Rottweilers are larger and there are more of them.

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Pit Bulls have a bad reputation because of the statistics of them mauling small children and other pets

They are not bred to be timid

With that adjustment made, pit bulls appear to have accounted for 82% of the attacking dogs in 2023, inflicting 92% of the 131 attacks on children, 58% of the 283 attacks on adults, 81% of the 69 human deaths, and 63% of the disfigurements.

With pits you just have to make sure they don't come from a line or stock that was bred for fighting.

This guy is an ass. The video is suppose to be about his dog but it's actually about him being the alpha male and being in charge and in control the whole time. Who wants to buy a breed that requires 24 hour vigilance when you've got a new born baby in the house? There are a lot of gentle dog breeds in the world. Do you remember that idiot who was living in the Alaskan wild with the bear he was "in control" of that ate him one day? And what about Zigfrid and Roy with their well-controlled tigers that mauled them for life?

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