This Is Why They're Considered To Be The Nanny Dog

Ohh I see .... you think I am restricting my opinion of attacked dogs to pit bulls and that I am concerned about what you believe personally.

You captioned the first video with a sarcastic statement of oh yeah Pitbulls really love kids and it wasn't even a Pitbull so you had to add to it to make a statement that Pitbull= bad because your first video sure wasn't doing it.

Whether you do or not .....

Trust me, I will.
You captioned the first video with a sarcastic statement of oh yeah Pitbulls really love kids and it wasn't even a Pitbull so you had to add to it to make a statement that Pitbull= bad because your first video sure wasn't doing it.

Trust me, I will.
I'm so happy that you are.

I consider that child abuse for putting that child in harm's way. Is the child in need of that type of protecting? A golden Retriever will also protect the child, without the risk of killing the child on a whim.
My Bernie and Aussie Shepherd came from breeders. My daughter felt we should adopt shelter dogs, and I would be happy to do that but every dog there is either pit bull of mixed pit bull.
I have never met a bad pit bull. They have all been sweethearts. The one in the house now is a kitten whisperer. She has found three litters of abandoned kittens and brought them all home. We still have two and she is their "mom". I got her a squeaky toy. That girl's mouth is so soft, she could not make the squeaky toy squeak!

Just keep marijuana away from dogs. Some will become comatose, some dogs will become violent. Don't take the chance. Dogs do not like to be high.
So, you're still happy? Excellent.

Again, not what I said. The first dog I. the first video as you know wasn't even a Pitbull as you already know but it was running around unleashed at the time of the attack, the second dog in the second video that was actually a Pitbull was being trained to attack strangers that came near its residence, and the final Pitbull (or in this case Pitbulls) story they were running around loose as well.

I even did some further digging into this story and it sounds like this wasn't the first time that it happened. It's just unfortunate that an innocent child got harmed in the process.

I consider that child abuse for putting that child in harm's way. Is the child in need of that type of protecting? A golden Retriever will also protect the child, without the risk of killing the child on a whim.

A Pitbull won't do that if a child doesn't do something to trigger them first. Because of this, ALL children and dogs should be supervised no matter the breed.

Not even close to what she said.

Thank you.
We have three dogs running our house.
Top picture
German Shepherd...Prim
Aussie Shepherd...Scout

Bottom pic
Pitsky (Pitbull/Husky) Charlie

Two killer breeds in our house...
The horror!!!

They are all my best buds and if anyone messed with them, it's my bite they would have to worry about, not the dogs.
We have three dogs running our house.
Top picture
German Shepherd...Prim
Aussie Shepherd...Scout

View attachment 1017992Bottom pic
Pitsky (Pitbull/Husky) Charlie
View attachment 1017993

Two killer breeds in our house...
The horror!!!

They are all my best buds and if anyone messed with them, it's my bite they would have to worry about, not the dogs.

Charlie's gorgeous. 😍 Don't get me wrong, all three of your dogs are pretty, but he's (or she's if it's a female Charlie) my favorite. :D

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